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Planet Express was founded in the late 22nd century by Martin Plex. At that time the corporation was centered on robotic and bionic applications and design. Martin was an intelligent business owner eventually branching out the company into weapons manufacturing and shipbuilding as humanity spread out into space.
By the 25th century Planet Express had become a major power in almost all markets. They added a shipping service to the company around this time to, “Cut out the middle man and keep all profits within the corporation.”  This strategy worked and soon PE was shipping materials throughout the Sol system.
Under new ownership in 2657 PE opened up its shipping services to everyone in Sol, and added 30 new transport vessels to its fleet of delivery crews. In fact it was at this time Planet Express was voted one of the top 25 companies in the entire Sol system to work for. However, all good things must come to an end, and with the infidelity scandal of Jacob Plex (Martin’s great-great-great grandson) love for Planet Express began to decline.
Poor decision after another began to destroy the company, and the board of directors sought new leadership. They found it in William Founder, who upon being voted CEO, began closing down the many factions of the company that were really a waste of time. In 2789, after realizing that Sol was really an over saturated market, Bill decided it was time to move the company out of the Sol system all together.
The company resettled to Sirius, but still dissatisfied with Federation restrictions on trade and tax they began to look elsewhere for a home. After many jumps and evasions of pirates Planet Express found a new home with the Empire. William Founder had passed during this journey leaving the company in the hands of Arcturus Flannigan in 2805.  
Arcturus had a daunting task ahead of him as 92% of all assets were left behind, and only the top board members and employees were brought with them. Arcturus led the company back to moderate success as a delivery company (without a home base). After having success and adding a few more ships to their fleet Arcturus decided to look for an HQ in secret, but passed before he could pass on the knowledge to his successor Ethan Walters in 2913.
Ethan Walters was a shrewd businessman and friends with Charles Plex one of the company founder’s descendants. Ethan and Charles split the company into two branches with one branch running the deliveries group and the other working directly for the Empire. The company then ran under this arrangement by the board of directors until 3302 when Aaron Bosley would assume power and base Planet Express on Maanen Station in Namon.
Today Planet Express directly protects the interests of the Empire while running a successful mining and delivery operation. Some see the company as a monument to human ingenuity and will to survive. Others like it because it shares a name with a 20th century TV show (no affiliation).