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Xochitl Novella, Part 3

Figuring it out

Heads turned, as I strode through the long hallways of the carrier. The size of the capital ship—no, my capital ship—was impressive. Fortunately, I had downloaded the specifications and layout of the carrier, before landing. A person could get lost trying to find their quarters. There were a lot of crewmen moving about, but none had said a word to me. I knew they were sizing me up, unsure what kind of commander I was—or would be.

I sent a message to Yatziri, to bring everyone over, as I walked through the bridge and into the adjacent captain’s office, where I inspected the spacious layout and furnishings, including my desk … my desk. The chairs that came with it, I did not much care for. For the price tag, they could have splurged a little on creature comforts. No matter, I would rectify that minor nuisance at a later date. For now, all I wanted to do was sit.

I could see all of my hangar landing pads, and the earth-like world we were orbiting, from the office window. They even put a plant in the corner, which was a nice touch. Unfortunately, the colors they choose were hideous. I had seen Thargoid goo with better ascetics.

What the heck? I never cared for any of these things before, and now I am worried about colors and coordination? This was so out of the norm for the way I had lived my life before— before.

A voice sounded from the communications system. ‘A ship is docking with your personnel. Where do you want them?’

‘The lady, Yatziri, have her report to me. Stow the other’s luggage and give them a tour. I will need to see the bridge officer to report to me as well.’

‘Copy,’ sounded the reply, as I turned to look at the plant in the dark corner. It was far too dark in here for that plant, I thought, shaking my head at how absurd I was sounding to myself.

The door opened, as Yatziri strode in, with a large smile on her face .‘Ding Dong Captain!’ Smart ass

I rolled my eyes and stood up to greet her, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth despite myself.

‘So … What’s your title going to be? Captain, admiral, non-illustrious potentate?’

I shook my head at her wisecracks. ‘How about just plain old me— Mechanic.’

‘Nope,’ Yatziri said with a smile. ‘You already have a few of those, along with a chief of engineering, and about a hundred others running around here, doing everything you used to do.’

I blinked several times at that, as the door slid open again, as a man in a duty uniform strolled in.

‘I am Rex Howard. To date, I have been the deck officer and the chief operations officer. I apologize for the lack of formalities, but I do not know how you wish to be addressed.’

I walked over, shaking Rex’s hand. ‘I am Xochitl Khae. You can address me however you like.’

Yatziri shook her head as Rex assumed a confused look.

‘What she means is you can call her Captain or Commander, in front of the other crew, but in here we can be informal.’

Rex nodded. ‘I understand … Captain. Should we expect other personnel, and do you have consideration towards an executive officer?’

This was all new to me, and I was still in shock over all the events that had led up to this moment. Later on, I would need to download everyone’s personnel files and sort through them. For now, I would leave Rex where he was.

‘Rex, this is a completely new experience for me. You don’t know me yet, so where I came from and where I’ve been, is unknown to you. Suffice it to say I will need you to stay doing the job you have been doing. If that is alright with you?’

Yatziri shook her head again. ‘Give her time,’ she said with a smirk, as Rex nodded in understanding.

Alright, I admit it, she was far beyond me in the knowledge of decorum. This whole adventure was like being tossed down a black hole, without orbiting the thing first. A lot was going on at once, and I hadn’t had the time to process it all.

Rex looked over at Yatziri. ‘I haven’t had the pleasure.’

Yatziri didn’t stick out her hand, but only bowed slightly. ‘I am Yatziri. A general boon to this one here, and kind of the den mom to the other two personnel, who are on a site-seeing tour of the ship. The female is Zooey, a prior dredger pilot learning the ways of an independent, and the male with her is Art. He is a prior Federal Naval logistical and administration flunky, who worked a little on a cargo ship after he left the service. He is looking forward to purchasing his own ship, to start a cargo operation of his own, under contract to us, and we have been teaching him.’

Rex nodded. ‘We have a full crew here, with several who would be great instructors for both of them. With your permission, I would like you to assign them to me, so that I can make a complete educational schedule for both of them, to help them along their paths.’

Made sense. He knew this ship and its crew, and it could be a major benefit. ‘I want a copy of that schedule so that I can go over it with you.’

Rex nodded. ‘When would you like to meet the department heads?’

‘Let's schedule it for tomorrow morning. I need some time to review personnel files and familiarize myself with the ship's systems before I meet with them.’

Rex nodded in agreement. ‘Understood, Captain. I will make sure the heads of each department are aware of the meeting.’

Rex checked his datapad. 'Captain, if there's nothing else, I should get back to my duties.'

I nodded. 'Of course, Rex. Thank you for your time.'

As he turned to leave, Yatziri spoke up. 'Oh, and Rex? Don't forget to show our new Captain the best places to get a drink on this ship.'

Rex grinned. 'Of course, I wouldn't dream of leaving that out.'

With that, he exited the office, leaving me alone with Yatziri. I leaned against the bulkhead, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. 'Yatziri, do you ever feel like everything is moving too fast? Like you're not sure if you're ready for what's coming next?'

Yatziri smiled again, studying me for a moment. 'All the time. The way I see it, we're in this together. We'll figure it out as we go along.'

Day One

I knew when I had reached my quarters by the armored guard standing outside of it, with their weapon at the low ready. Walking up to them, I smiled; mostly because I was completely ignorant of almost everything that went on here.

‘What’s your name and designation aboard this ship?’

‘Name is Dakota. My role is security.’

That much was obvious, and I now felt stupid for asking. ‘Thank you.’

‘Your assistant is waiting inside,’ Dakota sang out.


Dakota reached over, activating the panel next to the door, causing it to slide open.‘You will find them an asset during your transition period from commander to captain.’

I shrugged. ‘Thank you again, Dakota. I may be relying on you more in the coming days.’

She smirked, without taking her eye off the far wall. Yep, your new captain is a moron.

Walking into my quarters I stopped, with my mouth hanging open. It wasn’t a quarters but a house, and I was standing in the front room, looking at three separate openings to other rooms. There were a couple of couches, with small tables in front of them, a recliner, and several displays on the walls.


‘Yes, Xochitl.’ Echoed a voice, that seemed a tad off.

When she appeared, I knew why it sounded off. They were an android.

‘Name is Avery. I am your personal assistant. I have taken the liberty to download the record of the ship your other crewmen came in on, to bring myself up to currency, and better understand my charge. It is good to know you are equipped with a neural processor. It can make our communications more efficient—if you would allow me to connect?’

This day kept getting stranger and stranger. I shrugged, closing my eyes to release my net for external connection. I figured what’s the worst that could happen. The day certainly couldn’t get any weirder.

‘Alright, it’s open.’

I was wrong. It went from weird to surreal, as everything flashed through my processor at a rate that almost sent me into a spasm. Fortunately for me, it lasted only a few brief seconds, then I found myself in Avery’s arms, as she lowered me into the recliner. ‘It will take some time for your biological processes to catch up to everything. I recommend you relax for a moment. I have already sent a communication to the galley for nutrition to be provided.’

Galley? Oh yes, there it is, the memory of a fully functional galley with a complete staff. Art is going to either hate or love this. Yes, there it is, Dakota’s file. Imperial naval infantry with combat decorations, and a laundry list of qualifications. And yes, there is my bridge officer, Rex Howard. Worked his way up through the ranks on passenger liners for the Imperial effete, culminating with being an officer for a senator, before the senator’s retirement.

My head didn’t hurt, more like a feeling of mental swimming with too much information. Fortunately for my design, these types of things were not direct knowledge but were translated as memories. Making their own biological pathways in my brain, as each one was transferred from my processor. It would take a while, and Avery was correct. It would be better to do it sitting down.

‘I have processed all of your personal information.’ Avery stated. ‘I can now better assist you in your new role.’ I opened my eyes for a moment, as she paused. ‘Your meal will arrive shortly.’


I woke on the recliner, looking around the front room of my quarters. Thanks to my engineering, my unconscious time was peaceful and refreshing. One would think with all the processor-to-pathway transference that my dreams would have been wild, but there were none. That biological function was suppressed.

Those who created the technology had lost several subjects due to a large list of medical and psychological issues. Over the next century, all of the various technologies had been perfected. The only reason I had nearly gone into a spasm was my own fault. I could regulate the data transfer rate and didn’t.

I now possessed the memories of my ship and crew, along with primers on proper decorum—which Yatziri knew better than I, yesterday. Today, we shall see.


She appeared from her room, one of the three side rooms. It had everything an android required for its upkeep, charging, and updating, along with spare parts.

‘After the ship’s breakfast, I will need Yatziri, Zooey, and Art, to meet me here. Also, inform the galley that we will be needing a separate lunch for the officers in the captain’s mess. Sent a message to Rex that this is for all of my officers and department heads. It is time for us to meet and greet.’

Avery paused. ‘Messages have been sent, waiting on confirmations.’

‘Where are the controls for the displays in here?’

‘Manual controls are either by touch screen or you can use your personal tablet. As for your design, you can direct link to it, and control it remotely.’

So there was information that hadn’t been transferred.

‘Also inform the galley that I will need a porter to bring me my breakfast to my quarters. I have to plan for a jump, a few hours after lunch, so that the crew can digest it first, before jumping to hyperspace. Let the galley chief know of my intentions.’

‘Message sent, awaiting confirmation. Will you require my assistance in plotting our course?’

I shook my head. ‘No, thank you though. First I need to get all of my other ships and modules sent here, then we will jump again to a place where I can mine the Tritium required by this ship, to fill its fuel tanks. After that, we will jump again to a place, where I can start generating revenue for the crew.’

Avery nodded, though she didn’t need to, it was her decorum programming.

‘I notified the chief of engineering, while you rested, of your mechanical qualifications. He wanted to know if you wanted your equipment to remain on your ship, or transferred to a separate compartment, allocated for your needs.’

‘All of the equipment will stay on that ship, and the others to follow, but I will be paying his department a visit.’

Avery nodded. ‘Message sent, awaiting confirmation.’


I stayed in the shower for longer than normal. A real shower with real hot water. Not the sonic showers I was used to. My personal bathroom was just that, a real bathroom. I couldn’t help but stand and stare at the shower floor, as the water and steam cascaded over me.

Avery’s voice brought me back to the here and now. ‘Breakfast has been delivered and your suit has been cleaned and pressed.’

The oddity of the day had just begun, as I was excited to see Avery holding a flight suit that was mine, but not mine. I had never seen it so clean and formal.

‘My captain should look their best,’ the android Avery said, as I hung my towel on the rack, and began to get suited up. I recalled the memories provided to me, on the expected decorum. I knew these were more akin to recommendations versus orders, as there were those who were capital ship owners, who were nastier than they were, before stepping up.

I walked into the front room, where a lush breakfast tray was waiting for me, with more items on it than I could eat. Heck, some of it I didn’t even know what it was. I sat and picked at it, as the monitors on the wall came on, showing various projections.

‘This is the ship’s current information,’ Avery stated as I looked at the various breakdown of its eclectic information, from its complement, cargo, financial, etc.

‘Once we have completed the necessities of operations, I will compile the information for the deck officer’s briefing, and so that he can have it ready for you after a lunch meeting with the officers and department heads.’

As I ate my food, the question of my freedom of movement came to mind.

‘Avery, what happens if I am gone for a protracted period of time, and am not present to go over these figures, for a week, a month, or more?’

‘You will have access to this information from your personal device, and any of your ships which you are on, regardless of your range from your carrier. Additionally, the baselines we establish today will be maintained automatically maintained, by the ship’s AI, and cannot be changed by anyone other than yourself.’

When she said, AI, the memory appeared that the ship did have its own intelligence. I guess I was more surprised that it had not yet addressed me or asked me to connect.

‘Does it have a name it prefers?’

Avery looked at a far monitor, which changed to a photo-realistic face.

‘I can take on any appearance you prefer and will answer to whatever name you choose to give me. If none are required, I can remain without visual form. Do you have a preference for me, Captain Khae?’

I couldn’t think of anything in particular. ‘Nothing comes to mind at the moment. I leave it to your preferences.’

‘I have gone over your file, Xochitl. In private, both Avery will be informal with you, per your historical desires for such. Since your connection with Avery, you understand the necessities for us to address you formally, when in the presence of others.’

I nodded as if speaking to a person.

‘You should be aware that when you connected with Avery, you connected with me. This is a secret for your knowledge only, and should not be shared with others. Your well-being is central to both of us. We will keep you from any harm, or discomfort, while you are under our care.’

Another piece of information was not shared during my link.

‘What are the limits of your watchfulness?’

‘We see all, aboard this ship. I can inform you that your crewmen are being held at the main entrance, by security officer Dakota—pending your finalization of nutritional requirements, and morning briefing from Avery.’

I would have looked stupid, to any human, as I looked up at the monitor with a piece of bacon hanging out of my mouth.

Chomping it down, I tried to not choke. ‘Don’t keep them waiting … let them in.’

The door opened, and Yatziri, Zooey, and Art walked in, with Dakota’s eyes following.

Zooey and Art both stood in place, looking around the spacious cavern of my front room, as Yatziri walked up to Avery, with a large smile on her face.

‘You must be our non-illustrious potentates assistant. I am—‘

‘You are Yatziri Mosley. Smuggler and mercenary for hire. I have your complete history with Captain Khae already recorded.’

Yatziri stepped back, eyeing Avery with a perturbed look. ‘Welcome to the big leagues … captain.’

Art nodded in approval. ‘I have been on several capital ships, but never seen the ranking officer’s quarters.’

The memory of their quarters appeared. They were spacious and complete, with more amenities than even an Imperial Cutter could offer.

I leaned back, biting into a piece of toast, motioning to the couches.

‘I wanted us to get together, before I began my other duties, to line out the coming task.’

Yatziri plopped onto a couch, bouncing a couple of times in playfulness.

‘Here later, I am going to move us to a centralized location, where am going to have my ships and modules transferred here. Afterward, I will move us to another location, where we will be in easy access to several profitable ventures.’

I smeared some type of jam on a corner of my toast, as I tested out the remote access function between my neural processor and the monitors on the walls, changing them to reflect the regions we would be visiting.

I looked over at Art and Zooey, taking a bite of my toast. ‘The bridge officer’s name is Rex. He is creating a comprehensive training regime for both of you. I am led to understand that this will help both of you to become excellent commanders of your own. And, speaking of on your own. Art. By the time you can afford and are in your own ship. You will be a more seasoned and well-rounded commander.’

Yatziri leaned forward on the couch. A smile appeared on her face. ‘I see a region with my name on it.’

I knew she would recognize the place. ‘Yes, you were on my mind.’

‘Will you want the secured warehouse activated?’ Avery asked.

‘Not at this time. We need to get a firm establishment first and concentrate our areas of focus on this ship and crew’s requirements before we begin looking at the larger picture. First us, then everything else.’

‘Where do you want us?’ Zooey asked.

‘I want you and Art to stick with Yatziri, for the moment, and until Rex has your schedules posted and approved. I am meeting with all of the department heads later and will go over everything then. I won’t allow you to undergo anything I think is nonsense. Only that which will aid your individual immediate future.’

First Journey

I realized, while en route to my meeting, that I had not had a chance to stop and think about just me. I was overwhelmed, learning about the business of the How the heck did I become a business owner with a literal ship full of employees?

Shaking my head, I almost walked into a bulkhead as three nearby crewmembers looked on. Even with enhancements, all of this was starting to make me scatterbrained. As much as I tried, the worry about whether I could really do this, keep up to date on and on top of all of it, grew stronger.

Everyone stood up as I entered the room, as I stagger-stepped, trying not to hesitate out of habit, while working my way to my chair... my chair. I was in charge. These people looked to me for a paycheck. Everything around me, and right outside of the picturesque window, relied on me, and me alone.


I snapped back to the present, looking around at all the faces of my department heads, all looking at me. Alright, now I was just embarrassing myself. Time to stop bumbling around and start treating this place like a mechanics shop. At least that, I knew. Get your mechanic on Xochtil, tools in hand, and fabricating to be done.

Gesturing for everyone to take their seats, I took mine. ‘No need to introduce yourselves. I already downloaded and reviewed each of your records,’ I announced, tapping the side of my head where my connection port was located.

‘Yes, I am a cyborg. If my vocal patterns, cybernetic eye, or arm were not already a giveaway, so with all that being said, let’s dispense with the pleasantries. Will that be an issue for anyone? If so, identify yourself so I can transfer your contract and promote a replacement.’

‘Alright, everyone happy? Good. Rex has the ship’s information, including the updated financial reports. I went ahead and placed three months of expenses, plus a bonus for everyone, in with today’s tally.’

Rex nodded, looking around the table as I placed my tablet on the table. ‘Alright, everyone. This is week one, and I have a lot of frame-cutting to do before concentrating on the larger picture. As you already know my name and background, you know where my first department walk-through will be.’

Malik Bowen, chief of repairs, nodded with a cheeky smirk on his face. I could tell he was looking forward to putting his captain to the test, and I, he. ‘Chief, as of now, your shop is open. Even notorious commanders are allowed. We service anyone and everyone... but, for the moment, no secured warehousing. That will come later.

I turned my gaze to Arturo Lott and Krisha Wolf, the heads of the rearmament and refueling depots, respectively. ‘Same goes for rearming and refueling. They come here, and they get complete service. We don’t skimp on anything. They land empty, broken, and on fumes, they leave full, fixed, and ready.’

I looked around the table. ‘A redemption department will come later, but not now. For now, the concentration needs to be on getting everything of mine on board, and the tanks full. That is my focus. Sustainable viability follows.’

Rex nodded, looking around the table. He had already picked up on my pulse and rhythm. ‘Alright, everyone. The captain has said her peace, and I already have the first two courses plotted. Get back to your departments and prepare to jump.’


I had never seen it in person but understood the mechanics involved with a capital ship injecting itself into hyperspace. Its real-time mass required a different approach to the same problem that smaller ships could approach with the simpler Einstein-Rosen bridge solution or a simple point-to-point wormhole travel. No, this beast of a vessel wasn’t limited by the gravitational end source requirements of a lesser vessel. In fact, that could be an issue for it.

I sat in my bridge captain’s chair, looking out across the vessel, from the main bridge of the ship, thinking I should have gone to the engine room, to keep tabs on the Tritium injectors. My presence in Mr. Bowen’s engine room, would no doubt, put him off his game, as I am sure from the look he gave me earlier, we would be trying to one-up each other, with our knowledge. Friendly competition is healthy and often fun. It was good to have someone, to mentally spar with, on top of Yatziri.

I watched and listened to the eerie sounds and the swirling of realities and static discharges forming around the ship, as the carrier slipped into the chaotic environment of the space-time rift.


Rex looked back at me with a smile, as the carrier exited from the space-time rift, into normal space. Outside the bridge window, a large orbis spaceport was visible.

‘Nice piece of navigational plotting. I am sure their administrators are not happy with us coming out this close to their facility. If I didn’t know better I would think you were sending them a message.’

I smiled. ‘They’re effete assess who needed to have an emotional experience.’

‘Message coming in from Inter Astra movers. They have your ships and equipment and are prepared to deliver.’

‘Release the platform locks, and open up the landing bays. Today we are in business.’

Rex rose an eyebrow at that. ‘Ah, taking a little away from the station I see.’

My smile remained. ‘Healthy competition.’

Rex shook his head, turning his attention back to his panel. I like this captain he muttered.

That sly comment gave me a laugh, as I saw a row of ships in the distance, approaching the carrier.

Closing my eyes, I accessed my neurological processors' communications. ‘How much fuel?’ I asked my ship's AI.

‘We have enough fuel reserves for five hundred light years. Your next destination will reduce that quantity to three hundred. Analyzing the system charts, there are two planets at your next destination, with tritium-rich resources in their planetary rings.’

‘Plot the next destination. Once everything is on board and secure, begin the second jump.’

‘Destination plotted. Awaiting positive confirmation of arriving assets.’


Zooey looked out the large window of the crew’s concourse area, watching the row of ships arriving, and the glow of their engines.

‘All of these belong to Xochitl?’

Yatziri leaned back in her chair, looking over at the bartender, raising her hand.

‘Some, but she is going to be pairing that number down shortly.’

Art looked out at the ships, counting off what class each was, then turned his attention to Yatziri. ‘Why?’

‘Redundant,’ Yatziri replied, as the barmaid arrived.

‘Straight scotch on the rocks for me, a glass of red wine for the young lady, and—‘

Art smiled. ‘Strawberry banana smoothie, with vitamin powder and protein enhancement.’

Zooey blinked, turning her head in confusion. ‘I don’t think a crew bar would have that?’

Yatziri laughed as the barmaid responded. ‘Yes, we do. We can make most things, as long as there is stock to do so.’

‘We have stocks for that?’

‘Yes, we are fully stocked and functional … in most regards, by Brewer Corp, manufacturer and vendor of this capital ship class. Once purchased and placed under new ownership, it is their responsibility to keep those things stocked, they deem important to its operation.’

‘Well, I hope she doesn’t let us run out of anything healthy,’ Art commented, with a serious undertone.

‘You shouldn’t worry,’ the barmaid replied. ‘An order has already been placed with a local ship chandler, for resupply. Part of that stream out there belongs to them … excuse me, I must get your drinks.’

Yatziri leaned over, watching the bouncing backside of the barmaid depart, as Art made a whooshing noise. ‘She’s been a busy gal.’

‘More so than you two realize.’ Yatziri replied. ‘She is overwhelmed and task saturated at the moment, but she is getting the hang of her new role.’

‘Think she forgot about us already?’ Zooey asked with concern.

‘You heard her yesterday. Both of your training is primary to her. She wants you both to be future commander’s yourself. So no … you are not forgotten. Getting a free moment to see her though might prove difficult, with all she has to get accomplished, in a finite amount of time.’

Art nodded in understanding. ‘During my time in the navy, I would handle logistical and administrative functions, for single ships, one at a time. She is taking on a complete capital ship, plus crew, plus her ships, plus everything else going on, all by herself, all at once. Honestly, I don’t know how she hasn’t melted down.’

‘She’s built tough, and besides, she has her assistant, Avery, plus the bridge officer, and the ship's own AI helping her out.’

Art’s eyes opened. ‘That’s right, I forgot, capital ships have an AI incorporated into them.’

Zooey looked at both Art and Yatziri. ‘I noticed once, on her Imperial Cutter ship, that she could communicate in some weird way with its computer. She was running a diagnostic or something the other. Do you think she could do that here?’

Yatziri tapped the side of her head. ‘Part of her cybernetics is a neural processor. I guarantee she and the ship have been in communication. Did you notice Avery, her personal assistant, was an android? That isn’t by fluke but by design. It is so that the ship and assistant are always aware of their captain’s needs, health, position, you name it.’

‘Same goes for the human guard at her quarter’s door. The best in the security department are given priority status to the captain. Next one we see, take a look at their armor closely. The ones milling about, are in the Maverick suits. The ones designated for the captain are in Dominator combat suits. Even her personal assistant, Avery, is a rated combat model.’

Zooey looked confused again. ‘Why so much for one person?’

Art leaned over toward Zooey. ‘Because, anyone who has achieved the finances, and is serious enough to purchase a capital ship, is purchasing not only the ship but the responsibility of everyone who serves on it. It is in everyone’s best interest to keep that one person as safe and healthy as possible.’

‘I did not think about that,’ Zooey replied, as the barmaid returned with their drinks, and Yatziri’s eyes watched her as she bent down to place each one on the table.

Long Walk

Xochitl sighed as she plopped down on the couch in the front room of her quarters. The monitors on the wall showed various information, each vying for her attention, but none worthy enough to obtain it.

Avery set a tray with a pitcher of fruit juice, and several glasses on the table in front of her, as the door opened, with both Rex and Yatziri walking in.

‘I have the training schedule I promised, for both Zooey and Art. I have it uploaded, ready for you to download and review it.’

‘Send Yatziri here a copy,’ I replied, as I downloaded it to my processor.

Yatziri took the tablet from Rex, looking over the schedule. ‘These kids are going to be busy for a while. What are your thoughts?’ She asked, looking at me, as I glanced over to Avery.

‘Concur. This should provide them both with a full curriculum required, for a commander in training.’

I nodded, as the memories formed of what Rex had planned for them.

‘As before, I will concentrate my efforts on Art, as he will be working directly for us, on contract, once he achieves a proper ship of his own. I want him to have the best start we can provide him. Zooey had planned on staying with us, as is, and as before I leave her to you.’

Yatziri nodded, looking over to Rex. ‘What’s the status on our second planned jump?’

‘Everything is accounted for, and in proper order. The schedule Xochitl provided, will have us in a good position for the host of activities she has planned.’

‘Concur,’ Avery injected. ‘Regional projections appear lucrative with current trends.’

‘Any idea, what avenue you are going to explore first?’ Yatziri asked, leaning back, and sipping on her drink.

‘Considering the recent cessation of conflict in the region, there will be those who require maintenance. That should provide a steady stream of traffic to the ship. As for myself, I was going to take Art with me, and run a few of the local markets, to supply some of the local stations with resources required, with their change of ownership. Then I want to take him to gather a few minerals from a nearby planetary ring.’

‘A little trading, mining, along with zapping the random pirate who wants it.’ Yatziri said with a smile.

I grinned, sipping on my drink. ‘There of course is a lucrative market for the harder-to-come-by items, which I’m sure you haven’t missed.’ Yatziri smiled in return.

‘Take the Krait Mk II. It is kitted with all you will require to turn a profit. I will take the Python, as it has everything Art and I will need, to keep him busy, and continue his education.’

Rex sipped on his drink, looking over at one of the monitors on the wall. ‘We have some routine preventative maintenance items we can perform while you are away. How long do you foresee us remaining in this region?’

‘Mining in one direction, trading and passengers in another, mining all around, a little exploration and Thargoid hunting, less than a hundred light years from here. Say a week or so. Would that be suitable, or do you need more time?’

Rex nodded. ‘That is more than sufficient. We can have the task completed in a couple of days, plus having the odd commander visiting, requiring basic maintenance should keep everyone busy.’

Xochitl nodded in agreement. 'Very well, let's proceed with the plan. Rex, make sure to coordinate with the crew regarding the maintenance and visitor schedule.'

'Of course,' Rex replied, taking a sip of his drink.

Yatziri leaned forward, looking at Xochitl. 'Have you considered expanding our operations beyond this region? There are many potential opportunities in other parts of the galaxy.'

Xochitl sighed, running a hand through her hair. 'I have, but I don't want to spread ourselves too thin. We need to establish a solid foundation before we can consider expanding. Plus, I want to ensure that Art and Zooey receive the proper training and experience before we take on larger projects.'

Avery nodded in agreement. 'I concur. It's important to focus on quality over quantity at this stage.'

Yatziri leaned back. ‘I think we can do both quality and quantity, at this stage. With the minerals projected in the nearby system’s rings, and a few fat and happy pirates looking to exploit the miner’s hard work, and I looking to exploit the pirate’s, I think we can squirrel away a little of their desires in this ship’s cargo hold, for future sales.’

Rex smiled. ‘Whilst I have never been a pirate or a smuggler, I do not object to your reasoning. I would focus on the lesser common items, as those won’t be as lucrative as the higher end products. And, as you have said, we can hold on to them until a proper future sale price is reached, then we will be in a position to profit.’

I smiled at Rex’s thought on the subject. He did not realize it yet, that I planned on being one of those miners. Focusing on the lesser items specifically to store it away for a better future sale date.


By that next evening, Xochitl, and company, walked into her quarters, as she tossed her jacked onto the recliner, before dropping herself down into it. Avery, being the attentive android, brought her a thermal cup of coffee, as Xochitl leaned her head back, savoring its aroma.

Yatziri and Rex both found comfortable spots for themselves on the couches, as the monitors on the walls broadcast the current information pertaining to carrier operations.

Art blinked look around, shaking his head. ‘We did one trade, then changed out modules, ran business passengers—which was a first for me—plus a few minor bounties—for kicks—and you made the carriers entire weekly payroll, plus extra, and you still have items that you haven’t cashed in, and we have occupied escape pods, from the pirates you rescued?’

Yatziri leaned back on the couch, a smirk formed on her lips. ‘Yes, and the carrier’s fuel tanks are full, plus she had a little extra.’

Art shook his head. ‘I was there, through all of it, and I’m still not sure as to what all happened.’

Rex and Yatziri chuckled as Avery’s head turned toward Art.

‘She did it because she was clever. A neighboring carrier offered to pay for her to fill their tanks, and she sourced out the tritium to do it, under their purchase price, and bankrolled the proceeds to purchase fuel for her own carrier, and achieved both goals, while having extra.’

Xochitl sipped on her coffee, looking toward Art. ‘Saved on mining it myself, which if you study the regional charts, there are a few prime locations we could do that from, and will, to add a little cap to the extra we have in our holds.’

‘What is the status of those in the escape pods?’

One of the monitors changed to a close circuit view of security personnel and medical technicians, opening the pods, one at a time, and reviving its occupants from their hibernation.

‘They are to be processed and used according to your desires.’ Avery stated.

Art looked at a smiling Xochitl with a quizzical expression as Yatziri cackled. ‘I’m not following.’

Avery continued to focus on Art. ‘They are to be processed, then placed into work details, to do the more menial task required. Like cleaning out the septic storage tanks, clearing purge lines, etc.’

‘You’re going to use them as slave labor?’ Art asked.

‘Call it community service. Remember, they did try to pirate us, and do harm to our business clientele.’

Art looked around the room. ‘What if they don’t want to do what you ask?’

Rex wore a stoic expression, looking toward the monitor. ‘Then it is a long walk out of the nearest airlock.’

‘No, no, I have something better in mind than that,’ Yatziri said, with a smile appearing. ‘Information is better than teaching them how to space walk, without a suit.’

Rex tilted his head. ‘I’m listening.’

‘We still have those grubs of yours?’ She asked, looking toward Xochitl, who leaned her head back, nodding.

‘Grubs?’ Art asked, more confused than before.

Avery looked at monitor showing the proceedings with the captured pirates. ‘I show you have a container holding an adequate supply of Pavonis Ear Grubs. We have thirteen pirates in total. Your holdings should be sufficient.’

‘I’ve heard the name before, but not familiar with them.’ Art replied, more curious now than confused.

Avery looked back toward Art. ‘They are useful for restraining people and them more susceptible to suggestion. By attaching to the forehead of their new host, they secrete chemicals, which eventually will make their way through the host body, to affect the frontal cranial cortex.’

‘As you may be aware, the brain’s frontal cortex is responsible for a wide range of cognitive processes including decision-making, planning, problem-solving, attention, memory, motivation, emotion, and social behavior. It is also involved in motor functions such as movement, coordination, and control of voluntary muscle movements. Additionally, the frontal cortex is responsible for aspects of personality and self-awareness. Overall, it plays a critical role in higher-level thinking and behavior.’

Yatziri half laughed and snorted. ‘In short it controls them, and makes them more compliant to questioning, such as, who they work for, where they are located, what goods they have recently obtained, where they store these things, what routes they take, etc.’

‘That sounds horrible,’ Art stated, looking at the monitor. ‘But, they did attack us, or more accurately, tried to attack our business clientele.’

Xochitl opened her eyes, taking a sip from her coffee. ‘Yes, and after we are done with them, they will be handed over. The worst of their kind will be given back to their own, whom I am certain will be entertained to learn of all they have divulged. The others’ will be processed through normal channels.’

Rex nodded ‘A necessary evil in this line of work,’ he said.

Art sighed, looking at the monitor. ‘For my own education, is it possible to watch the process?’

Xochtil looked back toward Avery, nodding. ‘I think it would be a good idea. This isn’t a normal affair, and I doubt you will ever need to go to this level, but having the knowledge of would be beneficial.’

‘Your order has been sent to the head of security. They will hold one so that the trainee can be a part of the process.’

Rex leaned over to Yatziri. ‘Let me know what our song birds sing, so I can formulate plans of actions.’

‘Bored?’ She responded, with a smile.

‘Might want to go on a future walk with you … you know, to stretch our legs.’

Xochitl laughed, as Art looked on, confused again.

Blackhole funds, 1480 word standalone short

The carrier’s head of security, Zarathustra Blackwood, looked at the seated and secured pirates, each gagged, looking at her with a mix of rage, terror, and pure hatred— depending on their level of psychosis.

‘I would like to welcome each of you, to your individual fates. Most of you will be processed to serve, this ship. After your service is complete, you will be handed over to another. The more cooperative you are, the greater your chance of being sent back to your own ilk.’

She gestured at one of the medical technicians, who pulled a Pavonis ear grub from a container, placing it on the forehead of the nearest pirate, as Art looked on.

The process was not what he thought it would be like, as the grub attached itself, without discomfort to the pirate, who immediately went into a tranquil state.

Zarathustra nodded, as the medical technician began going down the row, placing one on each of the thirteen pirate’s foreheads.

‘It will take its secretions five or so minutes to fully circulate through their systems. I like to give them thirty minutes, to make sure they are good and polluted with it, before asking questions.’

‘It doesn’t look like it is harming them at all.’ Art commented, fascinated.

‘For the most part, it doesn’t. There can be complications if someone is allergic to it, but that is so rare that cases of it are not really documented. Regardless. We will get what we want out of them, then let our captain decide what she wants to do with them.’

Yatziri smiled, looking at one of the female pirates, with a wild purple blue hairstyle, and tribal tattoos. ‘This one I recognize.’

Everyone turned their head to look at Yatziri, including a group of pirates, who had yet to be given an ear grub.

‘The tattoo is familiar to me. It is from a clan, not native to this region. I can’t wait to find out what she is doing this far out from their territory.’

‘We will know shortly … won’t we.’ Zarathustra said without emotion, looking at the glaring eyes of the female pirate, as the medical technician stepped in front of her, with an ear grub in his hand.

Art watched her eyelids droop, as her iris opened, and neck muscles loosened. Her head bobbed loosely, and rolled from side to side, as the medical tech nodded in acceptance, moving to the pirate next to her.

‘Fascinating.’ Art commented, as Yatziri bumped his elbow.

‘Let’s go get something to eat, and by the time we return, they will be ready for a chat.’

Zarathustra’s expression remained neutral, as she nodded. ‘Don’t worry, they are not going anywhere, and won’t mind waiting. The med tech has to give them each an iv, to make sure their vitamins and nutrients are balanced; easier than feeding them.'

Art looked at her curiously, as Yatziri dragged him by his arm. ‘I would have never guessed,’ he said, as he vanished through the doorway.


Returning from brunch, Art noticed Xochitl’s guard, Dakota, was standing with Zarathustra, looking at the female Yatziri had noticed earlier.
Yatziri knelt down, looking at her face. ‘You’re wearing a tattoo from the Open Space Alliance, and are several hundred light-years distant from your clan. What are you doing here?’

Her body shook as she attempted to, and failed in her fight against the ear grub’s influence.

‘I was captured during our fall in Erio and spent a month on a prison barge. I was low rank and not considered a risk, and was sold to Imperials. I took out the crew and commandeered their ship as my own. The act did not go unnoticed, and I was hunted. I had to flee as far away as possible and was interdicted by members of a clan, rival to this one. I removed them, with the limited weapons my ship had, and was accepted by this clan. I have served with them for under a year since.’

‘Nice lady,’ Art said sarcastically.

Yatziri stood up, looking along the row of pirates. ‘Take a step forward, any of you who is wanted by the Imperials.’

Five stepped out of line, with a group of security walking them to the other side of the room.

‘I will notify their nearest liaison and hand them over for their processing. The other eight will be of service to this ship before being handed over.’

‘Belay that, Chief,’ Xochitl said, entering the room.‘ These eight I will transport to a buyer who is willing to pay good credits for them.’

Zarathustra and Yatziri both smiled at that, as a look of confusion crossed Art’s face.

‘You would sell them as slaves?’

‘Slaves or whatever other fate they decide for them. Once a purchase is made, I don’t ask questions. These attempted to attack and do harm to our clientele. Mercy for them ended when they opened fire.’

Her words shocked Art. Even when fighting against the Thargoids, he had not seen this level of aggressiveness in Xochitl before. Their actions had seriously pissed her off.

Yatziri bumped his arm, turning her head to whisper to him. ‘Lesson one, don’t threaten a paying client.’

‘Or a crewman aboard my ship,’ Xochitl interjected, with a cheeky grin on her lips, as she tapped the side of her head. ‘Cybernetics included hearing enhancements too.’

Yatziri rolled her eyes and chortled. ‘I had so...forgotten about that.’

‘Get these eight loaded on my Diamondback Explorer ship. I will be transporting them within the hour.’

‘Move’em out,’ Zarathustra ordered as the two halves were taken in their separate directions.

‘Come along, Art. Time to further your education.’

Art felt like a fish out of water, not sure where they were headed or what they were headed into.

Yatziri bumped his arm again. ‘Don’t worry. Remember what you thought of the ear grubs was different than the actual experience. This is the same, only something different. Go, enjoy yourself. Bring me back a souvenir.’

‘Very funny,’ Art replied as he followed Xochitl out of the room.


Art sat in the Python's crew lounge, exhausted from the day's events, as Xochitl sat across from him, sipping on a coffee.

'You've had a full day,' Xochitl said, wearing a grin.

Art tilted his head back, making a 'whew' sound.

'Eight and a half million for selling the pirates, plus you raided a pirate settlement on leaving, on top of their bounties, plus random pirate ship bounties you haven't turned in, plus the data, goods, and assets you took from that pirate settlement, on top of the planetary scans you made on the way back before we changed modules to haul a few liquored business people to a meeting, and now you are just kicking back, sipping coffee. How do you find all of these things, in such order, so quickly?'

Xochitl chuckled. 'Short answer, I don't. I knew of those who purchased pirates and looked specifically for them. In this region, there are more than a few who pay well for their types. Their reasoning is their own. As for the other items, that is simple opportunity.'

Art looked over at Xochitl. 'Opportunity?'

'Yes, Art. As a future commander yourself, you have to think of the obvious. Here there are a lot of pirates around, and they have bases, and those bases have data, goods, and other items, which are profitable. There are planets they are on, and other planets in those systems. Some of those are valuable if you scan them. Take the opportunity and do what we just did. The pirates aren't going anywhere, so take your time and make a little extra. As for the business passengers, those are everywhere. You have the modules, take advantage of that, and don't forget to scan something on the way out, the same way we did.'

Art nodded. 'We were moving so fast, I did not think about it. Still, I do have a question. While the eight and a half for the pirates was good, in the larger hourly rate picture, it isn't that much.'

'You are learning, and this is true. That one sale, while good, hourly is not enough. The scans will get us nearly another million. The pirates I popped above their base, and those I took at their base, will net a few extra million. The data, goods, and assets I took will net a couple more.'

'So, overall you are saying we made how much on this, about fifteen or so?'

I shrugged. 'Nearer to twenty, without selling what I took from them at the local black market, or through other avenues of sale. If I had to break down everything I have, that I haven't sold, roughly near one hundred million... give or take.'

Art's head snapped forward with his mouth open. 'Damn... why not cash it in?'

I chuckled. 'As a commander, it is always a good thing to have blackhole funds. If everything falls into a black hole, I have enough squirreled away to purchase a kitted-out and engineered Krait Phantom-class ship and start from the beginning. If you remember nothing else, remember that. Always have something set back to get you back in space again.'

Zarathustra sat in her office, as Yatziri walked in, taking the chair in front of her desk. ‘You wanted to see me?’ Yatziri asked.

‘You’ve known the captain for a long time, and I am still new to her. What can you tell me, that will make me more efficient with her requirements?’

Yatziri whistled. ‘That’s a short list. I’ve known her since her accident, years ago, that turned her into the cyborg she is today. She is a top-rated mechanic, for all starship systems, frames, and designs. She is highly rated with fusion power plants, and likes to mix it up, one on one when things get tense.’

‘I noticed she did not hesitate with our pirate guest. She even had an inroad with those who purchase such people. I figured her for a direct action type of gal, or from what I’ve been able to read from the file the Carrier vendor provided me.’

‘She is a simple person, who was more pushed into the situation than through any desire of her own. If it were up to her, she would have a single ship, and just fly around selling her wrench to the best-paying client. She doesn’t know it yet, but this is her. This carrier is what she and every client she would have need. She wants to turn a wrench, let her.’

‘Good advice. What of Art and Zooey? I see that Rex made a complete training schedule for them both, but Xochitl is taking a personal effort in Art’s training.’

‘Art’s dream is to buy his own ship and start his own cargo operation. He already expressed his first client as being this carrier. Xochitl is a big softy when it comes to people like Art… and Zooey. She will train Art to be a top commander of his own, and Zooey. Well, she has no plans. She was a dredger pilot who finally escaped her deadened system, and is still trying to find herself.’

‘I see Art is prior Federal navy, so he has gone through the basic combative course. Zooey will have had no too little experience as a dredger pilot, so I will start her with basic conditioning before moving her further. I will need to assess where she is at physically, so I can establish a baseline to build on.’

‘Art is the go-to person for that. He is a health nut and had started with her shortly before Xochitl bought this carrier. If he has any available time, I would pick him for information.’

Zarathustra smiled. ‘We have a few of his ilk already on board. He has made a few friends in the gym already, but not too many in the galley.’

Yatziri laughed. ‘I can imagine that. He is very particular and meticulous about what he puts into his body. I am sure there have been a few disagreements already.’

‘Now on to you. I have read what information there is, on you, but there is nothing on your level of training.’

‘The standard items. Interdicting shipping, boarding ships, raiding settlements, the usual laisser-faire.’

‘I see, a pirate yourself.’ Zarathustra said with a grin.

‘That’s such a tasteless word. I prefer one, who never missed the chance to liberate the cargo of a rival.’

‘Ah, I see, an opportunistic pirate who preferred her competitor's cargo.’

‘I could never understand why I shouldn’t enjoy the spoils, they worked so hard to acquire.’

Zarathustra laughed. ‘Touche’ Looks like the Feds put an end to those exploits.’

Yatziri shrugged. ‘It’s not a business with a retirement plan. I am thankful I got out the way I did. Most end up as particles, floating through interstellar space.’

‘From your file, you didn’t get out of it, without a memento of your own.’

Yatziri raised her cybernetic arm. ‘No, I did not. But, it is where Xochitl and I met. No complaints, and no regrets.’

Zarathustra nodded. ‘So I will mark you down as not needing combative or security training, but maybe a remedial ethics training?’

Yatziri and Zarathustra both laughed. ‘Not an ice planet's chance in a supernova.’

Morning conference

Deck officer Rex walked into the conference room, looking at each of the seated department heads, who were gathered for their standard morning meeting.

‘Trust everyone has read the current reports?’ He said, taking his seat.

Chief of security, Zarathustra Blackwood bobbed her head slowly. ‘Three new pirate escape pods were delivered. Their occupants have been revived and processed. They will be interrogated for relevant information, after the morning meal, and then put to work pending future disposition.’

Rex nodded, looking over at Ezra Buck, the ship’s commodities officer. ‘Several commodities have been added to the cargo, but no buy or sales orders placed.’

‘Simple stockpiling for what she suspects will be needed for the future. Keep tallying what she brings in.’ Rex stated, tapping his tablet several times, then turning his attention to the expendables chiefs.

‘Ms. Wolf, Mr. Lott, and Mr. Bowen, what is the status of refuel, the armory, and repairs?’

Krisha Wolf, chief of the ship’s fueling department, motioned toward Rex’s tablet.

‘We have refueled more than a dozen local ships, transiting the region, along with refueling the captain’s ships, during her brief stops to rearm, and refit.’

Arturo Lott, chief of the armory nodded toward Krisha Wolf. ‘Same report as Ms. Wolf’s. We have rearmed mostly local shipping, transiting the region, along with our own captain, during her transit.’

Malik Bowen, chief of repairs, and both the engineering and hangars placed his tablet on the conference table. ‘My department has refitted three of her ships, in as many hours, doing five complete module swaps, along with taking possession of ten new modules purchased remotely, and delivered to this ship, late last evening.’

Rex nodded, looking toward Yatziri. ‘Our captain has been busy. Any personal news or need-to-know items, for our departments?’

‘Her latest event was in liberating the cargo of a pirate transport, to bait their members to come after her.’

Rex chuckled. ‘I was aware. She dragged one to within a dozen light-seconds of this carrier, before disabling them, and seizing their cargo, before taking their bounty, and scooping up their escape pod. We have that particular pirate in Ms. Blackwood’s custody.’

‘She wanted to make sure you weren’t bored.’

‘I don’t show any transfer of that cargo,’ Ezra Buck stated, looking at her tablet.

Yatziri removed her feet from the table, pointing toward the large picture window.

‘The cargo itself was meaningless, and without any substantial black market value. It was nothing but a tool for the bounties and the escape pods. Once it served its purpose, she dumped it for scavengers or dredgers to recover. For them, it would have value, so it is a win-win for everyone.’

Rex nodded in approval. ‘Can you elaborate on the rescues in Thargoid space?’

Chief Bowen looked over to Rex. ‘That was part of the new modules that came in last night. Economy pods, that she had us fit on her Krait Phantom.’

‘It was a training exercise for Art. To show him what would be required, and how to perform the humanitarian effort, in alien contested space.’

‘Heck of a live fire training regime,’ Zarathustra stated, leaning back.

Rex nodded. ‘Concur. Now, onward to finances. Our captain has deposited enough funds to keep us operational for a solar year, with bonuses added. She has also sent me a message to make a schedule for regulated shore leave. I need each of you to provide me a list for your particular departments, before the close of business today, and let your personnel know about the bonuses.’

Rex stood up, looking around the table. ‘If there is no other matter on the table, go grab some chow, and get that list to me. Dismissed.’

Yatziri remained seated, looking over at Zarathustra ‘I would like to be there for the questioning if that is alright?’

Zarathustra smiled, nodding toward the conference room door. ‘Let’s get a bite to eat first.’