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Setting Sun Pt 1. Beginnings - Entwined

Kostenko Horticultural Collection, Yembo

He had not worn a suit in over eight months, yet the present found him not only in a Maverick suit but visiting outposts along a route, which took him more than two-hundred light-years from his home. The first stop was at the Kostenko Horticultural Collection Outpost in the Yembo system. Their work on deoxyribonucleic-acid combinations was of keen interest. Though the information was coded security class 0, and thus open to all, his presence at their facility did produce questioning from the staff and security personnel.

He had to concede that visitors to such places were out of the norm, and placated the staff as to his presence and inquiries.

With business concluded, he chanced a glance back at the planet, as the swirling colors of hyperspace circled the ship in a gentle embrace. Looking forward, the reflection of passing stars, pointed towards a destination of the past, and of new beginnings.

Zsigmond Horticultural Enterprise, Tjakiri

Smoke lingered in the shattered remains of the installation's power center. Palming the encrypted data-chip Tzebra cast a non-emotional glance across the scene, as he stepped over the bodies at the entrance to the facility. Outside the scene was far worse, as he climbed into his Scarab surface recon vehicle, activating its cargo scoop.

The occupied escape pod slid up the cargo-scoop ramp, being placed into one of the two storage nacelles on the vehicle. The other nacelle contained a needed black-box data device. Though neither were of any use to anyone other than Tzebra, the data downloaded from one of the administrators was. It contained records of a crafted smear campaign, directed against a seated political official of the Black Omega pirate clan. This information, and the recorded demise of the one in possession of, would purchase needed favor towards the turning away of any reported future actions, or rumors thereof.

As the Scarab began to depart, an empty gaze surveyed the scene. Plasma scorch marks and twisted remains of the installations defenders told of a one-sided battle. Care was given to the placement of evidence, implicating two separate system parties, currently in hostile actions against one another. Though it was understood this would be later proven to be what it was...planted. It would provide initial distraction and hesitation.

Clair Dock, Tjakiri

The station had come a long way since the days of the Pegasi Pirate Wars of 3301. Though this sector and many of the surrounding remained under pirate control, the ruling Black Omega clan had done well in their efforts to legitimize their positions. It reminded Tzebra of the old saying. You could polish a bio-waste container, but it was still a bio-waste container.

Though an employee of the Imperial service in those days, his work around the Pegasi sector made him an ally of the current administrator- Chief Gary Winkler -and the Black Omega clan. That status symbol and the recent demise of a competitor at his hands earned him additional clout...should it be required.

The whistle of the docking manager brought his focus back to the present moment. Tzebra watched the manager's expression, as he studied the million credit chips in his hand. ’This is a balance to ensure efficient work, and lack of memory. More to follow if the efficiency of requested task is achieved.’

Not taking his eyes off the chip, the docking manager nodded his head. ‘Mister, down here there is too much going on to remember anything, and those old security cameras don’t work half the time.’

Tzebra’s eyes went uncharacteristically dark as he looked at the docking manager. ‘We have an understanding. Where might I find your medical department?’

‘Main level, with entrances from the main deck and inner corridors.’ The docking manager said without looking up.

Tzebra stared for a moment, studying the docking manager, before turning on his heel and walking towards his waiting Beluga Liner, waiting behind him.

Clair Dock, Tjakiri

In the history of human health care, the logistical considerations given towards long waiting room times had been overlooked. Tzebra speculated that the odds of meeting a living Guardian were better than that of meeting a living medical professional if an appointment were made with both. Fortunate to not have a medical emergency requiring immediate treatment.

As far as facilities went in the Pegasi sector, Clair Docks was at the upper tier of facilities. Considering the nature of this sector of space and its histories, business was guaranteed...being paid was not. Perhaps today fortune would smile on them, or not. Tzebra studied the data on his tablet, the essence of a shadow passing across him as the light in his eyes dimmed.

The automated cargo handling systems, purpose-built into all stations and outposts, moved cargo containers with a speed and efficiency beyond that of their human creators. As with all systems, breakdowns and malfunctions were a fact of life. Today was no different, as several new containers were moved into the bay housing a Beluga liner.

A popping sound followed by the smell of ozone caught the attention of the technicians on the platform. One of the technicians walked over to the machine, and bend down to unlatch the access panel. ‘It’s what I thought. Another bad motivator.’

Several meters away, another technician rolled his eyes. ‘Another one? That is the fourth in a week.’

Releasing the latching devices, the technician pulled the device from the bot.
‘They should space whoever sold us this batch.’


The faint noise caught his attention, as he looked up towards the open cargo bay and its automated cradle above him. The bright lights blinded him, as he rose a hand to shield his eyes.

A screech then silence. The nearest technician stood transfixed with mouth open, as a dock worker raced to the edge of the bay, hitting a switch next to the hatch.

Alarms sounded throughout the station, as a stream of heavily armed and armored Black Omega enforcers raced towards the docking area in question, knocking everyone out of their way.

The docking bay housing the Beluga was sealed tight, as the corridor outside and pad above filled with station security. ‘Teams are in position. Awaiting permission to breach.’

Moth to Flame
Clair Dock, Tjakiri

Tzebra looked from his tablet, as security personnel shoved people to the side, as lights began to flash. A code was audibly called as technicians raced to the entrance. A person on an anti-gravity medical gurney was pushed through with haste; various equipment plugged into him. Two of the security team followed the patient, as he was taken to the back. A collection of their number hovered near the entrance, with their eyes turning in his direction.

Relaxing his muscles, Tzebra leaned his head back and closed his eyes briefly. A soft sigh escaped as his eyes opened to the presence of a rather large armor-clad Black Omega enforcer standing before him.
‘Get up.’ sounded from a mechanical voice behind the armored faceplate.

Rising slowly a rough arm reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him in the direction of the entrance, towards more of his ilk. In their midst stood a man dressed in a black tunic, a uniform of the officers within the Black Omega clan.

‘The manifest states you are the owner of the Beluga, registered on docking pad 9.’

Tzebra nodded.

The officer looked to the enforcer next to Tzebra, who slapped him. ‘Answer with words.’

Tzebra kept his eyes low. ‘Yes, sir I am.’

The officer eyed his tablet, then pointed toward the emergency entrance.
‘A worker with this station, and under our employee was seriously injured while near your ship. The only reason it has not been claimed and you are not in shackles to be sold off into slavery, is that it was our equipment which caused the injury, but the fact remains that it was your ship.’

Tzebra kept his eyes low. ‘Thank you for your kindness sir. I can afford any treatment the unfortunate person might need. Provide him your best and I will see to his payment.’

The officer showed a toothy grin, as he looked at the enforcers around him.
‘I like this guy.’ he said, as mechanical laughter ensued from those around him.
‘Yes you will pay the bill, and then you will remove yourself from this station. If you are seen back, here again, we will own that fine ship of yours.’

Tzebra remained humble, not making eye contact. ‘Thank you for your generosity sir. It will be as you say. If it pleases you, may I have the name of your best, and information so that I can transfer any credits they deem necessary for payment?’

‘It will be sent to your ship, where you will remain until they assure me the price has been paid. If you attempt to depart or leave your ship, you will be shot on sight.’

‘Thank you for your kindness sir. It will be done, as you say.’

The officer looked at the enforcers nearest him, with a large toothy smile.
‘Get back to your ship rat, and wait there for the bill.’ he said, as he slapped Tzebra.

Bending low Tzebra moved away from the cackling group, as the officer yelled at him. ‘I might send you a bill for wasting my time too!’

As Tzebra rounded the corridor, the darkness reappeared in his eyes, along with a smile appearing on his face.

Pratchett’s Disc, Orbis Starport, HIP 74290

Poppy and Emaline entered Francis's quarters. The image of Casandra was on her communications screen, as the ladies walked over.

‘I don’t like this.’ Francis quipped.

Emaline looked to Poppy and then back towards Francis. ‘Your message said there was a problem.’

Francis looked to Poppy then Emaline. ‘Your dad has vanished, and no one has an idea as to why or where.’

Poppy looked toward Casandra’s image. ‘Another one of his self-amusing antics?’

‘I thought the same at first until I chatted with Tobias. He said your dad had received some form of communique, and after that, he became more withdrawn. Staying in the backcountry for longer periods than normal, making uncharacteristic excuses for his absence before departing without warning, more than a week passed. He said something was eating at him, and he did not want to pry.’

Emaline nodded in understanding. ‘Of course, he didn’t. He is a sweet old man from an older era, with its own rules.’

Poppy turned towards Francis. ‘If there were an issue he needed help with, he would say something.’

Francis looked around at the ladies. ‘Perhaps. But you forget he is from a different era himself, and I know him. To leave no trail or hint of direction is purposeful intent. The last time he pulled such a stunt was during the old Pegasi Pirate Wars.’

Francis looked at Casandra. ‘Do me a favor and quietly make inquires around your area.’
Casandra nodded as Francis looked at Poppy and Emaline. ‘Communications have records, somewhere. Orang system has many stations, and -her eyes opened wider- ‘is currently contested by the Empire and Federation.

Casandra’s image nodded. ‘I have a direction.’ Poppy and Emaline eyed Francis, who had clasped her hands behind her back. ‘That old wound would not have caused this current behavior, though a thing closer or more recent?’

Poppy looked towards the communications screen. ‘Casandra, do me a favor and check in with Keilah Auer, out of the Tjakiri system. See if there is anything she needs.’

Emaline looked around the room. ‘What about Ali, Jorgan, and Bandura?’

Francis shook her head. ‘No. If he wouldn’t tell Tobias, he sure wouldn’t tell the other men. No there is something dark going on. I can’t say what it is, but I feel it.’

Tick Tock
Clair Dock, Tjakiri

The network with no vulnerability was beyond the capacity of mankind to design. There were always points of vulnerability, from circumvention of coding to social engineering, and the physical nature of the devices used for the network itself. The best AI quantum processors found the task beyond their capabilities. The variables extended as far as the solution of pi squared- endless.

A matched set of glowing globes hunched in the shadows of the cargo-bay, as Tzebra closed the lid on a container at the far end. A set of emotionless eyes stared forward. ‘Patience.’ Tzebra whispered, turning to look over his shoulder at the shadows. ‘Time.’
The glow dimmed, vanishing into the dark from where it once showed.

The extortionist bill was inflated as expected. Two million credits to see the needs of the injured were met. A sum which would have been paid regardless, of information given by others willing to part with such. Routing code provided, with credits transferred plus a bonus within those numbers.
Eyes focused. ‘Tick and Tock.’

What You Sow
Fernandes de Queiros Point, BD+14 4559

An impressive collection of armored enforcers were present as Black Omega’s appointed planetary administrator, Rene Rivers motioned for Tzebra to take a seat. In the room were the legal and mercenary Interstellar Factors representatives.

‘Your first communique was disturbing in its context. Your second, providing evidence is why you are here with us, and not smoking wreckage on the barren plains of this planet. Fortunate for you, we are thorough in our knowing whom we are dealing with. We did some checking on you. The first item was a recent incident at Clair Dock, which you failed to mention. Based on what you have shown to date, it is forgivable. The second and more grievous issue is your failing to mention your ties with Chief Winkler. He vouched for you, and was more than put out that you failed to mention you were at his station, and the issues you experienced.’

Administrator Rivers motioned to one of the enforcers, who placed a chip on the table he had taken from Tzebra, prior to his being allowed entrance.

‘You told our man here, that this was to be given to me. Before I entertain what it might contain, how about you tell me.’

Tzebra made a slow look at those present in the room. ‘Remove all of us to the waiting room, save for one of your most trusted guards, for your comfort. What is there will explain itself, and the nature of my respectful request. I have already been searched most thorough by your personnel, and harbor only a beneficial resolution towards what that contains.’

Rivers studied Tzebra for a moment, then nodded his head. ‘Let me take a look at what you have brought.’

Everyone removed themselves to the waiting area. Tzebra studied the bare walls, noting the minimalist touch given to an office of a planetary official. He knew Black Omega would not care if he plated the walls in Platinum, so this touch was one of personal taste and spoke to the frugal nature of Mr. Rivers. A rarity in such an organization.

Behind him, a female voice chimed. ‘You are close to Chief Winkler? Just who are you exactly?’

Tzebra turned with slow intent to look at the one speaking. ‘You must be Abrianna Massey, the legal representative with Interstellar Factors. Pardon my forwardness, your style and assortments speak of one use to dealing with such matters.’

‘You did not answer the questions.’

Tzebra bowed at the hips towards the other representative present. ‘You must be Elyssa Cox. The mercenary representative for Interstellar Factors. It is my pleasure to meet you.’

Abrianna narrowed her eyes. ‘You can sing platitudes later. For now let us stick with who you are, or think you are.’

Tzebra maintained eye contact with Elyssa. ‘New?’

Elyssa looked to Abrianna. ‘Annoyingly so.’

‘Excuse me.’ Abrianna sang out.

Tzebra bowed toward Abrianna, to catch her attention. ‘Ms. Massey, you ask a question and pardon my hesitation as it is not a common thing in such parts, but to salve any perceived slight, allow me to properly introduce myself.’

Adrianna flashed a harsh look towards Elyssa, though her inner need to know dictated she turn her attention towards Tzebra. A small smile appeared on his face as Tzebra recovered from bowing. ‘I am a distance economist and student as it is, of this vast essence. I have a business interest in the Pegasi and elsewhere. In my travels, I am required to undertake those actions which benefit the routes I travel and protect interest and assets there-of.’

‘Several words which have told me nothing. Try again.’

Tzebra looked to Elyssa before re-engaging Abrianna’s gaze.
‘To aid your understanding, Mr. Winkler was but a Lieutenant at the time of our first meeting.’

Both lady's eyes widened at that, along with a few of the enforcers who turned their heads.

The sound of loud explicitness interrupted the moment.
Tzebra gazed at the nearest enforcer. ‘You will need to open that.’

A loud shout rang out. ‘Tzebra, get your ass in!’

The enforcer’s head turned sharply towards Tzebra and tilted slightly.

‘Oops.’ Tzebra said, as the enforcer opened the door, and the ladies began to enter.

‘No! Tzebra only.’ Rivers growled.

Elyssa's eyes narrowed as Abrianna rolled her head towards Tzebra. ‘What the hell was on that chip?’

‘Reaping what you sow.’ Tzebra retorted as the enforcer closed the door behind him.

So it Begins
Fernandes de Queiros Point, BD+14 4559

Administrator Rene Rivers made a respectable attempt at maintaining his temperament while recounting the information on the chip.

‘How did you come by this information?’

Tzebra steepled his hands while keeping eye contact with Rene.

‘I am a simple businessman, as Mr. Winkler can confirm. You also know of the incident at Clair Dock, and the extortion by one of their inspectors. Why expect another to accept that which you would not?’

Rene looked at the data on his screen for a moment, attempting to control his temper. Tzebra noted this was another rarity in a place such as this.

‘You did not answer my question, so I will ask it once again. Also, why not go directly to Chief Winkler instead?’

Tzebra maintained a neutral expression.

‘As you have said Mr. Rivers. Chief Winkler and I have known each other for a long time, and the data you have read answers your question. If I involved him, he would deal with Mr. Caves quickly. It is obvious he is not working alone in such matters, and this leaves the door open for blackmail and extortion from his allies.’

Tzebra leaned forward in his chair. ‘As the how I came by this information. That should not concern you, as much as the mutually equitable solution I offer. A solution where you can place your name upon it, and reap its rewards.’

Greed, lust, and power, or the perception there-of, were the commodities sought after the most, throughout the history of mankind. The--reap its rewards solution-focused Rene’s attention away from the- how the information was obtained.

‘You will report you have asked me about the incident, and that it was confirmed. Being a Black Omega administrator, it is within your purview to investigate matters such as this. As you said yourself, you are thorough in knowing with whom you are dealing. You will claim the uncovering of the data on that chip and the knowledge of co-conspirators. These persons of interest are in a system not far from here. They are also employed by Black Omega.’

Tzebra’s eyes moved to the ceiling.

‘In your report, you will mention and transmit to Chief Winkler, what you have found. By the next rotation, he will have taken Mr. Caves and be sending a squadron to the system where his co-conspirators are at. He will be too late of course, as they will have turned on those at the settlement, before taking their own lives.’

Tzebra leaned back in his seat. His eyes were impassive as they focused on Rene.

‘What do you get out of all of this?’ Rene asked as he looked away from Tzebra.

‘I will ensure there is no data lost, and the stage is set by the time Mr. Winkler arrives. You will get to play the hero for exposing this plot. As for what I get from all of this, that is simple. The ending of Mr. Caves.’

Rene tilted his head to one side, eyes narrowed and fixed on Tzebra. ‘Nothing more?’

Tzebra looked at his hands before shifting his gaze back to Rene. ‘I will go back to Clair dock, and apologize to Chief Winkler in person. I did not want to involve him in such a petty matter, and we will get drunk together. He will brag about this moment, what you have found. He will apologize to me for the remainder of the evening, while we empty bottles. My mission at this point will be to do my best to not get a hangover.’

Tzebra stood up and began to walk to the office door. Rene's gaze followed-the slight of not excusing Tzebra vanished with the thoughts of future rewards.
‘I should get to work now. You of course will placate those waiting outside.’

Looking over his shoulder, Tzebra smiled. ‘Cheer up Mr. Rivers. You are about to be the hero.’

Rene knew better than to ask what relationship Mr. Caves and this man had before the recent incident. He was certain that had he asked, the answer would not be the one driving this man.

Escape Pods
HIP 104124 A 1 b

Bandits and Pirates called this sector of space their home. Those seeking quick riches and rewards ventured to sectors such as this to prey upon those they could. That type of lifestyle also insured the lack of seeing one’s elder years, such as the two who were laying upon the icy surface.

Tzebra knelled down next to their victim. The scan identified her as Jaelynn Woodard. A planetary prospector, single, with no known contacts. There was no pleasure in being often right, though the nature of the predator could always be counted upon. All one had to do was fly above the surface until the ship's sensors identified a landed contact. It was their nature that provided the requirement for the immediate future.

Pressing a series of buttons on his wrist controller, the cargo bay on his Scarab vehicle opened to reveal an escape-pod ready and waiting. It would preserve Ms. Woodard, for the completion of her last assignment. The bandits beyond would be left to the whims of this planet, and the universe itself. The bounty they sought to gain from her, would be left where it lay.

Maslo Hydroponics Facility, Surface Settlement, Chun A 2

Former inspector Caves stood in a Remlock suit, his hands secured, though his eyes were free. They took in the scene around...carnage. Black-armored suits of Black Omega enforcers flooded the area, looking from high above like angry ants on their mound.

Due to the nature of the evidence, Chief Winkler and administrator Rene Rivers were present, along with a sizable fleet of Black Omega ships. One of the captains approached the group, a pistol in his hand.

‘Someone warned them we were coming. All evidence points to a murder-suicide. The one on the ground inside the entrance was Misty Jones. A senior researcher with level 3 clearance. It looks like she disabled the alarms before depressurizing the atmosphere in the other buildings. From there she took control of the facilities Scarab SRV, and running wild around the compound, killed the security personnel. She then made it a point of erasing all of the data from the system, before shooting the data ports. She did the same to those who had suffocated; she wanted to make sure. The other party had been shot several times by the same weapon, then had a biochemical dumped on her, in an attempt to dissolve her remains. That mass inside the research area is Doctor Barton. What she did to her was more personal in nature. Being the second listed co-conspirator, it appears that Ms. Jones thought Dr. Barton was the one who outed them. The damage done to that body makes taking a DNA sample impossible. There is blood on the plexiglass, however, from where the bullets passed through her body, which has not been tainted. It is a confirmed DNA match for Ms. Barton.’

Chief Gary Winkler held out his hand as the captain placed the pistol into it.
‘You have done well captain. See that the bodies are recovered and processed, then have a cleaning crew get on this area asap. I do not want any more disruptions than necessary from this business.’

The captain nodded and rushed off, barking orders over the communications net.

Chief Winkler turned and looked at both administrator Rivers and former inspector Caves.
‘Mr. Rivers you have done well. The council looks forward to your full report in person. As for all of this business before us. Mr. Caves, take a good look around you.’
The pistol raised and fired three times, as the body of former inspector Caves collapsed into the dust.

Administrator Rivers looked down at the body. ‘If we have a mole, we need to find out who they are, before they can do damage.’

Chief Winkler nodded. ‘A communique has already been sent.’
Clair Dock, Tjakiri

Her appearance portrayed that of a dignitary. The person behind the mask was anything but. Her name was Sheyla Simon. A sitting member of the Black Omega council. One did not obtain such a position by being either dignified or refined. The shattered hulls of ships, and bones of the occupants, littered the space-lanes for a few hundred light-years in most directions. Her rise to the position was built upon those same bones.

There were few who could give her pause. The holographic image of Tal Rai was one such person. Tal only dealt with the upper echelons and was known for discretion and results. His name had been attached to the removal of factions, as a whole; though evidence had never been presented of such. It was noted the number of those whose fates were such, matched those not in favor.

‘Mr. Rai, our council has decided and believes an outside review of personnel is required. It is suspected that one among our number may be of questionable disposition, with ulterior motivations. We would like to find this person or persons.’

The image of Tal wavered for a moment, due to current solar flare activity along the path of transmission.

Tal’s image nodded in understanding then faded. No words or cordial chatting. A simple communicative motion, that the message had been accepted and understood. Sheyla had met people of such disposition before.

Atuatus system

Doctor Renata Barton noted upon waking that her mind and body were numb. The effects of a sedative was evident. The why and who were the important questions. Looking about with caution she noted the small ship cabin, and a suited man standing in the doorway.

‘Allow a few minutes to pass before attempting to walk.’

‘Who are you?’ She said with a semi-numb tongue.

‘Listen, you need to give it a few moments before we speak further. Give the medication the time it needs to get you back on your feet, and I will be waiting out in the corridor, where your questions will be answered. Time is short however and the task out here won’t finish itself.’

A series of disjointed memories and images flashed before her mental eye, as she shook her head slowly. Sparks, tracers, plasma balls and needle thin lasers. Harsh static over all of the communications links, flashing red lights and the sounds of the settlement alarm. Her lab assistant was slumped against the wall in the front room area of research complex.

There was something about dressing a body, taken from an escape-pod. Shooting a growth chamber, where one of several experiments was kept. Why shoot the chamber when the bullets would have no real affect on the contents inside?

All of these images did was to provoke more questions, as she lifted herself in a slow manner to a sitting position. She could here some type of work taking place outside of the doorway to this room. She knew walking would not be an option at this point, as the disorientation from sitting upright, took a moment of adjustment. This interrupted the scenes replaying in her mind, and the additional confusion they brought. Steadying herself, she looked to the doorway. ‘I hope he has the answers.’

Clair Dock, Tjakiri

A crashing sound startled Black Omega council member Sheyla Simon, from a restful sleep.
‘Lights.’ She called out from the dark. ‘Lights. Lights. Oh, what the hell.’

‘They obey my commands for this moment.’ Came a voice from the darkness.


‘They are resting for the moment. The emergency system next to you is also not functioning at the moment.’

‘Do you know who I am and where you are?’

A soft glow from a cybernetic eye appeared.

‘I know who you are better than yourself. I also know where we both are.’

The glow rose and grew larger as it approached without sound.

‘Mr. Tal Rai has tasked me with your problem. I need you to provide the complete report and the chip with the evidence upon it. Please have it sent to hanger 5 before the next rotation.’

‘And just who the hell are you?’

‘I am of no importance. My only concern is solving the problem in an efficient manner.’

The soft glow vanished, as Sheyla struggled to look and listen, but neither heard nor saw anything.

‘Before next rotation. You now have control of your systems again. Good evening Ms. Simon.’


The room illuminated as Sheyla bolted from her bed, towards the main room and the doorway at the far end. Her body person and internal security were laying on the ground. They were both breathing with no apparent injuries. The two guards outside were in the same condition. The security systems panel showed status as green.

‘What the hell.’

Deep Space

Sitting down, Doctor Barton let out a sigh. The effects of the magnetic plating were more than she could stand against. Tzebra walked over, a drink in both hands.

‘Hope coffee is ok? Apologize about the plating. When running on my own I like to keep it at 2g; reminds me of home.’

Renata accepted the coffee, taking a sip. ‘You said you had answers earlier.’

Smiling, Tzebra took a seat next to her. ‘Your prior employer was on their way to neutralize you, and well basically everyone else. The reason being, that you were named in the intelligence as a co-conspirator, in a blackmail and extortion campaign against them. The main protagonist was, by now prior Black Omega inspector out of Clair Dock.’

‘But I was not a conspirator or co-anything. Who claimed I was such?’

‘No dear, you were not, but think of who your employer was. Your innocence would not matter. You would be neutralized, along with everyone else. Fortunate for you, another took care of that business, and you have been rescued. Rescued to start a new life far from here, to continue your genome research in a facility with full funding.’

Tzebra stood while Doctor Barton processed what she had been told.

‘All of your data was saved and will be available. Assistants and technicians are already waiting for your presence. Before that time, we must change ships to something more suiting. I took your measurements while you slept, and a full wardrobe is being made available upon your arrival. If it is not to your liking, other arrangements can be made for that which will bring you the most comfort.’

‘Who are you?’

‘I am but a simple person, saving and providing what has been deemed necessary, for the future.’

‘You did not answer the question, nor the who claimed I was a co-conspirator.’

‘No, I did not, and does it matter at this point? Would you like me to take you to Clair Dock so you can explain the misunderstanding to the Black Omega council?’

Tzebra moved to a small window, watching the stars pass by. ‘Forget about who I am and why all of this happened. Soon you will be far from their reach or knowledge, safe and funded beyond their means, to continue your work, and work not conceived of.’

Tzebra took a sip from his cup, before moving to a panel, lowering the magnetic pull. ‘We will be arriving shortly. For your safety, put down the dark face shield on the Remlock helmet, and follow me. Say no word to anyone. The hanger will be the next over, and should only take us a minute or two to reach. There you will be safer, and better accommodated.’

Clair Dock, Tjakiri

Black Omega council member Sheyla Simon stood with a full team of armored enforcers, inside of hanger-bay 5. The bay itself contained no ship, only the back of a person dressed in a fashionable white Remlock suit, with raven hair flowing down the back.

‘Did you bring what I requested?’

‘I brought that and a lesson.’

‘You have a sense of humor council-woman. I like that. If it pleases you, can I receive the lesson before the information?’

‘Just who the hell do you think you are? You disable my personnel and break into my room, on my station? Did you just think there was not a price for that?’

The form turned slowly to look at Sheyla. What she saw caused her to stammer.

It was difficult to pick which eye to look into. The amber glow of her cybernetic eye or her natural amber-colored one. Her gait had the smooth flow of a stalking predator. Her raven hair moved with the same ease. The nearer she came the more the porcelain clean features of her face became more noticeable for what it was. A bio-mechanical lattice, replacing and attempting to mimic that of a natural one.

She stopped in front of Sheyla. ‘You said there was a price. Shall we discover its cost together?’

‘Who...what the hell are you?’

‘The lesson you promised is apparent now. Am I human? The answer is yes, or as much as could be salvaged. Your mind will strive to determine what is and is not flesh and bone. Your query is incorrect for the occasion. You should be asking what this lesson can teach you. Will you learn from it, or like your pets, be damaged by it?’

Her movement became a blur, as four of the armored enforcers were on the hanger-bay floor before the others could react, encircling Sheyla.

The lattice moved, mimicking a smile. ‘This lesson is fun. I would like to continue unless you have the requested information?’

She could not remember the last time she felt fear or shook from it. Her hand quivered as she passed the data chip forward.

‘Your council will be hearing from me soon. I do look forward to our next meeting, Ms. Simon.’

The lights in the hanger bay went out, flooding it in red-colored emergency lighting. The form vanished. A voice from the darkness echoed throughout, as the enforcers moved Shelya towards the exit. ‘Soon Ms. Simon’.

Pratchett’s Disc, Orbis Starport, HIP 74290

As Poppy entered, the holographic image of Casandra vanished. Greeting Poppy, Francis moved towards the couch, overlooking the stations docking bay passageway.

‘How is Casandra doing?’

‘She is well.’ Francis responded, looking at her tablet. ‘I have ask her to stop inquiring about your dad, and to instruct Keilah to do the same.’

Poppy maintained a blank expression as she sat in a plush comforter, across from Francis.
‘He has not been located, else that would have been the start of the conversation. What has happened in place of that?’

Francis looked over at Poppy.
‘There are flags I have in place, so that I know when anyone attempts to reference records pertaining towards any of us. One of those flags raised, regarding your dad. A reverse scan netted no results, and a person inside recorded one outside access to the system. The requester was the IIS (Imperial Intelligence Service.) Further adding to the mystery was a communique from the IIS to the IDC (Imperial Diplomatic Corps,) who afterwards forwarded that communique towards a relay-station, pointed towards the outer-rim, specifically the Pegasi sector.'

Francis turned her head and gaze towards the ships entering and exiting the station.
‘I am waiting to see if a recipient for those transmissions can be identified, though it will take some time. In prudence I am wanting everyone to stop their inquiries into where and what your dad is doing. Whatever it is, and wherever he is, he has caught the attention of someone connected back to the Imperium.'

Poppy leaned back, a blank stare looking beyond, while her eyes turned towards the view beyond the window. ‘I learned when hunting and being hunted on the frozen waste, movement, noise, and scent attracts. The periphery catches movement better than front on. Direction can influence scent, and moving in a correct manner for the terrain can minimize noise. We need but wait and take in the sound and scent of the scene, to see what terrain lays before us.’

Francis turned her eyes to look towards Poppy. ‘You have come a long way.’

Muhammad Ibn Battuta Arsenal, HIP 105192

The change to a new ship happened faster than she thought, no sooner had she stepped off of one than she was on another, larger ship. The entrance ramp into the Krait Mk II raised as she was entering, clearance already given for the departure.

Two female crewmen were on the bridge, as they lifted from the planet's surface. The boosted engines put Renata into her seat, as the frame-shift drive counted down; a swirling of colors appeared before her eyes.

Their destination was a system not far from their departure point, as they began a long trek towards a far distant planet. Tzebra did not elaborate as to the purpose of this destination, only that he had to prepare, vanishing towards the aft of the ship.

Renata turned her attention toward the two crewmen. ‘Where are we headed?’

The lady piloting the ship did not reply, maintaining her focus on the instruments, Though the other lady sitting next to her, rose from her seat, and began to walk aft as well.
‘We are dropping our man off at a nearby installation, and will maintain an over-watch position, while he takes care of affairs.’

‘What is at the installation?’

‘Don’t know, don’t much care. Sit back and enjoy the show, Doctor Barton.’

‘You know me, who are you two?’

‘I’m Lydia and the one piloting is Zaria. If you please, Doctor, I have to get myself prepared.’ Without further word, Lydia exited the bridge, as Renata took the empty seat.

‘You are Zaria, a pleasure to meet you.’

‘No offense Doctor but I am a bit busy at the moment. This is going to be a fast descent so strap yourself in.’

Renata had no chance to respond as the Krait Mk II dove in a brutal spiral towards the dark planetary surface below. The edges of her vision vanished, as the gravitational forces of the maneuver, pulled blood from her head.

Bell Mining Territory, Njikas

Everything that happened was a blur, as Tzebra walked towards the entrance ramp to the ship. Behind him lay the darkened outline of the powered-down mining facility. Above them were twin blue lights circling. The exhaust of the Taipan fighter craft, Lydia was piloting.

‘So what happens next?’ Renata ask.

Zaria said nothing for a moment, as she finished entering their next destination into the navigation system. ‘Next, we raise a kilometer or two, and let Lydia dock the fighter, then we vanish from this system.

‘Why were we here to begin with?’

‘Because we needed a distraction, and these ladies like to earn a paycheck.’ Tzebra said as he entered the bridge. ‘Let’s go get our girl above’

‘A distraction?’

‘Yes. This ship is here, attacking a Black Omega mining facility, for their current in-system rival. Those in conflict track ships. This one would be noted as departing from the prior planet. The ship has now been spotted here, working for the opposing side in a conflict I have no personal care about, but it ties the knot on this one ship, out of hundreds. They will count this as being active in this system, and move on to count others.’

‘What of the ship we left there?’

‘That has already been arranged and is in transit to another system, a few hundred light-years in the opposite direction of where we will be. Anyone tracking that ship will see it was registered under the pilot’s federation ferry service. They will either look at the destination for a recipient, of which there is none, or lose interest.’

‘As I had asked before, what happens next?’

Tzebra brushed the dust from the thigh of his suit. ‘Next? I get myself cleaned up and change, then we have a meal together.’

‘You are a tad blaze’ about all of this.’

‘Yes.’ Tzebra responded, departing the bridge.

‘Is he always like this?’ Renata asked.

‘Hold on.’ Zaria said as Renata reached out to brace herself, as the Krait Mk II lifted off from the surface.

Various Locations

The meal created by the android chef was to be remembered. Savored in silence, as all parties found their need to savor another morsel more important than speech. It was after that moment that Dr. Barton took a moment of pause. The crew was lounging about, as Tzebra leaned back to watch the passing of the stars outside.

Dr. Barton decided to break the moment, as she found herself a comfortable chair.
‘We have not been properly introduced. I am Doctor Renata Barton, and you are?’

‘Your pilot is Ms. Zaria Woodard and the fighter pilot across from her is Ms. Lydia Frost.’ Tzebra said in a hushed tone, his eyes scanning the flow of the motion outside.

‘Tzebra is a unique name. Can I ask where it is from?’

‘It is a shortening of a name more difficult to pronounce for many, ergo the shortening. The next question is what is it a shortening of. Tzafrir ibn Ebrahim.’

Dr. Barton smiled. ‘The morning wind, son of Abraham. A pretty name. I do like the ancient cultural uses of naming, such as the western regional use of ben, your eastern roots use of ibn, and the old earth northern regions use of son, placed at the end of one’ naming.’

Zaria and Lydia both turned their heads towards Renata.

‘Zaria, princess. Lydia, the name of an ancient plane. Pretty both. Mine translates to reborn. Fitting it would appear, considering circumstances.’

Dr. Barton blushed. ‘I do apologize. I had a curiosity when younger as to why things were called what they were, which lead to a need for understanding what everything was, which led to my life’s profession. I continue to enjoy etymology; a hobby if you like.’

‘Which is why your work must continue.’ Tzebra said without looking away from the stars.

Renata took a more serious expression. ‘Which raises several questions of its own, yet unanswered. Who are all of you? How do you know of my works? How was I named as a co-conspirator towards anything, by a person I never met nor knew.’

Tzebra sighed, looking away from the window. ‘Everyone is a student of something. All have their hobbies, passions, wants, and needs. Whatever name it is given, it is the drive of the individual, but not the sole possession. Others will have similar interests, and seek out the works thereof, fueling driving desires. Yes, that did and did not answer your question. The one concerned with your works shares a similar passion. As for the crew present, it is their choice whether they divulge.’

Renata’s eyes widened. ‘That was a touch rude for someone who said my comfort and needs would be met.’

Tzebra’s eyes turned back to the stars. ‘Facts often bare the image and similes of.’

Zaria attempted to break the tension all could feel building.
‘Apologize about not being more chatty earlier Doctor. When flying, I tend to become focused.’

Renata glared at Tzebra for a moment, before turning her attention towards Zaria and Lydia.
‘Can someone give me any answers?’

Zaria shrugged, taking a drink from her cup. ‘I am a recent hire, and only know we were to rescue a wrongly accused scientist and fugitive of the Black Omega clan. I don’t know anything other than that, and with what I am being paid, I only need to know what is given to me.’

Lydia nodded. ‘Same here. Neither of us has any love loss with the Black Omega clan, and frankly what we are being paid, is enough to ensure we would lose any we did have. Considering our histories with them, I would have stuck it to them for free.’

Tzebra turned his head away from looking at the passing stars beyond.
‘Doctor you only need to know that which will keep you safe, until we arrive at your final destination. Where that is, is being determined, so asking me won’t net a positive answer. All you need to know is your research will continue. I am assured you will be provided with work that is frankly worded as those of dreams, for a person in your field. No restrictions, regulations, or pauses in funding due to bureaucratic squabbling or in the case of your old employer, the next extorted organization.’

Renata eyed them all closely. ‘Who or whom is funding my rescue and research?’

Tzebra’s face was unreadable. ‘Clientele information is confidential, and a need to know. You will meet them in person upon arrival at a designation of their choosing. I am confident all will be understood at that time.’

Renata leaned back in her chair. ‘Let us try again. Why was my name given as a co-conspirator of a person I had never met or known?’

Tzebra shrugged. ‘The task provided was simple. Extract you at any expense, and cover the trial. They believe you are no more. That positive does not negate future variables. We lessen the statistical percentages of those variables through our current movements. All else will appear at the destination when it is provided.’

‘So you do not know.’ Renata replied. ‘You could have started with that from the beginning.’

‘Perhaps. That does not negate the question. At a time of their choosing, it will be made known. Until then, enjoy your stay with us. Know that we will be performing another ship change, or two. I am told you will have an item waiting for you on-board one of them.’

Lydia stood up to get herself another drink. ‘Well now, that we are all calm again, would anyone else like a refill?’

Chukwunyelu Resort, Tjakiri

Agent Lilia Frost’s cybernetic lattice produced a smirk, as she processed the scene before her. The pattern was similar to that of other nearby locations. Black Omega suspected it was one of their several rivals, both locally and in neighboring systems, and did not see the patterns of the chaos. To them, those who attacked the tourist settlements were different than those who took down a high-security military facility.

The scene did not show the brutal and haphazard methods used by the untrained, like the research assistant. Brigands and minor clan thugs were more reckless and wanton in their destruction. The scene also did not show coordinated team-directed actions, as could be seen with trained mercenaries. No. This one contained an efficiency of movement and a pattern of target selection. The dispersion of the bodies, their locations, and where they were hit. She was dealing with someone who stalked the personnel like prey, picking their place of demise, and waited patiently for the moment.

The error was in transposing one’s pattern onto that of another. This was not a group effort, as stated in the official Black Omega report. This was a singular individual, who was using chaos to cover their true intent. This was not aimed at the Black Omega clan itself, but one of acquisition.

There was recovered footage from a system security Python, at the military complex, engaging an unmarked Scorpion combat vehicle. The vehicle was using a downed security Challenger as a shield and engaged the Python at its leisure. The Black Omega security Python did not realize it was a staged trap. They knew there would be more ships responding and downed versus destroying the Challenger. This provided them with cover versus wreckage. What better place to hide than in a shelter provided by the security services' asset. The Python did not survive the encounter. The crew of the Challenger security ship were not present; their fates were unknown.

Lilia walked the facility, studying the manner of the attack. The power center was first. Not disabling the alarms, but cutting power to the entire facility. This would trap people inside the buildings and rooms where they found themselves. It would also disable the ability to communicate and trigger the alarm. The security personnel would naturally investigate; two bodies showed the results of that. The remainder would spread out and check the perimeter. They would move according to his design, and they were the natural first to be neutralized. Their bodies were spread around, with burns indicative of plasma weaponry. This was done at range, with a hand-held weapon. There was one specifically which matched that requirement. Their second move was in the use of an arch cutter, to gain access to sealed doors, followed by neutralizing those trapped inside. Here they used ballistic weaponry. Each body had three shots each, what those in the profession would call tapping. Two to center mass and one to the head.

The atmosphere in each of the buildings was vacated, to preserve the bodies at atmospheric temperature and pressure. The same had been done at the previous site, where the bogus and mostly dissolved corpse of who Black Omega reported as Doctor Barton, lay. It was not, but she was not going to correct their error.

This person was a hunter; patient and precise. Lilia’s lattice moved into a smile. No Black Omega would not be told. A person such as this would be of direct interest to her employer.

Fleet Carrier, Inner Orion Spur

Agent Lilia Frost watched the holographic image of Tal Rai, as he finished reviewing the information sent to him. ‘He does keep himself entertained. I suspect Mr. Winkler is having a proper hair pulling moment wondering, which one of his several rivals is undercutting him so.’

The iris of her cybernetic eye adjusted as Tal smiled. ‘Though I doubt he needs the assistance, do your part to keep the hounds off his trial...not that they have a hope of discovering one on their own. His movements are opening lucrative avenues for us. He will complete this task at some point, and move on.’

‘Are you confident it is him?’ Lilia asked.

Tal nodded. ‘The temporal analytical database places it at over ninety percentile.’

Both the natural and cybernetic eyes narrowed in unison. ‘Neutralize or capture?’

‘Neither. This is a simple exercise of kicking the dirt, to muddy the waters as to his real goals. As for scenes, I read your report of the first scene. You are certain he has the Doctor?’

‘Yes. The body though preserved, then with intent, damaged by the chemicals, did possess two microscopic samples which contained degrading molecular markers of postmortem being older than those present. Black Omega is unaware and incapable of such depth. Their belief is she perished.’

Tal nodded. ‘Let them continue to believe such. Continue your task.’

Lilia’s lattice moved into the appearance of a smirk, as Tal’s holographic image vanished.

‘You have done well. A bonus should be in order.’

Tal smiled as he turned in his chair. ‘The first selections have been acquired and are processing.’
Picking up a glass from his desk, Tal raised it. ‘To your future.’

Clair Dock, Tjakiri

The bottle and smoke rolled with ease, through the office of Gary Winker, chief of the Black Omega clan. In a time-honored Pegasi tradition, the first one below the table paid the tab for those present. Fortunately for the parties involved, only two were present for this event, Chief Winkler and Tzebra.

It also lay with tradition that the parties attempt to outdo one another in boastful re-telling of deeds from the past, and those more current. Being chief of a multi-system clan, kept Gary behind his desk or in the Black Omega’s ruling council office for the majority of his time. He could boast about those accomplishments, but could not take credit.

It served Gary well that he knew Tzebra was not one to boast, though putting him under the table would be a challenge. Neither would accept defeat at the hands of the other, if physically possible. Fortunate enough that this reunion would be more towards the stacking of empty bottles, than the usual traditions.

Unlike Tzebra, who could choose when to conduct business, being the leader of the clan had responsibilities...regardless of the moment, or current deteriorating conditions. The report by the outside agency was as requested, being delivered in person, to forego transmission; which could be intercepted.

Tzebra had to smile at Gary’s slurring of words, despite the attempt to sound normal. ‘Enter.’

Lila entered Gary’s office; the air thick with tobacco smoke and the scent of various liquors. The sight of Agent Lilia Frost caught Gary’s attention. He had not met her up until this point, and it was all he could do not to stare. She was used to the initial startle her appearance could produce, but it was the one sitting across from Gary that piqued her interest. She knew the image and the information about this man, from Tal. His reaction was the opposite of Gary’s.

Standing up, he bowed at the hips, keeping his eye’s on hers. ‘I am Tzebra. A pleasure to meet you Ms?’

‘Ms. Frost.’ Lilia said with a flat tone.

Tzebra offered his seat to her, which Lilia declined, turning her head towards Chief Winkler.
‘Shall I offer my report at a later time?’

Gary waved a drunken hand in the air. ‘Now he’s good.’ He slurred. ‘I’ve known him fur a long time. He’s goot peoples. Speak girly, what’ya got?’

Tzebra himself continued to stand, studying with interest the person before Gary.
‘If it pleases you, Ms. Frost, I can wait outside?’

Gary waved his hand again in the air. ‘Nah, sit old man. Let’r speak. You’re good.’

Bowing once more in acknowledgment Tzebra took his chair, and poured himself another glass.

Lilia made note of Tzebra’s disposition. He might be drunk at the moment, but his eyes were clear and his mind was working. The look in his eye gave Lilia a moment of pause. It was not one she expected, or one given, since her transformation and re-birth.

‘The attack at Maslo Hydroponics Facility was as your people have noted, a murder-suicide. The bodies presented for my examination concur with your clan’s findings. The additional attacks at the resorts and the military facility are separate incidents and are not considered to be part of the future review. Current internal records and all transmissions coming to and from the station have been monitored, and it is with confidence that any additional party to the first event, will be uncovered in short-order. It has been tasked to me to ask the following. If an additional party is uncovered, would you be requiring services to be rendered in that regard, and if so, what type do you prefer.’

Gary took a long pull from his drink, as his clouded eyes attempted to focus. ‘Nah girly. If you find’em, we know what to do. You can watch if you like.’ He laughed for a moment, taking another long pull on his drink.

Lilia turned towards Tzebra, who to her surprise was standing once more. His movement had gone unnoticed to both her natural and cybernetics. Keeping her eyes from showing the rare emotion, she bowed in response. ‘In reciprocation. Until next time.’

Tzebra’s eyes maintained fixed on hers, as he bowed in kind. ‘With anticipation.’

Chief Winkler almost fell out of his chair laughing. ‘Watch him girly. He’s old fer a reason.’

As she began to depart, Lilia’s lattice moved into the beginnings of a smile ‘Noted.’

‘Drink up, I’m almost a bottle up on you!’ Gary boasted as Tzebra poured himself another glass.

Njikas system

Based upon his prior patterns, Agent Lilia Frost investigated a recent combat voucher paid to Tzebra, on behalf of the Black Omega clan. His assistance in the positive outcome of the Njika war against an outside clan was a covering for something other than. There was no data or object to be obtained in such a venture. This was not a case of kicking the dirt to cover tracks, as her boss Tal had stated about his previous ventures.

Her cybernetic attachment allowed for downloading and quick processing of the data and various helmet camera footage, from the site of the battle. In none was he seen, though there was an unusually high early attrition of combatant team leaders, after each reinforcement drop. There was a stray report of one of the Black Omega ground company leaders experiencing a friendly fire incident. An unfortunate circumstance in the intertwined fury of close-quarters battle. The body of the deceased had suffered severe burn damage from a plasma weapon.

Lilia searched the record of the deceased officer. Standard fare history for those who rose through the ranks of such organizations. Received the usual promotions as the clan grew from a regional nuisance into a multi-system criminal syndicate; playing at being legitimate. It was his beginning that made both of her eyes narrow. An underling enforcer in the Pegasi Pirate war era, servicing as personal body security for a new under-boss. Ms. Shelya Simon. Last posting before the war in Njikas, assistant to the inspector of Clair Dock. The late Mr. Caves.

Lilia’s cybernetic iris flexed. This was uncharacteristic of the data Tal had presented. A person with a history of vendetta avoidance, engaging in one. Searching the downloaded file, she ran across a closed-circuit image of the hanger bay, following the incident. The mouth was neutral but the corner of his eyes was betraying the real emotion...a hidden smile. The thought he had planned this prior was not a stretch, considering all she had learned of him to date. More of interest was what made these particular people important enough for him to break character? What was Ms. Simon’s history with the one called Tzebra? There were no historical notations in the data stream she had downloaded. Perhaps the source itself would be more illuminating?

Fleet Carrier, Inner Orion Spur

‘The first samples have completed processing. Two are a match for your requirements. Packing and shipping for transfer are ongoing. Payment per arranged source has been received. We have obtained your most recent selections. Processing is in progress. Will inform as to viability.’

Tal ended the transmission. Leaning back in his chair, he watched a monitor where his team was unsealing the latest acquisitions.