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Black Omega began in 3287 as an independent mercenary unit lead by Victor Laius, a former Federation pilot. The squadron became renowned over time, its ranks swelling until they were no longer seen as an asset by the superpowers, but as more of a threat. In 3295, the unit was ambushed and wiped out by a joint Federal-Imperial task force, save for two survivors; Laius and his lieutenant, Pahn.

As 3301 drew to a close, Laius rekindled the embers of his former unit on the outer edges of the Pegasi Sector. Black Omega reinvented itself as a private military contractor, with more nefarious business-lines rumoured to operate below the surface.

Black Omega styles itself as a private military contractor (PMC), supplying the fringe-worlds of the Pegasi Sector with hardware, advisers and direct support from its mercenary navy. In a growing trend, the organisation has imposed direct control over installations and even whole systems, in what it deems to be "preemptive measures against criminal and terrorist incursions".

It holds an ultra-libertarian political outlook, encompassing free markets and a might-makes-right mindset.

Black Omega "Twin Bastards" logo artwork: Paul Fleming