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Depths Of Development Pt 9

The Long Road
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

It was pleasing to see that Sheyla was up and moving around, being escorted to the stable, to spend time with the horses and Tobias. She always had two others with her, in case there were any complications. I kept myself out of sight, for this early phase, consigning myself to help out with various tasks around the property.

She had responded well to Mauzipah role-playing his past role as a pirate. It was the environment she was raised in and had made a name for herself, and the same that decided her fate. Fortunate enough that one saw her as a disposable gift, applying their processes towards me. This was in error, as I am sure Chief Winkler knew. I was nothing like them, and truth be told, would rather lead a Thargoid interceptor to their front door, if it would be in my power to do such.

Pirates such as them were a useful means towards the goals of my then masters, the Imperial Navy. Their taking control of the system was but a means to lure and hurt Delaine, during that long passed time.

As for this current age, the shovel in my hands and the manure droppings around me were my mission. Collecting it for packaging for delivery, to the local agricultural types. I could sell it, but would rather trade it for a penance of their fresh produce, to grace our plates at dinner time. In return, a couple of cows would be culled, and processed for them, along with free manure fertilizer. Oftentimes the best sale one can make is in positive relationships, with one's neighbors.

‘Always shoveling manure—in one fashion or another,’ Lilia said with her lattice in a smile, walking out to the middle of the arena.

‘And, yet you want to marry odd.’

‘Someone has to keep you honest and out of trouble,’ Lilia said winking her human eye.

That produced a smile of my own.

‘How’s she doing?’

Lilia looked over her shoulder towards the research facility.

‘It is going to be a long road, but Francis believes it can be accomplished.’

I nodded in confirmation.

‘If she thinks it, then it must be possible. Those scars though will forever be with her. I only hope a way can be found for her to wrestle those demons into submission when they appear.’

Lilia nodded, changing her position to look towards the stables.

‘She gets on nicely with the horses, and fortunately, the boys have been making themselves scarce.’

Lilia turned her head towards me. ‘Which begs another question. Where are the biomorphs?’

I had to smile at that. Most did not know that I had them, and the few that did seem to forget about them.

‘They have been in hibernation mode for the past month. Thought about using them at the new property, once everything is completed there. It is remote enough to keep them out of the general discovery of most, and they would be good for that gravity and weather.’

Lilia chuckled at the memory of them.

‘It was hard to imagine they were smaller than the real thing, until my introduction to the boys. Speaking of them, where are they at?’

Excellent question, I thought. Shrugging I nodded my head towards the treeline.

‘I wouldn’t think they would have strayed too far. Most likely keeping an eye on things, and avoiding Sheyla, during her ventures to the stable.’

Lilia looked back at the stable.

‘Surprises me that they are afraid of her.’

‘Not so much afraid of versus for. Remember Hun, they are more intelligent than many humans. Their view of things is from the use of senses far advanced from our own, so they are detecting things we cannot.’

Lilia looked at me, her lattice moving into a broad smile, as her cybernetic eye visibly flexed.

‘I can see things too.’

I looked at the shovel in my hands, and then towards Lilia. I ditched the shovel.

Delaunay Orbital
Putas system

‘What the hell!’ Sunny cried out, struggling against the restraints. Zaria walked around the escape pod, looking down at the bounty hunter.

‘Who are you?’

Zaria looked at her data tablet. ‘Sunny Chase. Sanctioned Imperial bounty hunter, and hence being sanctioned you are given the title of Reaper. Your target was the bartender at this station.’

Sunny fought against the tightening restraints.

‘Fighting against it will only make them tighten. Relax and we will have a nice conversation,’ Zaria said, leaning over to look at Sunny.

‘You and your partner were after the local bartender, so I will be asking you a few questions. You can answer or go back into hibernation.’

‘I don’t know what you are talking about, and just who the hell are you?’ Sunny spat.

‘Capture or kill,’ Zaria asked, looking impassively at Sunny.

Sunny glared at Zaria

‘I noticed the bounty is not an open contract, and thus private. Being that, Reapers were tasked. Who is the client,’’ Zaria asked calmly, running her finger along the edge of the escape pod.

Zaria sighed, looking down at Sunny.

‘I see from your pilot’s federation identification that you are listed as competent. A mediocre rank, and one perhaps more than required for such a person,’ Zaria said in an absent fashion, studying the data panel of the pod.

‘So, is the ship you arrived on you or your partners?’

‘What the hell is this,’ Sunny growled.

‘A simple question, that divulges no mission information,’ Zaria said, a smirk on her face.

‘There is no mission, and who the hell is supposed to be this partner you keep mentioning?’

‘The person occupying the other escape pod, on the other side of yours. Neither of you was concerned about hiding your presence in either dress or mannerisms. Knowing the bartender is the one so marked, your mission was a simple one to deduce.’

‘Seems like the only bounty hunter here is you,’ Sunny said, her glare intensifying.

Zaria lifted her data tablet, typing upon it for several minutes, as Sunny looked on with growing annoyance. Zaria’s tablet made a soft beeping sound, as she turned it to show Sunny its display. On it was a picture of Sunny, and her mandate as a sanctioned Imperial bounty hunter.

‘How the hell,’ Sunny exclaimed.

‘Capture or kill,’ Zaria asked again, with a smirk on her face.

‘That can’t be right,’ Sunny said with an exasperated tone. ‘I am no bounty hunter.’

Zaria typed more on her pad, turning it again so Sunny could see its display.

‘From the administrator’s office of the Lugger General Organization, Lugger system.’

Sunny’s eyes opened wide, as Zaria smiled.

‘Interesting. A federal corporation and two Imperial reapers. A shared business interest?’ Zaria thought out loud, looking back down at Sunny.

‘You two will be released upon completion of my task. What you do after is your own affairs. The bounty though does not state the cause. Perhaps you can fill in that piece of the puzzle, or I can simply look it up for myself?’

‘Who the hell are you,’ Sunny asked, narrowing her eyes

Zaria smiled, reaching over to stroke Sunny’s hair. ‘Hibernation is not kind on style, so I asked once more, capture or kill?’

‘Either or,’ Sunny replied, the look of confusion remaining on her face. ‘The bartender is a simple idiot who attempted to extort credits from the corporation.’

‘This brings clarity,’ Zaria said, stepping back to study the pod.

‘How,’ Sunny asked.

‘Appears to be a joint venture, the bartender thought he could get easy credits from,’ Zaria thought out loud once more. ‘Would explain yesterday’s disruption as well, being that his client was not entertained by his failure. Also tells me the security is on the payroll of those who were not amused.’

‘Just who the hell are you,’ Sunny asked again.

Zaria smiled. ‘Makes sense them wanting to know what he is about here. Suspect he is a little fish in a sea far too large for him to be swimming in.’

‘Tell me, is the ship yours or your partners?’

‘I don’t have a ship,’ Sunny replied, a curious look on her face.

Zaria looked over at the other escape pod. ‘Think your partner would be interested in a joint venture? You help me complete my mission, and in turn, I help you claim the bounty.’

‘Let’s find out,’ Zaria said, walking over to the other pod, activating its controls to begin bringing the person within, out of hibernation.


Sunny Chase stood at the edge of the opened escape pod, as her partner, Terra Richmond opened her eyes, blinking several times.

‘What the hell,’ Terra mouthed, as Sunny looked down at her smiling.

‘When you have collected yourselves, I have a business proposition for both of you,’ Zaria said, walking over to close the escape pod that had contained Sunny.

Terra sat up slowly, looking over at Zaria. ‘Who is that?’

Sunny sighed, ‘Someone else interested in the same person, but not the bounty.’

‘An investigator?’ Terra asked weakly.

‘Not quite sure, but she does have an interesting proposition.’


Some come out of hibernation easier than others. For Terra it was a more drawn-out process, requiring more than thirty minutes before she could stand on her own. By this point Zaria had already left the cargo bay, and was in the common area, with a tea in her hand, going over the footage of the ship traffic for the last twenty-four hours.

‘You can get a beverage to warm yourself up, there,’ Zaria motioned with her free hand, not looking up from her data tablet, as she went over a report of the station's shipping traffic for the past twelve hours.

‘Just who are you,’ asked Terra, as Sunny prepared two hot teas.

‘A means to an end,’ Zaria said, tapping on her data tablet.

‘That’s not an answer,’ Terra bluntly stated hands-on-hips.

Zaria’s jade-colored eyes seemed to glow, from the reflection of her data tablet, as she looked up at Terra. ‘The only one available.’

Terra walked up to Zaria, looking her up and down in a defiant manner.

Sunny dropped both cups of tea as Terra crumpled to the deck as Zaria’s hands flashed, striking quickly in a chopping manner against both sides of Terra’s neck.

‘She will wake in a few moments, with a slight headache,’ Zaria said in a nonchalant manner, reaching down to pick up her data tablet.

‘You might want to make two more, and clean that spill up,’ she said, looking once more at her tablet.

Sunny blinked several times, wondering what the hell just happened.

‘Who are you?’

Terra began to stir, bringing herself to her knees and looking up at Zaria, who continued to read, appearing not to care.

‘What the hell,’ Terra said, attempting to stand in, with a bit of an unsteady wobble.

‘When you ask a question you do so with respect,’ Zaria said calmly, continuing to read.

‘Who the hell are you,’ Terra asked, bracing herself against a chair.

Zaria paused her reading to look once more at Terra. ‘I have a business proposition. You two want the bounty, fine. I need to know what the same person is doing, to and with whom, over the next couple of days. You two help me with that, and I will gift-wrap them for you to deliver, or dispose of, as you see fit.’

‘One condition,’ Terra asked, getting her sense of coordination back. ‘Who the hell are you?’

‘Fate,’ Zaria replied, smirking at the expression on the two ladies' faces.

Team Up
Delaunay Orbital
Putas system

I made Sunny and Terra change into something less obvious. If they were going to be working with me, then the last thing I needed was them spooking the mark. I gave them a hundred thousand credits each, with simple instructions. Shop around, buy things, get some drinks, enjoy some food, and record everything the bartender does. If they could keep this routine up for a couple of days, then I would help them achieve their bounty.

Of course, a living bounty is always worth more than dead, but either pays. From the looks of Terra’s ship, they could use it. Sunny wasn’t lying in that she did not have a ship. The jury remained out if these two were simply short of credits, or suicidal, as being a bounty hunter in a Keelback transport is doable, but not by the majority who wanted to have any long-term goals of survival.

Still, if these two performed well, a Keelback could come in handy for moving extra goods around, and a few mining adventures on my part could set them up in something of better use to all of us.

I chuckled at the thought of how much Tzebra had rubbed off on me. I began to understand him, and those around him, far better from this vantage point. Everything was a win-win, even in funding a person's failed adventures; knowing in time they would find those in which they would thrive. He would then fund those, allowing each person to explore their individual limits, knowing that along the path, everyone would appear out the other side, better for it.

I smiled watching Sunny and Terra from a distance. It made me think of the investment everyone at his ranch had invested in me, leading to this point in time. Looking around the thought occurred that in a similar way I was doing as he—investing in the future, which would never know me, but a small part would be here because of.

The waitress was leaving; the bartender casting a hard glance towards her back. So there was trouble in paradise it would appear. What role she played in events had me curious, since the first moment I watched that large obnoxious man, push her to the ground.

Sunny and Terra had taken notice as well, but being coy enough with their attention, making a show of showing their latest purchases to one another. Zaria took note of this behavior as well; not their first time on a job.

Zaria knew the waitress could be a decoy, to see if any would follow. She also knew the best way to find the predator was to follow the prey. Though whether the waitress was prey or bait, could only be ascertained by the number of those who would take note.

For this exercise, she would make a partial movement, down the same corridor, then turn towards the far side lift, which would take her to the hangar deck. Zaria checked her suit's gloves and smiled, knowing the lift was the best place to have a chat with someone.


As Zaria neared the end of the corridor, she turned to the right—smiling—moving towards a set of elevators that would lead to the station’s hangars. The path to the left led towards a dimly lit area, where several individuals awaited the waitress; who looked over her shoulder towards Zaria.

Zaria’s eyes widened with her smile, as the sound of footsteps sounded behind her, as the door to the elevator opened.

Turning around inside, Zaria saw two large men standing on the other side of the doors, as they closed. She had been looking forward to a polite conversation, but they appeared more curious than chatty. With her presence now one of suspicion, a smirk appeared, as she knew how to turn this to her benefit, and in doing so potentially better the information, the client had asked for.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

There was a specific peace one could obtain, through the simple act of moving cattle from atop a horse. Lilia had learned the trade quickly, as we rode the swing positions, opposite the herd from one another, keeping the herd moving in a straight line towards the next grazing pasture. Mauzipah was riding point, guiding everyone along, with Jorgan in the rear drag position.

The recent memory of her learning these positions still produced a smile on my face. The point was simple enough, being the leader, with two separate side positions, to keep it together. The forward swing and more rearward flanking

The various names for different positions appeared to confuse her neural processor until an outline of it had been drawn in the dirt for her to visualize. What her military algorithm would consider the flanks, were in actually two separate positions, with one 1/3 down from the point, known as a swing and the other 1/3 up from the rear drag, known as the flanker. Those at the rear were called the drag, and kept the slower bovine with the herd, along with nabbing any strays.

What appeared complicated to her at first, was easily understood within the sun’s rotation.

Periodically she would look over and smile. Though the work could be either hot or cold, and always dusty, it was satisfying in a way she found pleasantly unique.

Ahead in the distance were two additional riders, who were not a part of the movement. I could make out Tobias—by his hat—but not the other. It was Lilia’s cybernetic eye that brought clarity to the distant images. It was Sheyla, and she was riding a horse!

Tzebra leaned forward in the saddle, a look of shocked surprise on his face. He had gone out of his way to be out of the process as much as possible. The two riders ahead made it apparent that he had missed out on a lot of progress. He wondered if the same amount of progress could have been made, had he made himself, more available.

Looking over at Lilia, her lattice formed into an inquisitive expression. Her thoughts mirrored his own. They couldn’t stop the current progress of the herd, but should they now be present? If they kept on their current path, the two would intersect one another in a short amount of time.

This was not lost on Jorgan either, as Tzebra turned in the saddle to see the big man hold his arms outwards and shrug. ‘In for a pence in for a pound,’ Tzebra whispered under his breath, as the duo drew nearer.

Tzebra looked once more to Lilia, who maintained her position on the herd but kept an extra eye on her fiance.

Tobias rode up, turning his horse to pace next to Tzebra.

‘Ms. Simons here is learning quickly. Figured I show a herd movement, between pastures.’

Tzebra looked over at Sheyla, who was riding in silence on the other side of Tobias, inspecting the herd.

‘Ms. Simons, I would be happy to answer any questions,’ Tzebra said, tipping his hat.

Sheyla remained silent, staring at the moving cattle. Tzebra maintained his position, looking at Tobias who gave him a small nod.

‘Have been telling her about the operation, and how things work. Figured I would take her on ahead to see where their new pasture will be, then maybe give a tour down by the stream.’

Tzebra nodded, ‘Once this group is established perhaps we can all go on a fishing adventure?’

Tobias glanced to Sheyla, then tipped his hat to Tzebra. ‘See ya’ll back at the main house when you are done.’

With that, Tobias shook the reins, putting his horse into a gentle lope, with Sheyla following in silence.

Tzebra tilted his hat back, wiping his face with his neckerchief. ‘I need to chat up Francis when we get back,’ he thought to himself, as he looked around, noticing the others watching the departing pair.

Delaunay Orbital
Putas system

Zaria had knowingly drawn attention to herself and counted on someone approaching her soon. While she held no fear of them or the outcome, she was of the mind to complete the mission, and if possible, stick it to them in the process. Towards that, she had an idea of how to make it amusing, with the condition the bartender was willing. If not, then unwilling worked as well.

Terra and Sunny arrived at the bar, enjoying the drinks and entertainment, with the credits Zaria had given them. Her prior mining adventures had provided her with ample credits. Enough credits to pay more than the bounty on the bartender. The balance was paid in advance- in case. If all went as planned, they would collect on the bounty too...if.

It took half the evening, before the waitress became busy with other customers, leaving the bartender temporarily without company. Both Terra and Sunny approached him, ordering a round of drinks to go. As he pushed their containers towards them, Terra pushed a note back in the other direction, with a hundred credit tip covering it. She nodded at the note and winked, turning to depart the bar with Sunny.

Zaria suited up in the Maverick suit Tzebra had made and engineered for her. She knew if the bartender followed the note, that company would not be too long in following. She would need to get him off the station quickly and deliver him to Terra and Sunny. Both had been instructed to depart immediately on their return to their ship, and await a signal from her, a system away. If no signal after a rotation of its star, they were free to go their way. If all went well, the bartender would be delivered to them.

She programmed a quick coded burst signal, and sent it to Bandura, just in case. If everything went poorly, the station being under Imperial exploitation would be flooded with hunters and reapers alike. The chances of the offenders escaping, would not be favorable for them.

Fortunate that after the passing of several hours, the bartender appeared in the hangar, as Zaria stood at the bottom ramp of her ship, motioning him to board.

‘What is this about,’ he asked, as the hangar door opened once more, with four large men marching towards them.

‘If you want to see tomorrow, board the ship now,’ Zaria commanded, as she moved towards them.

One of the first modifications Tzebra had added to her grade 5 Maverick suit was increased power conduits, actuators, and reinforced armored knuckles, increasing the suits melee damage by over 150%
The speed and striking power of one blow were enough to crack a Dominator suit armored helmet, or the skull of anyone without protective headgear.

The gripping power was equally enhanced, as she caught the arm of the first man, hearing the bone snap, as he howled in pain. Two others advanced on her, as the third went for the bartender.

The first man attempted to grab Zaria, who smashed her helmeted head, into his face. The second grabbed her from behind, as she placed one of her legs behind his, and used the suit's power to drive her elbow back into the man’s face, crushing it, while sending his remains flying backward.

Zaria moved with speed towards the one nearing the bartender. The man she had head-butted was on his knees; his nose and cheekbones were shattered, but he was alive. The third man was rolling on the deck, gripping his arm and howling in pain.

The man who went after the bartender was just starting to grab him when Zaria’s armored hand secured him by the collar. Applying full force, the bones and muscles quickly gave way, as he screamed in pain. Her other armored hand grabbed the top of his head, pulling back with force, snapping the neck.

The shocked bartender stared at her in horror, as Zaria moved once more, grabbing and pulling him into the ship.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

During the evening meal, Tobias was absent from the group, taking his meal with Sheyla, in the research facility. Francis assured him that Sheyla should remain there, for the time being. The facility had comfortable quarters, and the medications she was being given, would keep her in a mental ‘safe place,’ as Francis called it.

Tzebra had thought her silence was due to him, during her and Tobias's ride out to the herd move, earlier. He was unsure if he should be relieved or not. That she was not a danger to herself or anyone, did bring a small amount of comfort.

‘Emaline messaged ahead, that she would be paying a visit,’ Poppy stated, looking towards Lilia with a nod and smile. Saleen was beaming as was Lydia. Tzebra looked around at the ladies, as the other men at the table, pretended not to notice. Tzebra made a humph sound, as Poppy looked up at him, smiling. ‘Guys are not invited.’

‘When you ladies get together to start plotting things, it is probably for the best,’ Tzebra replied, grabbing a dinner roll from a tray in the center of the table.

‘Any word from Bandura or Zaria,’ Mauzipah asked, looking around the table.

Everyone looked at each other, but she had made no contact with anyone at the main property.

‘Speaking of having a word with someone. Mauzipah I will need to see you tomorrow, to give you a check-up and make sure the last of the Push is out of your system. If clear, we can then begin on a more natural method to produce a similar effect, and adjust it from there.’

Mauzipah looked at Jorgan, who nodded. ‘If I need any assistance, Aarav can give me a hand, unless you have something else you are working on?’

Busy chewing his food, Aarav nodded in response.

‘How have you been feeling,’ Tzebra asked.

‘You’ve seen me. Busy working steadily as always, but don’t feel so smart,’ Mauzipah said, looking at his plate.

‘You are smarter than you think,’ Lilia said, looking over at him.

‘And, what of you? How have you been feeling,’ doctor Barton asked Lilia, who looked sheepish towards Tzebra.

‘I see,’ Poppy remarked out of turn, smiling as doctor Barton feigned surprise. ‘Oh.’

‘A touch of fatigue, but nothing a good night's rest would not cure.’

‘A good night's rest is important, with emphasis on the rest,’ Doctor Barton said authoritatively, looking at Tzebra, who shrugged and smiled.

‘If there ever was a look of guilt, there it is,’ Poppy said, pointing a fork at Tzebra, who looked to Jorgan. ‘A little help here?’

‘You are on your own with this one,’ Jorgan said, as he let go with a hearty laugh, putting a smile on everyone’s face.

Future Surprise
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

With Emaline’s arrival that afternoon, all of the females on the property were invited to her ship, on the property's landing pad. Sheyla remained in the research facility with doctor Talman and Tobias to keep her company. Tobias had an idea as to what was taking place but elected to not let Ms. Simons know, at least not just yet.

Tzebra busied himself in the stable, cleaning and arranging anything he could, to keep his mind occupied. The remainder of the males found odd jobs to keep themselves busy. Mauzipah was particularly joyful, as his earlier checkup with doctor Barton had gone well.

By early evening, the master chef had prepared a large banquet for everyone, including the crew of Emaline’s ship. The weather was pleasant, with both Tzebra and Aarav setting tables and chairs outside, for everyone. Jorgan and Mauzipah arranged the lighting.

As the ladies approached, all the males stood, pulling out chairs for them. Tobias led Sheyla out, to join everyone in the feast. She managed a smile, even with the mood-suppressing medications Francis had her on; some things could not be surprised, and seeing a genuine smile on her face, gave all hope in her progress.

Lilia had been acting somewhat odd but assured Tzebra that everything was alright. It was not possible to check her color, due to her lattice, but the feeling that all was not well, kept Tzebra extra attentive. It is when she stood up mid-way through, that got everyone’s attention.

‘Please excuse me,’ Lilia said, a bit unsteady as she looked at Tzebra. Her human eyelid was fluttering as the iris on her cybernetic eye fully opened. Lilia collapsed suddenly, with Tzebra catching her on the way down. Both doctor Barton and Talman moved around the table.

‘Get the board, and be quick,’ doctor Talman yelled, as Mauzipah and Aarav ran to the research facility. Jorgan ran over out of instinct to help Tzebra with Lilia’s additional weight, due to her cybernetic parts being heavy for the average 1 gravity individual.

Tzebra being raised in double the normal gravity, picked Lilia up with little effort, cradling her. Jorgan had difficulty keeping up with him, as he ran towards the facility; arriving as Mauzipah and Aarav were entering.

They held the door open instead, as he placed her on the nearest exam table, and began to loosen her clothing.

Doctor Barton entered first. ‘Everyone out!’ she yelled, as doctor Talman and Lydia arrived right behind her. Tzebra glared at doctor Barton, who ignored him and immediately began to grab examination equipment, as Lydia raced towards a row of cabinets, flinging each open, and readying herself for any requested item.


Few people slept during the evening, as news of what was taking place inside, remained a mystery to those outside.

Tobias repurposed Zaria’s old room for Sheyla to use, with Francis accompanying. The boys made an appearance, laying just off of the front porch where Poppy and the remaining females were. Jorgan, Mauzipah, and Aarav busied themselves, with any task they thought might be helpful; none knew what would be needed or not, but decided to err on the side of caution, either way.

The master-chef android looked at all the food which had not been eaten and offered it to the Ling Langs, who refused to eat it. Poppy knew they could sense—better than her—that everything was not alright, and were stressing just as much.

It wasn’t until the dawn shined on the plains, that a weary doctor Barton made an appearance. She did not get far from the exiting the research facility before she was surrounded by concerned people.

‘I need food and some rest. I relieve doctor Talman in a few hours,’ doctor Barton said, marching towards the main house with almost everyone in tow.

The master chef looked at Tobias who nodded. ‘Make it light, she doesn’t need a full stomach before sleep. Make something heavier for later though.’

Doctor Barton took a seat, sighing with fatigue. She looked up at those around her knowing there would be no rest until everyone knew. A smile slowly crept across her weary face, as she looked each person in the eye.

‘She is resting comfortably and there is no danger. The good news is, I get to be the first person to journal such a unique experience,’ doctor Barton said, her smile growing, knowing it was driving everyone frantic.

‘I need to rest, and later I can think of how to title it. Perhaps Human Cyborg procreation?’

If a supernova had happened on the far side of the galaxy, everyone could have heard it for how quiet it became, as each person digested what they had just heard.

‘She is pregnant,’ doctor Barton said, laughing.