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Setting Sun Pt 3. Xihe Biomorphs - Synthetic

Xihe Biomorphs
Tzebra’s Ship Stowage Area, Clair Dock, Tjakiri

Two evenings since his appearance before the Black Omega council, Tzebra had finally recovered. In apology, Chief Winkler paid the bill for another round of stacking the bottles. He did not remember coming back to the hangar, but he awoke in his suite, onboard his Beluga. He was thankful for the effort placed into building the latest android, as it kept him supplied in coffee, and aided him in keeping upright in the shower. The hot water and caffeine help him clear his head enough to get dressed and make his way to the common area.

As he relaxed in one of the several lounges, he was taken by surprise by the sound of a female voice.
‘Looks like I don’t have to file a report on your demise. It was touch and go for a while.’

Lilia took a seat on a sofa near him. ‘You don’t remember a thing, do you. Not surprising considering the condition you two were in.’

Tzebra blinked a couple of times. ‘Is there anything I should remember, apologize, or pay repairs for?’

Lilia laughed. ‘Well, it was a draw between you two. Fortunate for both of you that neither is capable of remembering your jaunt through the station. I am sure you two will recover long before others’ memory of your adventures, vanishes. It may be replayed on the station's news screens; time will tell.’

Tzebra laid back, staring above. ‘Oh. Well, look at the bright side, the station is still here...are we docked?’

‘Yes we are docked, but who will pay the bill for all of the paint jobs, is in question.’

Tzebra turned his head to look at Lilia. ‘Paint jobs?’

She laughed, recounting how both he and Chief Winkler were throwing empties across the docking platform, trying to shoot them with their little TK Zenith laser pistols. The security services had to temporarily suspend the automatic defensive systems, lest it turns both of them to ash.

Tzebra massaged his temples for a minute. ‘I remember parts of the meeting before the council, but not the disposition. I am not floating in space without a suit, so I am guessing it went well?’

Lilia laid back on her sofa. ‘I was reinstated. Tal sends his regards and congratulations. Sheyla is under investigation, and you were cleared of wrong-doing, and reinstated as an ally of the clan.’

‘I think you should know. Before we met officially, Tal had given me instructions to keep them off your trail. He was curious as to the path you were taking. Want to tell me what you were doing out here?’

Tzebra sighed. ‘Eventually, another would have to know.’ He said to the ceiling of the room. Turning his head back to Lilia he motioned with his eyes towards a panel on the far wall. ‘There is a data port over there. It would be easier for you to download it.’

Lilia stood up and walked over to the panel, taping a sequence of keys on the panel. Her cybernetic iris opened wide, as a connection was established.

Tzebra stared at the ceiling of the room.
‘You know that much of the scientific work which takes place out here never make it into the official journals, at least not directly. In this sector, most of the rules are suspended versus the production of results. While their methods are not agreeable nor desirable, the results of their work are. I tracked the origination of such an article, through several twists and turns, all the way back to its source. Doctor Renata Barton. The original intent was to take the data and items of direct interest by stealth, then wipe the information. That would hinder their progress. I know it can’t be stopped, but it can be delayed. After which I would offer Doctor Barton an official position, and if she accepted, get her away from here, and if she did not, leave her as I found her.’

Tzebra sighed once more.
‘The intent changed when news of those unfortunates in escape-pods, on isolated planets were being recovered and used as test subjects. Most would never awake from their hibernation, and the few who did would wake into a nightmare. I came to this area with the intent of data recovery, and true to the history of this sector, there is never an ending to the monsters it creates. The source of this creature was inspector Caves.’

Lilia finished downloading and for the first time she could remember, she was visibly trembling.

‘The Caves name was a simple exercise in putting enough credits into the right hands. You know as well as I that out here, loyalty is to the one who pays the best. As for getting him to act out, that was also easy to set up; much like councilor Sheyla. The lust for the hubris of position and power insured it. In a sector known for treachery, the hint of conspiracy is enough.’

Lilia remained standing, looking at Tzebra.

‘None of those neutralized at the facility were innocent. All had bounties, which could never be claimed. All were verified before I acted. Had there been no warrants, then another method would have been required. Again being true to this sector, they were wanted. The only innocent party was Doctor Barton.’

Tzebra turned to look at Lilia, motioning with his eyes at the sofa.

‘The good doctor and a few more of her ilk, have been liberated and are fully funded for more humane works. None know the truth leading up to their liberation. They should live with the half-truth they believe, then learn the truth of a matter that most in their position would not be able to handle.'

Both of Lilia’s eyes narrowed, as her human and cybernetic enhancements attempted to find a pattern.
‘You have three such persons of interest now, but several times that number have gone missing and are counted as deceased.’

Tzebra studied her for a moment.
‘You want to know if I know more than you, I do not. We are both aware that I am not the only one in this game. My attacks against the other facilities were in dismantling what the late inspector Caves had dealings with. The size of the operations in motion though is far beyond my abilities to hinder. There is one with the resources for such operations, and the ability to clean and move the credits it produces.’

Lilia’s lattice moved into a smirk. ‘You are resourceful, but that is far beyond you.’

Tzebra nodded. ‘I concur, but it can be mitigated in ones and twos.’

Lilia’s eyes narrowed.

‘You have a complete file on me, plus the knowledge that I have several shell companies. Not a secret or a trick, but as you can surmise, a necessity for certain tax write-offs. A few of those have subsidiaries that belong to them, and through a few, orders have been placed for Tal’s primary product. A set of specifics were provided, to make all appear as a standard business for one in his profession. The ones and twos which arrive, are revived, cared for, and given paid positions inside of those shells. Everything appears as a typical business, complete with real people.’

Lila nodded. ‘Clever. What will you do if Tal finds out?’

Tzebra let out a short laugh. ‘Tal cares about the credits, not what happens to human products. Either way, he gets paid, who cares what the customer does after that.’

‘And those with scientific backgrounds will be sent to work with those you have, how did you put it, liberated?’

‘They are given the option of that or be placed into paid hiding inside of a shell. Search the data, those shells facilitate accounting and logistical efforts for side projects, along with the movement of protein food sources from the properties I own. Nothing amiss or illegal in any of that. The Senator over my area knows about its existence. It is good business, and gives them something to boast about, how well their territories are doing.’

Lilia laid back on the sofa. ‘I came to that conclusion more than a week ago, after reviewing your file.’

Then you know I had little choice in the matter. At the end of all this, everyone comes out for the better, except the late inspector Caves.

What about Chief Winkler?

If Gary ever knew he would have a good laugh over it all. Do not forget what he is the Chief of and how he obtained that position. Now he is playing at being more legitimate but it is a Pegasi clan at its roots. No matter what color you paint it, it is what it is. Hell, he would probably arrange for me to obtain a steady supply, at cost. Everything out here is about power or the perception of, and as many credits as possible, in one's account.

After laying in silence for a few moments, Lilia changed her position on the sofa, to look at Tzebra.
‘There is a question that has been confusing me.’

‘What might that be?’

‘What were those eyes I saw not too long back in the cargo bay?’

'I have a couple of boys that I miss, from time to time. It is not possible to take them on the majority of ventures, so I have close approximations. Would you like to meet them?’

‘The file only mentioned an adopted daughter, with no known biological children.’

Tzebra rolled over to look at Lilia. ‘It is a term of expression, which is applicable.’

Lilia’s lattice moved into a curious expression. ‘An approximation? You mean androids?’

Tzebra laughed. ‘Not exactly correct.’

Lilia continued her expression. ‘Now you have me at a loss once more. You make a habit of that you know.’

Tzebra sat up on the sofa, holding out his hand. ‘Come. I will introduce you.’

Cargo-bay, Tzebra’s Beluga class ship
Clair Dock, Tjakiri

‘As with my real children, you need to control your instinctive desire to startle, flee, take a defensive or aggressive posture.’

Lilia’s curious expression remained, as Tzebra smiled. ‘Are you ready?’

‘Where are my boys at!’ Tzebra hollered.

Glowing eyes appeared from the dark corner of the cargo bay, growing larger as they moved nearer. Stepping into the light, Lilia’s human hand gripped Tzebra’s arm. ‘Merciful mother!’

Tzebra laughed, as he looked at Lilia. ‘Wait until you meet the real ones.’

Again she visibly trembled. Her cybernetic processor was overloaded by human adrenaline, and her attempts to control her reactions, as two enormous Ling Langs approached.

Tzebra laughed as he walked up to them. ‘Xihe Biomorphic Companions. These are replicas of my real boys. These are a tad smaller than the real ones, but large enough nonetheless.’

‘Smaller than the real ones?’ Lilia asked in astonished shock.

Tzebra continued to laugh as he pressed himself into the fur of the nearest one, tussling it.
‘Just as fun to play and hunt with too, without the after-eating gas and bad breath.’

‘Where are the real ones?’

‘The boys are back on my property in the Orang system. I am sure they are keeping the land manager entertained and mostly annoyed.’

Lilia searched her data file. ‘Tobias is his name. Elder gentleman, most of his life at the same place, in the same profession.’

‘Correct. He is a fixture of that place, and though I monetarily own it, he is the physical owner of it. Should I go before, he is to be gifted all that is there. He is more a part of it than I ever could be. A decent and honest man of the land.’

‘What of your other associates?’

Tzebra turned to Lilia for a moment, as one of the companions walked up and examined her.

‘They are unaware of my presence and actions here, by design. Considering who I have been doing a side business with, and my other actions, it was best for them to be as far removed from these events as possible, to keep them from appearing on any stray federal corporation or imperial senatorial scanners. In short, ignorance is bliss.’

Lilia dared not move, as the one nearest her looked back to Tzebra. ‘She is ok...unless you are hungry?’

‘Not funny.’

Tzebra laughed once more. ‘Do not worry, these won’t eat you, the others...meh.’

After enjoying a few minutes with the companions, Tzebra turned to face Lilia.
‘My turn to ask a question. What are your intentions?’

Lilia had regained her composure, studying the man before her.
‘My task it would appear is complete. I need only formulate a proper report for Tal.’

‘What if I could clear things with Tal? Would you be up for a journey?’

Lilia was surprised once again. So use had she become too shocked by stares and whispered names, and here was a man who had no issues with any of that. If nothing else he had bested her without effort, subdued and released her. Made a habit of keeping her off balance and surprised throughout their entire time together. And not once was there any malice, contempt, or dishonesty. The looks he would give her seemed like a memory from another life. She could not help the emotions that had been building inside of her.

Lilia looked up to see Tzebra’s smiling eyes looking at hers. ‘That is a yes.’ He said.

Pratchett’s Disc, Orbis Starport, HIP 74290

Poppy and Emaline entered as Francis stood staring out at the passing station traffic.

‘Heard from you dad. He is returning and promised all would be explained. He asks that we meet him in four rotations, at the ranch on Orang.’

‘This better be good. IDC and everyone else having their flags triggered, and us hiding out here.’

Francis turned to look at the two ladies. ‘Those flags have vanished. I have an idea of what has taken place, not by what he has not been saying, but the glow on his face says it will be interesting.’

‘A glow on his face?’ Emaline asked.

Francis smiled. ‘I have my suspicions, but don’t want to elaborate until I have more information.’

‘A glow on his face; he is up to something mischievous. What are your suspicions?’ Poppy asked eyes narrowing.

Francis looked at both Poppy and Emaline. ‘I am going to stay quiet until more data is available. I was asked to contact Casandra, Jorgan, Ali, and Bandura, then we need to pack and be ready to head out.’

Departing the rings, I Carinae

Zaria and Lydia both were taken aback by the mood of Doctor Barton. Since the latest packet had arrived for her review, she kept mostly to herself, working almost non-stop correlating her notes and stacking data tablets full of various journals. On the rare chances they saw her, she looked tired but had a consistent smile on her lips and a drive within her eyes.

While going over the latest journals, Renata sensed more than felt the ship's change of direction. as she looked out the window and noticed the planetary rings that were their last hiding spot, were missing. Perplexed she exited her quarters, walking towards the bridge.

Zaria and Lydia shared puzzled looks, as Doctor Barton entered.

‘You two look uncharacteristically confused. What is going on?’ Renata asked.

Both of the ladies turned to look at Renata, as Zaria spoke.
‘The final destination is inside the bubble, deep in Imperial space.’

Doctor Barton’s smile broadened. ‘Good. I can’t wait to start the projects.’

Orang 2, Orang System

More than an hour had passed since the Imperial Cutter had landed before the first person appeared. Lilia was first to exit, looking towards an elderly man, sitting atop a horse. Tobias tipped his hat.
‘Ms. Frost.’

Lilia examined Tobias for a moment. There was no shock in his expression at her appearance. All that she had become used to, was a non-issue with these people. Where Tzebra had chipped away at the walls she had built around herself, Tobias's honest smile was making them crumble.

‘Hold up...tripping on everything around here.’ Tzebra said, almost falling down the steps. Stumbling over to stand next to Lilia, Tzebra outstretched his arm.

‘Tobias, I would like to formally introduce Lilia Frost.’

Tobias set back in the saddle, eyeing the two for a moment. ‘She could do better.’

Tzebra laughed. ‘Yeah, she could. Speaking of better, where are the boys at?’

Tobias looked over his shoulder towards the house in the distance.
‘Last I saw them, they were gnawing on something they dragged in. You know those two.’

Tzebra looked over to Lilia. ‘You had time to learn with the companions. You ready to meet the real thing?’

The walk towards the house took a good thirty minutes, as Tobias trotted ahead. Lilia spotted them first, watching their eyes turn towards her. ‘We have been spotted.’

‘Hey, you two!’ Tzebra hollered, as two running massive shapes, grew to a size far larger than the companions.

The first one leaped at Tzebra, who rolled away from it, as the second stopped short of Lilia; doing all she could to control the emotions within.

‘How have my boys been doing.’ Tzebra laughed, as he and one of the boys went rolling around in the grass. The second stood in front of Lilia, sniffing the air and looking her over.

Lowering its enormous head, it nudged Lilia, who was remaining as immobile as a statue.
‘He wants you to pet him.’ Tzebra laughed out, as he belly rubbed the one nearest him, as its large legs and claws pawed at the air.

Main ranch property, Orang 2, Orang System

The life she had before was a blur of inconsistent images. Since her rebirth in this new form, she was rebuilt and rehabilitated. Trained as an agent for her rescuer and benefactor, her only mission was to perform those tasks set by her employer. So used to traveling the various systems, doing the bidding of others. Her emotions, whatever remained of her, were burned away by the frightful stares, and hushed voices of those who saw her. The tasks she was given never offered the chance of having stopped at a place such as this. All around her was unfathomably different from the life she had been living, and the faded images of the one before that; looking at her prosthesis.

Tzebra gave Lilia a tour of the property, the horses in the stable and arena, and a view of the sun's rays, reaching through the distant tree-line, during its descent below the horizon. The smell of a real burning food fire, the scent, and sounds of nature, and the soft clouds above. Both her cybernetic implants and human brain attempted to understand the feeling she was experiencing. She could not recall the last time she had experienced a feeling of peace and acceptance.

The evening meal was pleasurable, as Tzebra had brought his master-chef android along, with a large pantry to select from. Tobias would have none of what he called ‘the fancy stuff,’ settling for a simple meal of greens, meat, and starches.

After the meal was equal in pleasure, spending time on the front porch of the property, where all were encouraged to put their feet up, and take in the nature around them. Tobias and Tzebra enjoyed their coffee and smoke, as most men of their types do. The Ling Langs which were affectionately called ‘his boys,’ lounged just off of the porch. One was far too large much less both. The story of how they came to be, was an interesting bit of trivia, not included in the data file. There was an unsubstantiated rumor of having an exotic pet, though no evidence. Before her, were two pieces of evidence, both capable of eating a Sidewinder class ship.

Tobias took a puff off of his cigar, looking towards the stables.
‘You have a few days before the girls get here. You goin' to teach her how to ride?’

Tzebra turned to a watchful Lilia. ‘That is the idea.’

‘You are going to teach me to ride an animal?’

‘Yes, mam. There will be a small period of adjustment and learning, but it is simple enough that you will be out there with the best of them, before the setting of the next sun.’

Tobias looked over at them. ‘Have the rooms and extra houses all set up for the other guests you have coming as well.’

Lilia looked at Tobias and then towards Tzebra. ‘Other guests?’

‘Doctor Barton is on her way here, as this is where she will be working. Two pilots are bringing her, and a special surprise for you.’

‘You like to keep me confused, you know that right?’

Tobias let out a chuckle, as he looked at Lilia. ‘Don’t feel singled out by that. His ways can be a touch contrary.’

‘So I have noticed.’

‘Let’s not spoil the surprise, besides, no one other than us and your past employer knows that you are here.’

‘Past employer? Do you mean Tal? I was not aware of him being a past employer.’

Tzebra smiled, looking out towards the darkness. ‘Told you I would square it with him, and he was agreeable.’

Lilia eyed Tzebra closely. ‘Explain.’

Tzebra looked to Tobias, who shrugged. ‘You aren’t upset are you?’

‘Not upset, confused.’

Tzebra took a puff off his cigar. ‘Figured five-hundred million would allow him to see things my way.’

‘What? Did you pay him? What amount?’

Tzebra turned to look at Lilia. ‘You know a person’s heart is in that which they value most. Credits are disposable hubris, easy to make, and twice as easy to depart with. Besides, for what is coming shortly, no price can be attached.’

Lilia’s lattice was in a form of confused shock, as she looked at a shrugging Tobias.

‘Warned you about him being contrary.’

Main ranch property
Orang 2, Orang System

He was right in there was a series of adjustments, such as learning about horses and the way they thought, along with the most important aspect of allowing your mount to learn as much about you, as you them. Proper position in the saddle, and how to work with them versus attempting to command them.

Lilia was getting the basics of movements, as Tzebra rode slowly around her, his hands off the reigns.
‘Once you two click with each other, then you can let them do their own thing, while you sit back and enjoy the ride. These are all working animals, each trained and experienced. They already know what to do; they humor you by letting you ride them.’

‘You mean they are intelligent.’

‘Smarter than most would think. They are independent pack animals. Comfortable being the lone maverick on the plains as much as running with their kin. The cattle they work with, are different, which you will discover.’

‘Does your adopted daughter know how to ride?’

‘She is a natural. Matter of fact, the steed you are riding is her horse.’

‘I was not aware each person had their own.’

‘You too will have one. It isn’t so much about picking the one you like the best but letting the one that is right for you, choose you. You can have the best horse out of the herd, but if you two don’t click, it isn’t the best for you. You both will know when a connection is made.’

‘You make it sound like a right of passage.’

‘It is that and more. The bonds formed can be close. In time you two will sense the other's thoughts, simply by the way you move or where you are looking.’

‘So you are saying they are telepathic?’

‘No, instinctive. The same as a parent knowing what their child wants, or is about to do something. It is an unspoken connection, of knowing the other.’

Lilia became quiet for a moment. The look of loss flashed in her human eye, for the briefest of moments. Tzebra studied her, his eyes narrowing slightly.

‘How about we take them out across the pasture, and let them have a good run.’

Lilia looked up. ‘If you think I am ready?’

Tzebra smiled. ‘More so than you know.’

Stable, Main ranch property
Orang 2, Orang System

Lilia finished cleaning up, after the day's ride. From the front-room window, she watched Tzebra head towards the stable area. Her curiosity got the better of her, wanting to know more about this peculiar man. She moved with experience and purpose, following in silence from a distance.

Tzebra rounded the corner of the stable, walking in on a busy Tobias, who was working on shaping a horseshoe. Like a new pair of purpose fit foot-ware along with a manicure- in the human sense -the fortunate recipient of Tobias's work would be better balanced and more comfortable; after the process was completed. He was a true trade craftsman as Tzebra watched his back and forth process of cleaning, scraping, rasping, and fitting which took place.

Tobias cast a sideways glance towards Tzebra, as he bent one end of the shoe with a quick tap of his hammer. ‘When are you going to tell her?’ Tobias asked, as he flipped the shoe over and tapped the other side.

‘Working on it.’

Tobias lifted the horse's hove once more, checking the fit of the shoe before attaching it.
‘How’d you get ahead of this one?’

Tzebra leaned against a pillar in the stall.

‘Was not hard really. I’ve known Tal for a long time, being from the same Imperial naval class as Francis and myself. He is active in that sector, as it is easier for him to obtain the human product for the effete in the bubble. Once I went to work, it was only time before he would discover I was out and about, and send someone to check what I was up to; insuring his bottom line would be secure.’

Tobias scrapped on the hove, gauging its symmetry. ‘Not a stretch, but how did you know he would send her?’

‘I didn’t and was a bit surprised myself. Once I saw her though it was obvious who she worked for. The way she moved and the care given in her repairs bespoke of one with a lot of credits and high technological resources at their disposal. Part of those repairs bore Imperial medical research and development traits. Seen too many wounded with the prosthesis of similar design.’

Tobias turned his head and the hove, nodding in a matter of acceptance, as he began securing the shoe.

‘There is more to that story.’

‘Yes sir there is. I was tasked focused until she walked into Gary’s office.’

Tobias cleaned up his work and moved himself and his cart over to the next hove.
‘Then it happened.’

‘Was not expecting it, but there it was. That internal pause your body gives you. First I thought it was the liquor we were drinking.’

‘Surprised her enhancements did not pick up on it.’

‘Imagine the stench of the alcohol and cigar smoke was masking most of it. I was curious about her awareness of me, so I tested her perception by standing up when I saw a visual blind spot. She was good and kept her composure, but my gut and her look told me there was more. I knew it wouldn’t be too long in coming, so I set the stage. More to protect me until I was sure of certain things.’

‘You and your bots. What did you discover?’

‘I wasn’t sure at first. That pause was hitting me hard inside. I scanned her to see what parts were designed versus real. Guess I am going soft, but everything about me wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the repairs I saw. Felt a strange sense of relief when everything came back better than the norm.’

Tobias smiled while he worked on another hove. ‘Like a storm on the plains, you exposed yourself and got struck.’

‘When she was released, there was no animosity, but that look she gave fueled a stronger pause.’

Tzebra shifted his position.

‘Was worried about losing focus on my purpose out there, but after that encounter, my plans began to change. Considering the background of Doctor Barton, my purposes for her continuing research changed as well. The longer I was out there, attempting to stay task-focused, the more I was going off track. Not too long after is when everything started going sideways, and Lilia had been relieved of her position due to circumstances dreamed up by one who was a distasteful product of that sector. My focus then became one of getting her cleared, and I admit, was more than a little pissed that someone had included her.’

Tobias heated another shoe and began to shape it on an anvil.
‘That was a hard hit you took. Her being here with you looks like you weren’t the only one.’

Tzebra gave a nervous chuckle.

Tobias stopped briefly to eye him. ‘Son, take it from me, lightning jumps between like things.’

Turning back to his work, Tobias began to form the current shoe.
‘Reckon with everyone headed this direction, you have another motive.’

Tzebra had a worried look on his face. ‘Yes sir. I just hope it goes well.’

Tobias caught the sight of a brief shadow, out of the corner of his eye.
‘Son, instinct is one thing, but she needs to know and you need to say it.’

Tzebra’s eyes flared. ‘All I have been through and this is what scares me?’

Tobias gave him a stern look. ‘Son, it’s been lassoed. Saddle up or release.’

Tzebra sighed. ‘You are right. I need to saddle up and stop playing the what-if game. Wonder if she knows just how far this has gone?’

Tobias looked back at the next hove. ‘Yep.’

Treeline, nearest the main ranch property
Orang 2, Orang System

Lilia stood staring at the trees before her. The way the shadows moved with the gentle breeze and how the light shining through appeared vibrant in contrast. One of the boys was with her, laying down and watching her.

Holding out her hands, she turned them back and forth, studying both her cybernetic and human versions. Turning her head, she saw her reflection in the eyes of her companion. Her cybernetic eye was unchanged, but a tear had formed out of her human one.

‘I don’t comprehend.’ she said to the Ling Lang. The way he tilted his large head in curiosity, made her lattice turn into a smile, as she stepped closer, stroking the fur on its forehead.

The roar of a ship’s breaking thrusters sounded throughout the woods, as both Lilia and the Ling Lang looked up to see a Type-6 transport finishing its orbital descent, and moving towards a landing area nearby.

Main ranch property
Orang 2, Orang System

The world Lilia had entered, was one she had never thought about, much less been knowledgeable of.
It was no longer possible for her to look at the hearty meal before her, and have no consideration as to how it was made possible. Old men like Tobias, shepherding over the operation. The titan Jorgan and his helper Mauzipah, moved product from pasture to plate.

She understood the deeper meaning behind Tzebra’s passion for xeno-agricultural studies. It was all a part of what Tobias called ‘the circle of life.’ One thing supports and thus begets another, sustaining the next item in the circle, until the end consumer ceases their place in the process, thus becoming a source of sustaining the beginning of the first product. ‘Simple in its concept and design.’ Lilia thought.

It did not pass notice that Mauzipah would make a fast glance in her direction, each time he looked up from his plate. She was used to such things. It did not pass the other guy's notice as well, as Tzebra was beginning to glare in his direction; muscles in his neck starting to tense. She moved her nearest leg over to rest it against his, diverting his attention.

Tobias reached out to grab another potato, without looking toward Mauzipah.
‘The stable could use a good cleaning.’

Jorgan slowly turned his head towards Mauzipah, who continued to eat, looking at the table and pretending not to notice the looks in his direction. He knew he was the source of the topic and its underlying meaning. ‘Behave yourself...or shovel dung.’

Lilia decided getting ahead of the conversation might be best; for defusing. Smiling, she looked at Mauzipah, placing both her arms on the table.

‘Yes, I have bio-mechanical parts, repairing damages sustained from extensive injuries I have almost no memory of. They do not bother me, and in some ways work better than the human parts. As with all things, there are downsides; nothing is perfect.’

She slowly turned her arms and hands back and forth. ‘At a distance, you would not know, but up close you can see. The synthetic flesh is not perfect, as are the lattice attachments, replacing the muscles and tendons. It responds the same way as the natural one does, and requires no extensive training to make it respond to nervous system impulses. It does offer superior strength and reflex response, but is not infallible; It takes getting used to the appearance.’

Mauzipah shared nervous glances with everyone at the table. Lilia continued to smile while pressing her leg against Tzebra’s.

‘One eye is cybernetic, and I can control it independent of the natural one. That did take some training and getting used to. It allows me a far superior range of vision, including viewing in different spectrums.’

Lilia rose one of her hands up to tap the side of her head, parting some of her raven black hair, showing a small port. ‘There are implants here as well, allowing for increased mental enhancements, along with aiding my human brain in translating information from my cybernetics, including parsing visual information, if using the cybernetic to obtain electromagnetic information, or when viewing a spectrum the human eye is incapable of seeing.’

Continuing to smile, Lilia picked up her fork, spearing a piece of meat on her plate and holding it up.
‘The real parts require the same nourishment as yours, so yes, I eat and drink and do other things like your own body requires. Certain functionality was sacrificed due to repairs, but for the most part, as much of the human parts were saved, that could be. This has its plus and minuses. I can walk out of an airlock, as-is, and survive for longer. I can withstand higher gravity and lower environmental conditions, and if required can force magnetically sealed doors. This synth-flesh also has a certain amount of fire-resistance, and is resistant against lower velocity ballistic weaponry.’

Mauzipah was embarrassed, but his curiosity had taken hold.
‘Does it itch?’

Lilia held up her hand, sticking one finger in the air.
‘No. But I do have to be careful if I need to pick my nose.’

Jorgan and Tzebra broke out in laughter, as Mauzipah knew his future would be cleaning a stable.