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4 - Third Party Tools

ED Market Connector (EDMC)
Elite Dangerous Market Connector ("EDMC") is a third-party application for use with Elite Dangerous. Its purpose is to facilitate supplying certain game data to, and in some cases retrieving it from, a number of websites and other tools.

Recommended Plugins for EDMC:

EDMC Overlay
EDMC Overlay is a helper program for Elite:Dangerous, It provides a means for a program such as EDMC to display simple messages in the game's DirectX window.

Elite Dangerous Minor Faction Tracker
Elite: Dangerous Minor Faction Activity Tracker (EDMFAT) is an EDMC plug-in that automatically records in-game actions supporting or undermining minor factions. For example, completing missions for a minor faction will increase that minor faction's influence. Completing missions for other minor factions in the same system will decrease that minor faction's influence

HITS is EDMC Plugin that gives risk assessments for ship safety upon jumping into a star system.

Discord Presence
A plugin for EDMC that enables Discord Rich Presence for Elite Dangerous to show your current location to your friends on Discord from your user profile.

Exploration Tools for EDMC:

The EDMC-Canonn plugin will help you keep up to date with Canonn News, direct you to things of interest in the game and will capture data that will enable us to catalogue the mysteries of the Galaxy.

Elite Dangerous Scout
EDScout is an Elite Dangerous companion app to simplify finding unexplored worlds.

This plugin's purpose is to automatically copy to your clipboard the next waypoint on a route you planned using Spansh.

Surface navigation view to get a bearing for a given latitude and longitude in real time.
Neutron navigation view for following routes generated from
Long Range Scanner view that allows you to query the stations in your currently targeted system.
And more.

EDDiscovery is a captain's log and 2D/3D map for Elite Dangerous players.

Fleet Carrier Tools for EDMC:

Fleet Carrier Management System
Fleet Carrier Management System (FCMS) is an EDMC plug-in that automatically reports fleet carrier jumps to This website tracks fleet carrier movements and locations, optionally back to a squadron Discord.

Other Tools for Elite:

Elite Dangerous Odyssey Materials Helper
This application reads the journal files to track which materials you have and make it instantly visible. It shows which materials are relevant to collect, how much you need to collect to upgrade a weapon or suit, unlock an engineer or craft a recipe.

Add your voice as an extra controller with voice commands that YOU create. Give specific instructions to your space freighter, your race pit crew, your mech or your druid and give life and immersion to your games like never before.

HCS Voice Packs for VoiceAttack
Take command, issue orders and immerse yourself in the world's very first theatrical crew experience! Flightsim, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Star Wars Squadrons, Star Citizen, Call Of Duty & Battlefield.

EDDI: (Standalone/or plugin for VoiceAttack)
EDDI is a companion application for Elite: Dangerous, providing responses to events that occur in-game using data from the game as well as various third-party tools. EDDI reads data from a variety of sources to provide players with additional information whilst in-game, and also with events that can trigger such things as spoken responses or VoiceAttack actions.

EDCoPilot is a virtual assistant for Elite Dangerous. Think of it as an “Alexa-in-space”, but with attitude!
Imagine EDCoPilot as an AI installed in your ship that you can request information from using voice commands or via its UI, and that will tell you information as you go about your day in the 34th century.
EDCoPilot was originally created for VR users to minimise the need for Commanders to take their headsets off to find external information or to type in system names in the Galaxy Map. It's navigable UI means it also works great for non-VR users with a second monitor (or a tablet, if you use SpaceDesk or similar), with or without voice commands! VR users can display the UI in their headset via overlay applications such as Virtual Desktop (Oculus users), Desktop+ (free on Steam), OVRDrop or OVRToolkit.