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Alliance With EXO

In accordance with the Public Statement clause required by our mutual coalition request with Exodus Coalition, Federal Security Administration will hereby attest to the sequence of events that have lead to this decision.


Federal Security Administration (FSA) engaged in a coalition with an organization called Burning Horizons Independent Task Force (BHR). This organization folded into Leviathan Scout Regiment (LSR) just days prior to the December, 2018 Q4 Update to Elite Dangerous. LSR made an explicit agreement to BHR that previous coalitions would be honored, which therefore entered FSA into a coalition with LSR.

Incident One: Gunboat Diplomacy

FSA defended many high-profile Federal systems from PvE and PvP threats in the normal course of business. Some of these systems included LHS 3447, Eravate, Deciat, and Sol. Several months into our coalition with LSR, FSA stumbled upon a civil-war in Deciat, for which two NPC factions (one Federal and one Independent) were warring. Only 29Ly from our capital, Gandza, FSA set out to participate in the war, as consistent with its founding purpose:

"Elected in 3301, President Hudson (R) authorized the first bi-partisan supported security initiative, the Federal Security Administration (FSA), to combat the ever growing threat of piracy and terrorism in Federal space, and to defend against incursions from hostile powers."

Following the completion of several conflict zones, FSA returned to the main starport where we were then confronted by Ryders of the Void (RoTV). Several RoTV ships surrounded FSA and deployed hardpoints. Shortly, three LSR Corvettes dropped from FSD and joined their ranks. FSA explained its purpose and the nature of the mission to Deciat, to ensure the stability of Federal rule in that area. RoTV claimed that since their minor faction had expanded to the system, they now had full rights and privileges to it, and that the conflict we were participating in was a proxy war as part of their plans to conquer the system and flip it from Federal to Independent.

FSA disputed RoTV's claim on Deciat, asserting that RoTV did not own any assets in the system. In addition, RoTV appeared to have a reputation among the community for being allied or friendly to many groups of griefers, pirates, and anarchists whom FSA had been working very hard to keep away from Deciat prior to RoTV's expansion. We cited that Deciat has always been a loyal satellite of the Federation, and should continue to be one. As it was an engineering system, FSA felt that Deciat was best left unclaimed, as the potential to abuse the system was too great. We offered to help them capture a non-Federal system in exchange for abandoning their efforts in Deciat. If all else were to fail, we decided, Deciat was still Federal territory, and FSA believed we would be in the right to continue to support Federal rule.

RoTV threatened to conduct a full war of BGS attrition if FSA did not back down from the civil-war and return home. USMCGUNKATA of LSR then offered to mediate the dispute, however the terms he then demanded were even more unreasonable than RoTV. GUNKATA demanded that FSA betray its vows to the Federation and actively help the Imperially leaning RoTV capture Deciat, in return RoTV would make a non-binding agreement to later secure FSA one random expansion. If FSA were to refuse this deal, LSR would ALSO declare war on FSA and aid RoTV in the distruction of FSA BGS despite our alliance. We considered this a hostile threat, and an unnecessary and gratuitous use of force. As an ultimatum, It was neither fair nor impartial, as allies should treat each other, and FSA publicly condemned LSR for it. With no other options in sight, FSA took the deal to avoid hostilities during our squadron's infancy stage. RoTV never made good on their agreement.

Incident Two: Failure to Provide Mutual Support

LSR called on us on many occasions to defend their space from griefers, pirates, and anarchists. Despite the unnecessarily overwhelming number of vessels LSR called in to manhunt these deplorable individuals from their system, FSA agreed to lend aid on every occasion. Because LSR was pleased with the raw power of these large fleets of "allies" they had mustered, they determined that a "superalliance" should be created in their image. USMCGUNKATA demanded that 46N2 (The 46th and 2nd Galactic Regiment), FSA, and RoTV become allies because it suited LSR best. FSA voiced its discontent regarding an alliance with the hostile group RoTV, to which our concerns were swiftly dismissed as inconvenient for LSR's agenda. In the interest of mutual cooperation, FSA made the requested agreements, despite our reservations.

Several months later, FSA made contact with a small anarchist faction called Prism Tacit Mercenary Corp (PTMC), which had been conducting criminal and hostile activities in high-profile Federal systems. Their activities frequently prompted us to file grievances with their leadership and even conduct limited combat maneuvers to prevent harm on newer commanders. Upon our attempts to make contact with PTMC leadership and discuss a path to better relations, PTMC then began to conduct regular military exercises and mining activities within our PMF borders. We attempted roughly one month of diplomatic negotiations, which regrettably failed. PTMC categorically refused to acknowledge Federal laws, and frequently flouted the rule of law within our borders. The Security Council finally decided there were no remaining peaceful options, so following a solemn meeting, FSA formally declared war on PTMC. Shortly after, an officer noticed several PTMC members arrive in our capital system, Gandza. These vessels were then seen logging into private group and shortly thereafter appearing offline. This dishonorable conduct greatly angered the Council. The following day, several of our systems dropped in influence by nearly 10%.

We made a formal request to LSR for BGS support, which was promptly rejected. After lengthy discussions with various contacts at LSR, they begrudgingly agreed to send one BGS member the following week. After all the aid we had given them and the hoops we had jumped through to appease them, we were quite disappointed at this response. Days later, during a PvP engagement with PTMC in Deciat, NTFS appeared and started engaging FSA members at random. We again reached out to LSR, this time for combat assistance. LSR again refused help. Shortly after LSR's refusals, RoTV abruptly ended our alliance and entered into an agreement with PTMC, our enemy. LSR then followed suit and engaged in an agreement with PTMC, despite their knowledge of our hostilities.

Incident Three: Criminal Confessions

Only a week after LSR's refusal to lend aid, our Wing-Commander overheard USMCGUNKATA discussing TF-13 policy at LSR (a PvP division). GUNKATA mentioned that he allows new TF-13 members to "grief" new players to "get it out of their system". He even bragged that he sometimes orders his members to commit these actions as a test of loyalty. This appalled our Wing-Commander and prompted him to discuss his concerns with other friendly squadrons for advice.

Incident Four: War with EXO

With our relationship already ailing, EXO declared war on LSR. USMCGUNKATA once again calls on FSA to defend LSR's space. This time FSA refused to send ships. GUNKATA was audibly irritated with FSA's inaction. Instead, FSA chose to open diplomatic channels to EXO to learn more about why the war was declared, and potentially discuss less severe terms or a peaceful resolution. During the discussion, it became clear that EXO's reasons for war were based on legitimate concerns. Forcible vassalization or tributary of smaller squadrons, griefing, and privateering of players were among the top reasons for conflict, and FSA could not dispute these claims. An enraged USMCGUNKATA then unilaterally ended a seven month alliance with FSA without LSR Military Council approval because its Wing-Commander agreed to "talk to [his] enemy during a state of war," and kicked all remaining FSA members from the LSR Discord server.

Upon the dissolution of the alliance, FSA engaged in limited diplomatic relations with EXO, as it was no longer bound by LSR's restrictive and overbearing stipulations. Following several friendly party chats where general gameplay was discussed, LSR threatened to declare war on FSA if any members continued to talk with EXO members for any reason. Upon refusing this unreasonable demand, twelve LSR/RoTV PvP ships were dispatched to our capital, Gandza, to interdict and destroy our members. For two and a half hours, FSA held its own despite being outnumbered three to one. We suffered zero casualties.

Furious with LSR's appalling conduct, FSA engaged in full alliance negotiations with EXO. The details of which are displayed above.