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Depths Of Development Pt 11

Natural Paths
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Tobias maintained a silent pleasure at watching Sheyla’s comfort upon a horse. Her own silence was the opposite of a hindrance, as he watched her eyes take in nature surrounding her with youthful wonder. He was familiar enough with traumatized animals, and humans were a species of animal- of sorts. For her specie, there was a difference. Life of a natural predator of others, becoming disposable prey of her own kin and thrust into a world alien to her. The potentials now available to her were making themselves known, in their irresistible natural ways.

‘Do you ever think about what might have been,’ Sheyla whispered to the air, taking Tobias by surprise. Shifting in his saddle, he looked about, tipping his hat back. ‘The grass beneath us has its day, and those days pass. It will brown and fade but is never gone. Its past is its own future, so for it, there is never a might have been but will be. The same for the clouds above, the nearby trees, and the waters of the stream flowing through it.’

Shelya looked around for several minutes, the song of a distant unseen bird, capturing her attention.
‘What if it doesn’t know what will grow from it?’

Tobias leaned forward. ‘Allow nature to produce what is natural to it. Forcing and influencing it will never alter the end result, only make it look different, temporarily. In the end, it will always win, so let it do its thing, and enjoy the ride.’

‘If it was twisted, will it not grow back the same?’

‘If the grass burns from the lightning, it doesn’t grow back burned, but as greener grass.’

‘Such a simple view.’

Tobias chuckled, motioning at the landscape around them. ‘Everything surrounding you is about rebirth. In that alone lays your answers, and your tomorrow- if you will have it.’

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Tobias watched Sheyla maneuver around to random locations, investigating all that was presented around her. She finally settled inside the treeline, next to the flowing stream. She wandered on foot for a while, investigating her surroundings. In a move that surprised Tobias, she stepped into the stream, its cool flowing waters moving around her legs, as a hint of a smile appeared on her face.

After typing out a message on his wrist communicator, Tobias dismounted his horse, to begin clearing an area appropriate for a camp; keeping one eye on Sheyla’s youthful wonderment at the simplicity of water.


Terra sat in the co-pilot chair, eyes wide as the Imperial Cutter began a twirling descent into the swirling storm below. Earlier Tzebra had launched an escape pod into its path, now consumed by the torrent. The same torrent was akin to an earthen category five hurricane and was causing disruptions with the reception of the pod's beacon.

‘Can your Biomorphic pets function in these conditions and isolate the pod,’ Saleen asked, pirouetting the large Cutter over the upper layers of the swirling cauldron.

‘Yes, that and more. What do you need?’

‘Come in hard and fast with the flow, release them from the cargo bay then ascend and wait for them to isolate its exact location, so I can make a more accurate secondary approach, and have them drag it on board. That should minimize our exposure to this nonsense, and get it safely on board in minimal time.’

‘Excellent idea. Waking them now, and preparing them. Begin your approach when ready.’

‘Hang on to your assess everyone, this is going to be nasty,’ Saleen said, eyeing the storm with one eye while watching the intermittent signal on her scanner with the other.

‘Sweet mother,’ Terra shouted, as Saleen smiled, standing the 2,000-ton Imperial Cutter on its tail, flipping it over and diving it at an angle to match the winds of the storm.

Bandura laughed, as Tzebra shook his head.


Poppy watched as Jorgan and Mauzipah departed to meet up with Tobias, a couple of horses loaded with supplies.

‘Has a decision on a date and location been settled upon,’ Emaline asked, looking around at the ladies.

Lilia looked over at Emaline. ‘After processing all of the variables, two choices remained. His homeworld or this property. He is not fond of title, rank, or position, but due to needs and requirements of others, the decision is here.’

‘Don’t discount him Lady, Lilia, he may not be fond of the ranking structure but he does not detest it,’ Poppy said with a smirk.

‘No, my daughter he does not,’ Lilia replied looking up at her. ‘He understands their utilities.’

Lilia calling Poppy her daughter surprised everyone for a moment; an emotion she wanted to evoke a temporary pause, so she could use her cybernetic implant to send a private message to Francis's data tablet.

Lilia remained motionless for a couple of seconds as Francis's data tablet beeped. ‘Read to yourself only,’ Lilia said, her eyes moving to look at her.

Francis looked at the message on her tablet. ‘My daughter is trained in various disciplines but needs understanding how to maneuver inside the intricacies of her dad’s title and position. Prepare her for what he has planned.’

Francis maintained a trained and neutral expression, though was not sure what Lilia meant, as Lilia turned her eyes towards Poppy, who liken to Francis, maintained a neutral expression; though curiosity burned behind them.

‘Good,’ Lilia said, her lattice forming a smile.

Imperial Cutter
In orbit above Orang 2, Orang system

Bandura stood sipping his coffee, watching as Tzebra exited his cabin; finished with a holographic conference.

‘Timeline,’ Bandura asked, holding out a cup for Tzebra.

Tzebra walked over, taking the offered cup, breathing in its aromatic warmth.

‘The legal representative has finalized the required documents and the local magistrate is ready to proceed. The distant property is operating under its own power, and soon I will begin moving several heads in that direction, to begin their acclimation process.’

‘May need to have someone hold Poppy upright when you spring the surprise. On another note, what of the ceremony for Lilia and yourself?’

‘Her genetic lineage dates back to a specific group of ancient people, who hold to a belief I would see represented, even though she is not actively practicing. I found one of their type not far from here, who was agreeable towards representing.’

‘Noble and considerate. Perhaps I should have married you,’ Bandura stated, winking.

‘You are far too ugly and besides, makeup doesn’t wear well on you.’

‘These days have been stressful enough. Good to hear you laugh again.’

‘If only for a moment,’ Tzebra said, looking back towards the front of the ship. ‘Think she has it cleaned up by now?’

Bandura chuckled. ‘The question is, has Terra learned a lesson in any of this?’

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The ladies were rather surprised at breakfast to learn that Zaria and Sunny had made it back from their adventure, and no one had noticed. They were not present at the morning meal, opting to stay about Zaria’s ship.

Jorgan only grunted and nodded, as was his usual fashion. Mauzipah wore a questioning expression, yet said nothing, as Francis busied herself with her data tablet, conversing secretively with someone. Lilia noticed the micro changes in temperature and muscle movement in Poppy’s face, who made the appearance of busing herself with the food on her plate.

Unlike Poppy, Lilia’s lattice could remain completely neutral in opposition to her thoughts or emotions on any given matter. The information Francis had forwarded to her cerebral implants, was regarding a project Tzebra had been working on, for apparently some amount of time, on Poppy’s behalf. The surprise she would experience upon its successful completion and reception was of interest to Lilia, who did consciously react, with her lattice forming a smile, as she lathered a piece of bread with a fruit-based paste.

Doctor Talman looked up from his plate to Lilia, catching her attention.‘With the free time we have recently had, doctor Barton has been updating me on your enhancements. I am curious as to the type of maintenance they require and is there anything we need to have on hand at the facility?’

‘I run several daily functions checks and am capable of self-editing any coding required, for those areas with such dependencies. Outside of general wear of physical components, no other actions are required.’

‘I am interested in the womb and your baby. With a better understanding of requirements, I can fashion a protective bridge between the physical and cybernetic, if you require.’

‘All has been incorporated and accepted, so no bridge is necessary. In the event of an individual or complete cybernetic malfunction, the baby is isolated and protected, achieving what it requires from my natural biologic processes; as a normal baby does.’

‘You have to promise to let me read and assist you with the writing of your medical journal entry,’ doctor Talman said with a smile, looking at doctor Barton.

‘I have not been around much for this stage of the process—as the boys would not allow me anywhere near—but I am curious if you are experiencing anything out of the norm, of a normal pregnancy,’ Lydia asked.

Based upon all medical files I have downloaded and referenced, all are in accordance with the normal biological process. The singular area out of the norm, was in the beginning hormonal changes and the cybernetic attempting to compensate. This placed a higher than normal demand on my functions, which caused the initial disruption. All is in balance now.

‘I would like to watch as you write it, and ask questions during, if that is ok,’ Lydia asked doctor Barton, who smiled and nodded towards Lilia. ‘Only if the patient is accepting.’

‘I am, as I will be reading it with her,’ Lilia stated, her lattice forming a smile.

Genuflect Arrival
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The arrival of several ships was a surprise to most at the main house. One of their numbers was a lady with an accompanying entourage, looking for Lilia and the other ladies specifically. Her role was one of clothing and design. Though all knew there was to be a future wedding, it caught several off-guard that preparations were at this stage.

The majority of the others were from the previously known Pinnacle Corporation. Their role was in preparing areas for the ceremony, reception, and catering; to be handled by another group. Due to regional titles and political considerations, the ability for a quiet and simple wedding was negated. Specific formalities and events were expected and thus had to be arranged.

Lilia found the majority of her amusement in their presence knowing how it irked her husband to be. Unfortunately, his enjoyment in aiding others made him a natural for his political role, a role he would rather fling off a cliff or feed to his boys. What good was a wife, if not to enjoy her mate's minor annoyance- trappings of his own good deeds.

Francis was left in charge of arranging the guest rosters, particular landings sites, and coordination with Pinnacle for on-site logistical considerations. Their presence would be required for the numbers expected. One name appeared on the list of attending, which gave her pause, Tal Rai. Lilia’s past benefactor and employer. His name raised the curiosity of reaction, if Sheyla learned of it, and more so, what was to be her disposition concerning the near future events. Questions she would need to approach Tobias, Tzebra, and Lilia herself with.

‘Great, this is what we did not need,’ Poppy’s voice sounded, as Francis looked up to follow her view. Recently arrived finishers were headed in their direction, with Mauzipah doing his clumsy best to not trip over himself while escorting them.

‘The newer members are going to adore these mind-numbing and muscles cramping exercises,’ Poppy chuckled, remembering her formal training in the socialite arts.

Francis smirked, looking up at her. ‘The Duchess and the Duke’s eldest son—the Marquess of Maityan—will be in attendance, as will the Senator over this region, so they will need to be prepared.’

‘Genuflecting hell,’ Poppy commented, rolling her eyes, giving Francis a chuckle.


The passage of ships was not without notice, as Tobias sat with his back against a tree, watching Sheyla consume the pastry treats he had made, with the zeal of a kid and their bag of candy.
The campfire's heat allowed the cinnamon and butter he lathered them with, to soak into the pores of the quick bread.

Her eyes followed each of the passing ships, as she attempted to chew with her cheeks bulging.

Tobias smiled, looking up at them. ‘Was wondering when the stampede would begin. Good thing we are out here.’

Sheyla paused chewing, looking at Tobias.

‘Not sure how you feel about such things mam, but this noisy nonsense is preparation for the owner’s wedding. I have to be there, and considering the stupidity that will ensue, you might want to bow out of it.’

Sheyla started chewing slowly while tilting her head slightly, as Tobias chuckled.

‘The kid’s retired Imperial Navy and a patron, so there’s the nonsense that follows that,’ Tobias stated, tilting back his hat and sighing.

Sheyla almost choked as she swallowed. ‘Knew he was Imperial Navy but not the other.’

Tobias lowered his eyes to meet hers. ‘Mam, it is just you and I out here. This place has lost more secrets than either of us have, combined. If there is anything you want it to forget for you, now is good.’

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

As anticipated, the boys made their way to Tobias and Sheyla’s location; put out by all the commotion and noise at the main property. Their dad had landed amongst the grouping of other ships, but they knew to keep out of sight of strangers- lest they pose a threat. He had noticed their disappearance into the distance, though was busied by a small fleet's worth of tasks ahead of him.

Tobias encouraged Sheyla to explore her surroundings and ask any questions that came to mind. Her prior life flashed in memories, through the shadows cast by the trees, the sounds of the stream, and the winds flowing down the nearby mountain. The boys moved with her, maintaining her safety while keeping their distance so as to not crowd her.

At random moments she would stop in place, staring blankly at the unknown. On a couple of occasions, she screamed at the same imaginary phantoms, bringing the boys in close to protect and comfort her each time. Tobias walked up next to her after one such episode, staring up through the limbs and leaves of the tree above them.

Tobias pointed at the tree she stood under. ‘Amazing creations, able to use the light above to help it grow taller than it once was, and blossom into this beautiful creation. It can build, heat, cool, and provide clothing, weapons, tools, and almost any necessity needed for survival. From a simply fallen seed in the dirt, it took advantage of the water and nutrients within, sprouting against all odds into this magnificent spire.’

Tobias looked at Sheyla’s tear-soaked eyes. ‘You are that seed, and your tears are the water, so don’t you dare hold one drop back Miss.’

Sheyla began screaming. ‘What the hell are you people? This can’t be real! How can this be real? I used to attack people like you, enslave, prostitute, and kill. They were the prey!’

Tobias' face took on a dark expression. ‘Not people like us,’ he said with a flat emotionless tone. ‘Tzebra is like us and you have known of him since the Pegasi Wars. Tell me, Mam, at what point has his type ever been anything but both the predator and defender? Your rage is telling you what you already knew. Our types are beyond that nonsense. They are a brutal and weak organization, that makes a prey of their own, but not people like us. Look around you. You are now with us, forever if you so choose. You never need fear their type again.’

Sheyla dropped to her knees screaming and crying uncontrollably, as the boys flanked and laid down next to her as Tobias picked a leaf- dropping it in front of Sheyla.

‘Now you begin to grow.’

Your New Family
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The ladies measuring and fitting were interrupted as Sheyla entered with Tobias and Tzebra.

Lilia’s lattice formed into a smirk, as her cybernetic eye processed the finite details of the woman.

‘You have one more that requires outfitting,’ Tobias announced, as Sheyla moved forward towards Ladies.

Tzebra smiled as Poppy and Francis glanced at one another while Zaria smirked, eyeing the confused look on doctor Barton’s face.

‘Welcome, Ms. Simon. I trust your re-birth was not unpleasant.’ Lilia said with calmness, causing confused looks from the younger members of the group. ‘This process here should be an annoying education into a new world. Perhaps during it, you can tell me what you require for growth.’

Francis and Poppy both stood in front of Tobias and Tzebra, smiling.

‘See you found the crack that was needed,’ Francis commented, as Lilia and Sheyla chatted, while a pair of seamstress began laser measuring Sheyla’s form for her first dress fitting.

‘Nature provided,’ Tobias stated, as Tzebra chuckled. ‘It always does.’


‘It is good you have joined us,’ Lilia said, lifting her arms as a laser made a second pass across her, measuring out the finer details.

Sheyla cast a curious expression towards a watchful Lilia, as a seamstress lifted her arms.

‘The person I once was would have sought vengeance, for what I had done, but not one of you has.’

‘They destroyed that person, not us. What we were given was a shell, which has begun to hatch. I am excited for what may appear.’

‘What is this way with all of you? Content with the simplest of things. Bonded with animals and heeded to by monsters. None of this has made any sense to me.’

‘People of the land,’ the seamstress tending Sheyla commented. ‘My grand-dad was the same way. I never understood the exacts of it myself, but it was weird. Whatever it was, planet or space, he became one with. Like some kind of odd magic.’

Lilia’s lattice formed a smirk. ‘No magic involved,’ Poppy said, as she and Francis turned to face them. ‘I saw it with my dad when we were downed and hunted by pirates on a frozen planet. I thought for sure we were trapped and done, and learned quickly the ones who put us there, gravely erred; they never had a chance.’

‘She was born on that planet, and became quite the huntress,’ Emaline stated, as Poppy blushed.

‘Through their kindness, I trained and became a licensed hunter. Sunny here is interested in the same,’ Zaria commented, as Saleen stepped forward.

‘I became a license hazardous environment rescue pilot, with super heavy ship ratings.’

Lydia stepped up next to Saleen. ‘I am to become a research assistant and with hard work, maybe even a registered nurse.’

Casandra walked up next to Tzebra, looking toward Sheyla. ‘Arabella, who you have not formally met, is a trained research assistant who sought to further her education, and has been away at school to explore and push her boundaries.’

‘Me you already know, and yet here I stand with child, preparing to wedded,’ Lilia stated with a smile.

Terra looked on in silence as Emaline stepped up next to her. ‘In time you will discover whatever it is you might be interested in and will be supported by all of us, as you explore it.’

‘Like the leaf, you too will grow,’ Tzebra stated looking over at Tobias.

Sheyla’s eyes filled with tears, as she knelt down; all the ladies moving around her.

Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Tobias was annoyed enough, with the arrival of a mistress from a finishing school in the Cuebo system. The Imperial Diplomatic Security was at the limits of his measure to endure, as they busied themselves with questioning everyone and inspecting everything. He understood they had a job to perform, though would have preferred them to perform it someplace else.

Between the finisher’s etiquette and decorum lecture and the diplomatic securities prying into everything, Tobias was ready to mount up his horse and find the furthest stretch of pasture to disappear into.

Tobias was concerned about two of the property's residents and was relieved that Sheyla and Mauzipah both were not listed on the security personnel’s register of undesirables; considering their past. Neither had practiced their prior trades in Imperial space proper, and there-by escaped being listed in the database.

The one missing element in this bothersome adventure was Tzebra. He had spent the majority of his time aboard his Imperial Cutter, with several crates being transported from other arriving craft to his ship, throughout the day. Bandura moved at a consistent measure, between the Cutter and the main house, but would not elaborate on what was taking place, further adding to Tobias's annoyance.

Francis appeared to be knowledgeable, as she and Bandura would share knowing looks with each of his visits. Lilia was either aware or unconcerned by the events, casting a rare glance towards Bandura before turning her attention back towards more current concerns.

Later that afternoon, with the aggravating decorum lessons having been completed for the day, Sheyla approached Tobias. He knew the strain upon her had to be stronger than it was upon himself. Neither were youngsters and while he was used to the Imperial ways, this affair had to be more alien to her than sitting at a table with a Thargoid.

The answer for both lay in the stables, as they made their way there to saddle up.


Sheyla laid out on her saddle roll, using her arm to rest her head upon. She stared at Tobias, on the other side of the campfire. The smell of the burning wood and the sound of the nearby stream brought a moment's peace.

Sheyla allowed her recovering mind to wander. In many ways, she and Tobias were not unlike. They both were of a similar age, and neither liked others in their business or to be bothered with trivial matters with simple solutions. In other ways, they were as distant as the stars above. In this place, he was the authority while up there amongst the stars, it was her. Two opposite magnetic poles, both a part of the same magnetic.

Her slight chuckle caught Tobias's attention, whose eyes peered at her from under the brim of his hat.

‘It was a thought,’ Sheyla said with a smile forming, ‘how we are not that far unlike. Similar to a railgun’s magnetism. How our age and experiences are likened to the magnetism of the device; requiring two separate poles to function properly.’

Tobias thought about it for a moment, grunting in acknowledgment.

‘What will you do once they move to their new place?’

‘Continue on as I’ve always had. Jorgan and Mauzipah will be doing their regular runs, and I imagine the other kids will be popping in and out on occasion. Doctor Talman is staying, to work at the research facility, so I won’t be alone for most of the time. Lydia is wanting to further her education, so we will be sending her off for schooling...besides I have the boys to help out with moving the herds around the different pastures.’

Sheyla remained silent for several minutes, studying the flames of the fire before looking back at Tobias.

‘These recent whirlwinds of events, have me rethinking my place in this new life, and where I want to be in it.’

‘Oh,’ Tobias said, tipping his hat back.

‘There remains an ember of that old person inside,’ Sheyla said, sitting up. ‘But it is a good part. Now that my mind and purpose are both clear, I can identify where the greatest riches are for my clan, and the path available to obtain it.’

‘Reverting back to pirate are we,’ Tobias commented with a smirk.

‘Yes,’ Sheyla chuckled, tossing a stick of wood into the fire.

Night Before The Wedding
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

Lydia moved with the group, as the second rehearsal had completed. Androids were erecting the temporary structures, for tomorrow’s use, as the family moved back towards the main house. Looking over her shoulder she watched temporary lightning going up around the landing platform where Tzebra’s Imperial Cutter was resting.

‘I am confused,’ Lydia said, looking forward toward Poppy, the maid of honor. ‘How traditional will this wedding be?’

Poppy hesitated a couple of steps so that she could walk next to Lydia.

Lydia glanced over her shoulder once more. ‘With the lightning going up around his ship, I was wondering if he and the other males would be leaving us for the evening?’

Poppy rose an eyebrow, as they continued to walk. ‘From my understanding of events, it will be traditional, and there is a hint of a surprise at some point, to what it is, I do not know, and Lilia has either not said or does not know herself.’

‘Has anyone seen Tobias or Sheyla,’ Zaria asked, looking around the moving group.

Tzebra smiled, looking at Lilia, whose lattice maintained a neutral expression, though her human eye could not hide the humor within.

‘They will be along this evening,’ Tzebra commented with a smile, taking Lilia’s hand as they moved up the steps, to enter the house.


Referencing its database on cultural traditions, the android master chef prepared two separate evening meals; one light and nutritious for the females, and a heavier more protein-dense for the males. From the information obtained, the ladies would be enjoying a night with one another, going over past and upcoming events, while the males would keep the bride to be from the groom's view, by engaging him in various activities, as a rite of passage from single to mated. The traditional model eluded to gross amounts of various alcoholic spirits being involved.

Necessary items were loaded onto one of the Scarab vehicles outside, for transportation to the landing pad area, though the males did not go to the vehicle, presenting the android with a series of analytical challenges, as they went to the stable instead; saddling several horses, for a late-night foray into the darkening beyond. The unknown variable it was attempting to discover were two Ling Langs, hiding afar from the coming event. Tzebra wanting to spend a moment with his boys and fellow brethren.


The ladies were surprised by the arrival of Sheyla, who rode up to the front porch, nodding towards Lilia, whose lattice formed into a smile.

‘Tzebra had said you would be arriving this evening. I trust Tobias is in the relative safety of the males.’

‘Relative would be the key word in that statement,’ Sheyla commented while dismounting the horse. ‘I trust they will be functional come tomorrow.’

This caused a few of the ladies to giggle, as Francis looked over at Lilia. ‘I am sure they will behave themselves, considering the guest roster.’

Doctor Barton eyed Sheyla closely, as Lilia looked over to Francis, the smile remaining on her lattice.

‘You have changed considerably,’ doctor Barton commented, as Francis looked towards Sheyla, whose eyes narrowed as a smile appeared on her face. ‘In some ways, yes,’ was all she said as her eyes moved to Poppy. ‘Is the maid of honor ready for the pomp and splendor of tomorrow?’

Poppy guffawed at that. ‘I will be functionally efficient, but like most everyone else, will be ready for the guest to depart.’

Sheyla chuckled at that. ‘Tobias would agree with you there. I am surprised there was no way out of all of this glittering show and tell.’

‘Unfortunately, there was not,’ Lilia said, looking towards the younger ladies. ‘Thankfully we can place that behind us, once the ceremonies are completed.’

Poppy turned to eye Lilia closely, as Francis looked at Poppy, shaking her head.

‘Will you be ready for tomorrow, Ms. Simons,’ Lydia asked. ‘You have not been at any of the rehearsals.’

‘She will function accordingly,’ Lilia stated, looking off towards the illuminated landing pads, where several ships were perched, along with a collection of security personnel. ‘My concern is in their presence. He does detest such things.’

‘Surprised they did not go to the ship this evening, to have their little celebration,’ Saleen stated.

Francis looked over at her. ‘His boys are out there in the darkness. They will want to spend some time together before the event. It is not likely he will see them again for some time.’

‘Imagine they would not be welcomed on the guest list,’ Sheyla commented whittingly, looking back towards the security personnel.

‘I would imagine not,’ Lilia stated, her lattice moving into a more serious expression.


The men sat around the campfire, passing a bottle amongst them, as Tzebra tussled the fur of his two Ling Langs. Tobias saw the look of pain in his eyes that he hid so well from most, well almost most, as Bandura saw it as well. They both knew what he would be giving up, to start his new life afar. They also understood why he was doing it.

‘Why move so far away,’ Aarav asked, passing the bottle to Bandura.

‘He always detested the pomp and glamour. Even when we were serving together, he hated wearing the dress uniform,’ Bandura responded, taking a drink of the burning liquid.

‘Once the ceremonies are completed and everyone leaves, won’t it be back to normal?’

Tobias passed on the bottle, looking over at Aarav. ‘No, son it won’t. A human and pregnant cyborg will not stay local for long. If they want to find any peace with one another, they have to leave.’

Jorgan leaned back, taking a large pull from the bottle. ‘They have to leave inhabited space entirely, making a home for themselves away from the Imperium, Alliance, and Federation. To call any of their domains home, would place them under their watchful eyes, and constant prying into their business.’

‘Can’t be independent space either, as that would draw the attention of all three powers, and pirates as well,’ Mauzipah stated, looking over at Tzebra.

‘What of this place, and all of us? What of his boys there?’

‘Everything else will continue as usual, except the boys will have to remain here. Better for them that way,’ Tobias said, tilting his hat back. ‘Besides, this is their home, and we are their family.’

‘Earlier I was happy for them, now I am sad,’ Aarav said, hanging his head.

‘They will be back and forth between here and there,’ Bandura stated, looking over at his friend, playing with his boys. ‘But they can no longer call this place their home, and have any type of peace in doing so.’

‘Is there no way to stop it, so they can live here?’

Jorgan placed a large hand on Aarav’s shoulder. ‘No, there isn’t. I wouldn’t want to try. Those two belong with one another, and that is the price required.’

Tobias motioned for the bottle. ‘Son you will find that many choices we make in our lives require a price of some type. That price is not always pleasant, but together, they are happy to pay it, and together they will make it work.’

Finale' - The New Dawn
Main Property
Orang 2, Orang system

The hour was late as Francis sat on the porch, sipping coffee from the cup in her hand. She noticed the moonlit shadows of two Ling Langs, blending into those of the stables. Further beyond were two additional shadows, vanishing within the sitting Imperial Cutter. A smile crossed her face as she relaxed further into the chair.

Most everyone else was fast asleep in the house, the day's events physically and emotionally taxing upon all. Poppy remained awake, appearing herself on the porch with a cup of her own. The designate future maneuvering around, to take a seat next to her. Francis's weary smiling eyes watched with pride in her heart.

The ceremony had taken the majority by surprise as a group surrounded the couple, holding a canopy above their heads, as a man with a prayer shawl appeared before them; a crystal chalice in his hand, containing two rings. Though neither were practicing of any specific belief, Tzebra had uncovered Lilia’s genetic roots and wanted those honored in a uniqueness befitting the same as the ceremonial bonding of a human and cybernetic woman, carrying their human child.

Francis noted Poppy’s smile; their thoughts on the events playing out on the landing pad were the same.
Their future lay beyond the human-inhabited space, beyond the prying eyes of those who could not resist being in others' affairs. There would be no doubt that several conspiracy articles would be published, by those who had to rush and speak with the false authority of that which they had no real knowledge of; being greedily consumed by the before mentioned audience of those who had to push themselves into others affairs.

Tzebra knew issues such as these would arise, and the wedding reception surprises highlighted this. The first was the area Senator taking a position in front of the guest. Poppy was called forward, with a look of surprise on everyone’s face, except that of her own and Lilia’s; both in the knowledge of her future.

She was the adopted daughter of, until that moment in time. With all the training and experiences she had received over the last couple of years, she could not hide the tears in her eyes as she was officially declared the flesh and blood daughter of Tzebra, as he stepped forward, holding his hand high, to quell the applause. The surprises were not yet complete, as he grasp Poppy’s hands, looking at her with a large smile, announcing to all that he was transferring his position of Patron to his daughter, making her the legal head of the business.

Poppy’s knees buckled, as Tzebra supported her, whispering something in her ear, that caused her already widened eyes to open further.

Everyone bowed as the Duke’s eldest son, the Marquess of Maityan stepped forward, calling for Emaline Lucas to present herself. Tzebra smiled, as everyone looked at him with a curious expression.

Emaline experienced a Poppy moment, as her knees shook when the Marquess presented her with a medal for heroism and valor, for her actions in rescuing, and later protecting and rendering aid to Imperial citizens, during the events when Tzebra and Poppy had been downed and hunted by pirates, on a frozen waste planet, two years prior.

Tzebra motioned to Poppy, whose first official act was to take the medal and place it around Emaline’s neck, leading everyone in a bow of recognition before her.

With all facing towards the Marquess and bowing once more, the Senator moved to the forward position, calling out the name of Tobias Huk.

Francis smiled at the remembrance of the old cowboy stepping forward with uneasiness over the way the fancy clothing felt against his body. He couldn’t stand being suited up in formal attire, and he sure wasn’t going to bow to anyone in it, not at his age; none held it against him either.

Francis's smile broadened as she recalled Tobias giving the Senator his usual annoyed look, causing the Senator to break with decorum and form a smirk himself, at the old man before him, who was wondering what this kid was trying to waste his time with.

The Imperial Lifetime Service award caused a few gasps amongst the crowd, as cheers erupted, as Tobias turned, motioning for Sheyla. This caused Tzebra and Lilia to glance towards one another with a curious expression, over this unscripted moment.

Tobias wouldn’t bow before anyone, but he took a knee before Sheyla in proposal, causing the entire ceremony to halt mid-breath. In a further surprise, she bowed in Imperial fashion before him, accepting his offer, sending the crowd into an uproar that could be heard across the land.

Francis brought her hand up to wipe a tear from her smiling eyes, as she noticed Poppy was experiencing similar memories, by the large smile on her face.

Tzebra was keeping it quiet, as the only note that the Cutter was departing, was the faint glow of its main engines, highlighting the low clouds.

They were both startled at the sound of Tobia's voice, as he walked out onto the porch, to watch the glow fade, as he placed a hand on Poppy’s shoulder.

‘A new dawn has begun.’