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Story - Investigation Repository

In our squadron, occasionally the story may warrant an in-lore investigation. To further reinforce the immersion in a realistic manner, any investigation that can be declassified will be detailed here.

The Investigation Repository is written from the perspective of the story and its characters - so no future spoilers or still-unknown info will be detailed here.

3307 09 12 - Obi Dredgings Incident

The Obi Dredgings Incident was an incident that occurred at a mining settlement, codenamed Facility MX-03 Delta, in the Luhman 16 system belonging to mining company 'Obi Dredgings'. The facility incident occurred on 3303 04 02, and is of importance due to Squadron Commander Adair's presumed involvement in sabotaging the facility by disabling the alarms in order to allow the attack to take place. However, most reports signify that Adair was shot point-blank by said attackers in the airlock, after disabling the alarms, which raises several questions - like why the attackers would shoot her if she was working with them.

The initial incident report describes that unidentified mercenaries docked to the facility and attempted to secure high-value samples of concentrated radioactive Tritium that was being mined in the vicinity. They initially attacked the Power Centre, in order to gain access to the command room and shut down the alarms, which is where the official report mentions that Officer Aurora Adair was shot point-blank in the airlock.

However, the official company case states that the alarms failed to trigger, whereas an addendum report counters that the alarms were never triggered in the first place - thus attributing it to human error. These full reports were recovered from physical data archives at the settlement by a CSF Sentinel team, and are made available below:

CASE OFFICER: Hector Deacon
INCIDENT TYPE: Settlement Attack
STATUS: Closed

On 3303 04 02, Obi Dredgings Facility MX-03 Delta was attacked by a band of six mercenaries who attempted to access secure containment in EXT-01 Omicron, containing samples of highly concentrated radioactive Tritium obtained from the surface of Luhman 16 B 3. The attackers initially made entry to the Power Centre, and confronted security. We believe they were trying to disable the alarms located in the Power Centre. However, we are currently investigating an error related to the alarms, which failed to trigger when necessary. This allowed the attackers to enter the facility unnoticed until their initial engagement in the Power Centre airlock A1. Officer Adair was reportedly shot point-blank, prompting the response of Officers Zane Grant and Skyler Black.

Security Officers Reece Adams, Zane Grant, Skyler Black, Jakub Poole, Aurora Adair, Mateo Webb, Rachel Helman and Hugo McNeil were involved in the conflict thereafter. While our security officers performed with exemplary conduct and skill, we suffered a few casualties during the engagement. I would like to request that we notify the immediate families of Officers Skyler Black, Zane Grant and Hugo McNeil, and we believe Officer Adair will make a full recovery from her injury. I would also like to request that the company provides the necessary therapy as detailed in their contracts.

Damage to company property is estimated at around 28,750,000 CR - mostly minor damages to mining equipment, industrial machinery within the conflict areas, as well as replacement suits, munitions and other items used by our security teams. The mercenaries were ultimately unsuccessful in obtaining samples from EXT-01 Omicron, and all were neutralized by our security teams. This case is pending further investigation.

CASE OFFICER: Jasper Mills

Our investigation into the initial report provided by OIR #22 has ultimately been inconclusive. We have found no fault with the settlement alarms, and believe we can attribute the failure to user error - meaning that the alarms were never triggered by an operator in the first place. I apologise if this is a stark contrast to what your investigation initially revealed. A technical team will arrive later today to obtain the security logs.

I would also like to take the opportunity to remind you that the company reserves its right to waiver contract benefits proportional to the incident severity. After reviewing security statements and interviewing our involved officers, the company has concluded that providing a therapist as per the contract is unnecessary in this circumstance. I am sorry if this comes as a surprise.

Thank you for reviewing the damages, and your report. We will be closing this case due to inconclusive evidence. Stay safe.

-- ] CASE CLOSED [ --

CSF Sentinel teams - who obtained a legitimate warrant to investigate the settlement's physical data archives - reported that their deep-data scan reported missing, fragmented data hidden within the archive, overwritten by Incident Report #22. Thus, we can assume that Addendum 1B in OIR #22 was a cover-up, hiding the actual cause of the incident - due to its dismissive claims.

A forgotten security log reconstructed from the archive further does contribute towards the false theory that the alarms were disabled by Aurora Adair, but if this is the case, it begs the question as to why she was not arrested. The cover-up appears to have many incorrect facts or 'holes' within, but it appears as if they were still able to avoid prosecution, likely due to local authority corruption. It is likely the company fabricated a quick story with hopes of pinning the blame on the security team as well as Adair herself, so if a later investigation was opened, that recovered archives would implicate her.

Likewise, Aurora and any surviving security guards from the incident do not remember exactly what happened, so either the company administered an amnestic drug, or the trauma some of them sustained is preventing them from remembering.
#### [06:00] ####

├── ALARMS: Online
├── AUTH SCANS: Online
├── AS TURRETS: Online
└── AP TURRETS: Online

├── PWR: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK
├── HAB: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK
├── EXT: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK
├── RES: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK
├── CMD: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK
└── STO: Pressurised [Integrity 100%] MIX OK

-- ] SECURITY LOG - 3303 04 02 [ --
└───── LOG EXCERPT [11:23] ──────┘

[11:23] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Command [Authorisation: Technician Chase Griffin, LVL 3] ## ENTRY ##
[11:23] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Command [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:25] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Command [Authorisation: Technician Chase Griffin, LVL 3] ## EXIT ##
[11:26] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Extraction [Authorisation: Officer Skylar Black, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:27] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Extraction [Authorisation: Technician Nate Lynes, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:30] !!! NOTICE !!! ALARMS DISABLED [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2]
[11:31] SHIP DOCK DETECTED: Keelback, TR-BAX (No Faction)
[11:32] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Command [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2] ## EXIT ##
[11:33] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2] ## EXIT ##
[11:34] !!! WARNING !!! WEAPONS FIRE DETECTED [PWR, Airlock A 1]
[11:34] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:34] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Extraction [Authorisation: Officer Skylar Black, LVL 2] ## EXIT ##
[11:34] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 2 [Authorisation: Technician Chase Griffin, LVL 3] ## EXIT ##
[11:34] !!! Automated Alarm Trigger Request Failed !!!
[11:34] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 2 [Authorisation: Officer Zane Grant, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:34] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Skylar Black, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:36] !!! Automated Alarm Trigger Request Failed !!!
[11:36] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Command [Authorisation: Officer Aurora Adair, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:36] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 2 [Authorisation: Officer Hugo McNeil, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:38] !!! Automated Alarm Trigger Request Failed !!! Cancelling...
[11:41] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Mateo Webb, LVL 3] ## ENTRY ##
[11:41] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Rachel Helman, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:41] AUTH SCAN: Granted, Power Centre Airlock A 1 [Authorisation: Officer Jakub Poole, LVL 2] ## ENTRY ##
[11:41] !!! WARNING !!! WEAPONS FIRE DETECTED [PWR, Airlock A 1]

┌───── LOG EXCERPT ENDS ──────┐

Despite it seeming obvious that Aurora turned off the alarms - this is false. Company records backtracking to Aurora's employment never state her receiving level 2 authorisation, only level 1, and that authorisation was never upgraded. Obi Dredgings was, at the time, outfitted with a fairly novel authorisation system before standardisations were made - so a cloned authorisation would not work, as biometric access was also required at the time, and jamming said access would have alerted the settlement guards.

This would make Aurora unable to perform what the security log claims she did. Sentinel teams concluded that the security log and incident report were doctored, and further digging begun. Modern data reconstruction tools were able to piece together the fragmented data, and while the proper security log was not obtained, the real Incident Report #22 was - offering a true look into what happened at Obi Dredgings on 3303 04 02.

Commanders are warned that the real, reconstructed OIR #22 is significantly more detailed, offering a disturbing look into the true nature of the incident.

CASE OFFICER: Hector Deacon
INCIDENT TYPE: Settlement Attack
STATUS: Closed

On 3303 04 02, Obi Dredgings Facility MX-03 Delta was attacked by a band of six mercenaries who attempted to access secure containment in EXT-01 Omicron, containing samples of highly concentrated radioactive Tritium obtained from the surface of Luhman 16 B 3. The attackers initially made entry to the Power Centre, and confronted security on their way to the power room. Officer Adair was shot point-blank by the attackers and fell unconscious, according to the medical AAR report. Officers Zane Grant and Skyler Black responded, but the attackers were more well-equipped than we expected. Officer Zane Grant was shot, and died subsequently from his injuries. The attackers were able to subdue Skyler Black, taking both Officer Adair and Black as hostages, moving them into the power room.

The attackers - who had jammed our biometric verification system, alerting our security teams to the intrusion - began the shutdown sequence shortly after disabling the alarms within the same building, and they fortified the power room. The remainder of our security team was underequipped and didn't stand a chance. Security Officers Reece Adams, Jakub Poole, and Rachel Helman were killed immediately in the ensuing firefight. Officers Mateo Webb and Hugo McNeil were critically injured and taken as additional hostages. Officers Adair, Black, Webb and McNeil were tied to structural elements within the power room, with the attackers taking a particular focus towards Adair and Webb. Because the alarms didn't trigger, we only became aware of the incident when an emergency distress beacon was triggered five minutes later.

For those remaining minutes... Excuse me. Sorry... Our... uh... security footage monitored the attackers reinforcing the power room with additional cover, with some splitting off, presumably to retrieve samples of Tritium from our extraction building. Those that remained behind began to harass our helpless security guards, most of which were hardly awake due to their injuries. The attackers stabilised Adair and McNeil, who were injured the worst... and... Uh... Microphone recordings from the camera allowed us to hear particularly vulgar comments and moves towards Adair - who the attackers seemed... to be particularly focusing on. Her distress... and subsequent crying for help while being barely conscious... only encouraged the attackers more, who began to l-laugh, assaulting... her.

... You know what?

Why the [#$@!] do I have to even read this out? Am I seriously supposed to say that our company tactical team performed with exemplary conduct? That they stopped the attackers and restored the settlement? Like that's all that [#$@!]ing matters! Are we going to [#$@!]ing ignore that they assaulted - no - almost killed all of our security team! Are we going to [#$@!]ing ignore the fact that they just started to [#$@!]ing sexually harass Officer Aurora, and [#$@!]ing abuse the rest of our team?! [#$@!]! We have the [#$@!]ing recording to prove it! And you just keep shoving it under the [#$@!]ing rug! And now you want me to [#$@!]ing read out a report that just glosses over the fact that my team was mentally and physically [#$@!]ing damaged from this attack! They were underequipped for it, and you know it!

I demand that my [#$@!]ing team gets the benefits they deserve, and the [#$@!]ing therapy, for free! You [#$@!]ing bastards, how can you ask me to focus on talking about 'equipment damages' and 'company profits' while we just [#$@!]ing gloss over what actually happened?! What would have happened to her if that tactical team didn't arrive immediately after that distress beacon, huh?! WHAT WOULD HAVE [#$@!]ING HAPPE-


CASE OFFICER: Jasper Mills

This addendum report serves to notify that this case has been closed by the company. Our reasoning has been listed below. We thank Officer Deacon, who has now been voluntarily dismissed, for his service and wish to reassure you that we will be taking all measures to ensure this incident does not happen again.

While it is true that this incident is the most horrific attack to happen to Facility MX-03 Delta, need I remind you that all of our security team signed a contract that explicitly mentioned the high-risk situation they would be entering when defending our mining operations. We believe that they all have the mental fortitude to get through this, and our subsequent interview with all parties involved after the incident showed that, while they were distressed, that they would be able to make a full recovery, with most not remembering the incident due to their injuries. In Aurora's case, she struggled to talk to interview teams about it, but only appears to remember her getting shot. Because of this, the company is waivering their right to trauma therapy as we do not believe this incident was traumatic enough to warrant it. I am sorry if this is a stark contrast to what you would usually expect, but mining is a dangerous business, and costly.

In regards to equipment, rest assured that all our personnel are equipped with the best, top-end gear available. All gear is tested prior to deployment, to ensure our security have the best chance against any attacker. Unfortunately, their failure to defend the facility was a human fault, not a gear fault. Obi Dredgings promises to always provide the best equipment - but its effective use is what matters in the end. Due to this, we will be reassigning Officers Black, Adair, Webb and McNeil to another facility, in a less dangerous sector. They will be replaced with better trained personnel more suitable for the position.

Officer Deacon will undertake a mental evaluation before being dismissed, due to his inability to provide an accurate report. We will be closing this case as a result.

-- ] CASE CLOSED [ --

3307 04 17 - Stolen Guardian Artefacts, Doctor Pearson Interrogation

The following interrogation log is provided courtesy of Solaris Security
All information within is intended for public access. 
Information within is no longer current or being withheld as criminal evidence.

The following evidence is all decrypted logs, recovered by TITAN Commanders and Mantis personnel from an unknown encrypted datapad, following the theft of the Guardian artefacts.


///// ENCRYPTED LOG [1] 2 3 4 /////
USER: unknown
1e 51 d9 bb 34 b7 0f 43 f0 60 30 a2 30 b1 8f c7 d8 07 4d 35 fc 6a d4 40 f9 91 e9 9e 51 69 d9 a8

DATE: 23/03/3307


Doctor's log, 23th of March 3307. I've been asked this week to review our hydroponics samples to determine if our growth injection is working. Truth be told, this isn't my usual line of work, but I'll take it. It's a nice break away from the monotony of diagnosing someone who just has G-sickness. Most can't even tell.

Anyway, I've just finished my review and am now forwarding it to Dr. Marshal. The forecast isn't great, nor is our experimental injection working as planned. I suppose a few adjustments need to be made here and there, which I've included in my report... but if you ask me, why bother re-inventing the wheel? Most of the doctors onboard are just here because they can be, probably looking for something to renew themselves. Most think that by creating a new experimental soil injection, that they can finally get somewhere in life...

Myself included. But that's a pipe-dream, a distraction, something I don't need fogging my mind. We're not all destined for greatness.

.... ..... ... ... .... .. . ..... .. .. .. .... .... ... .... .... . ..... .... .. . ..... . .... . .... . . .... .... . . ... ..... . . . ... . ... . ..... .... ....


///// ENCRYPTED LOG 1 [2] 3 4 /////
USER: unknown
2f 90 d0 a0 fe 4b 92 fd 14 8c 48 32 34 5f 38 40 0d dd 26 42 51 ce c9 8e 1f 81 87 47 02 e7 cc e3

DATE: 26/03/3307


... Doctor's log... 26th of March 3307. Yesterday, the operations crew announced a new squadron mission... it belongs to Mantis, sure, but this is a personal opportunity. It must be.

They want to go out to Guardian space. Retrieve some rare artefacts. I can barely recall the amount of times I've been mocked by my colleagues just because of my fascination with these alien artefacts... but now? Now we're going to retrieve them for ourselves... Incredible.

But... Something doesn't sit right with me about this. Why does Mantis need Guardian artefacts? The galactic community has studied them for a long time now, why does Mantis specifically need Guardian artefacts all of a sudden? What do they have planned...? I must figure it out, yes... yes, of course. That's my opportunity. It's fate, surely...

.... ..... ... ... .... .. . ..... .. .. .. .... .... ... .... .... . ..... .... .. . ..... . .... . .... . . .... .... . . ... ..... . . . ... . ... . ..... .... ....


///// ENCRYPTED LOG 1 2 [3] 4 /////
USER: unknown
24 b4 52 40 db 09 94 51 e7 5a 6a c1 db e7 d3 ed 44 00 76 01 73 d7 dc de 91 13 41 6e 13 aa c7 d0

DATE: 30/03/3307


I've been biding my time... Finally, it has come. The artefacts have all been delivered to the carrier and are currently in processing. I am no joke. No... No, i am no joke... I will prove to them that. This is the final straw. I am sick of these squabbling children competing for top dog, I am tired of pretending to be the under dog, constantly abiding to society's laws, while the elite prey amongst us.

A whole galaxy awaits the cancer of the cosmos, but we complacently dig deeper into our neat, little grave. I have had enough of this goddamn torture. Enlightment is well overdue... I have had enough of this simple existence. Now, I enter the proving grounds...

Listen carefully, Commander. I'm talking to you.

.... ..... ... ... .... .. . ..... .. .. .. .... .... ... .... .... . ..... .... .. . ..... . .... . .... . . .... .... . . ... ..... . . . ... . ... . ..... .... ....


///// ENCRYPTED LOG 1 2 3 [4] /////
USER: unknown
da dc 9c f8 a5 d5 ad 34 3c 2c 3e e1 ea 75 a6 c6 47 f8 f3 b7 fb c1 40 04 46 2f bf d8 ba b0 77 0b 2b 48 a8 b1 6a fa eb 1f 7f 8f ef 7a

DATE: 6/04/3307


This is not my final act. I will show you all what it means to appreciate existence. Too much you take for granted... I have the artefacts, which you are well aware of by now I'm sure... And scrambling at straws, I bet.

Go ahead, Mantis. But knowing you, you've probably off-loaded it onto your Commanders, haven't you? You're reading this right now, aren't you? Perfect... perfect... Understand one thing, Commander. This is far from over... I am no longer afraid. No longer do I have to cower in a corner waiting for the Gods to be merciful to me...

No... No. No more. And... yes, I'm sure you're wondering who I am... why am I doing this... well, it's all about memory, Commander.

.... ..... ... ... .... .. . ..... .. .. .. .... .... ... .... .... . ..... .... .. . ..... . .... . .... . . .... .... . . ... ..... . . . ... . ... . ..... .... ....

The following transcript depicts the interrogation between Doctor Rocco Pearson and Chief Peacekeeper Jaiden Stafford.

Chief Peacekeeper Jaiden Stafford (CP Stafford)
Chief Profiler Lauren Dawson (CP Dawson)
Head of Security Christopher Rodriguez (HSEC Rodriguez)

Doctor Rocco Pearson (DR Pearson)

:: CP STAFFORD entered interrogation room ::
:: Microphones Activated ::

CP Stafford: Right... Doctor, your name, please? For the record.

DR Pearson: My name is Doctor Rocco Pearson. I'm a medical officer aboard the Solari-...

CP Stafford: Just your name, Doctor. Do you know why you're here?

DR Pearson: I have a guess... Is it related to the Guardian artefacts?

CP Stafford: Smart guess. You know about it?

DR Pearson: Well, yeah. Why am I here? I didn't do it.

CP Stafford: ... Yeah right, you're not the first one to say that.

DR Pearson: What?

CP Stafford: I said you're not the first one to say that. You think you'll be allowed to just walk because you say "you didn't do it"?

DR Pearson: But I didn-...

CP Stafford: Prove it, then.

DR Pearson: How do you want me to prove it?

CP Stafford: Answer my questions.

DR Pearson: Okay...

:: rustling of papers ::

CP Stafford: Where were you on the 6th of March, last month?

DR Pearson: ... I was busy down in the research lab. We're working on an experimental soil injection, as I'm sure you know.

CP Stafford: So, you were in the research lab for the whole week?

DR Pearson: Yes... well, no.

CP Stafford: No?

DR Pearson: I had to make occasional errands to agriculture to fetch new soil samples.

CP Stafford: So, at any point, did you make an unplanned detour to secure holding?

DR Pearson: No. Why would I do that?

CP Stafford: I dunno, why would you steal Guardian artefacts?

DR Pearson: I didn't steal any artefacts!

:: CP Stafford provides encrypted datapad to suspect ::

CP Stafford: Recognise this?

DR Pearson: Yes... no, actually. It's a datapad, but it's not mine.

CP Stafford: Not yours? Why does your name appear in one of the personal logs?

DR Pearson: My name...?

CP Stafford: The name "Rocco Pearson" appears in log four, after we decrypted a damaged memory dump.

DR Pearson: Memory dump? I never record any logs.

CP Stafford: Not even for your research?

DR Pearson: No, I write it down on paper.

CP Stafford: ... Paper? Seriously?

DR Pearson: ...

CP Stafford: So you've never recorded a research log on a datapad before?

DR Pearson: Never.

CP Stafford: So why does your name appear here?

DR Pearson: ... I... Maybe, I was framed?

CP Stafford: Framed? Who would want to frame you?

DR Pearson: I don't know.

CP Stafford: Tell me about this soil injection project. Who else works on it with you?

DR Pearson: Well, Doctor Marshal, of course... but there's another four. Doctor Gray, Doctor Harrison, Doctor Bennett and Doctor Khan.

CP Stafford: So, who'd want to frame you?

DR Pearson: None of them would... We're all friends...

CP Stafford: Friends, is that right? So none of your 'friends' would frame you to cover up a theft they did?

DR Pearson: None of them would steal Guardian artefacts! Well...

CP Stafford: ... Well? Stop wasting my time, Pearson.

DR Pearson: I don't know...

CP Stafford: You do realise that the accumulative cost of all stolen objects amounts to around five-hundred thousand credits? You prepared to pay that?

DR Pearson: No, of course not!

CP Stafford: Then?

DR Pearson: ... Dr. Gray. He was interested in the artefacts when they were first brought onboard. I overheard him talking to one of the others, saying he might pay one of the Mantis guys a visit to see if he could obtain permission to examine an artefact. The next day, he was a little bit off. I guess they said no. We kept mocking him because he had this fascination with the artefacts, but we kept telling him it was way out of his reach. We're all just medical officers anyway, who would let us examine alien artefacts?

CP Stafford: When was this?

DR Pearson: Uh... the first of March, I think.

CP Stafford: What's this Dr. Gray's full name, and age?

DR Pearson: Douglas Gray, I think he's in his fifties.

CP Stafford: Have you seen him recently?

DR Pearson: No... He called in sick on the fourth of March. Didn't think much of it, I just guess he wanted to be left alone.

CP Stafford: ... Thank you for your time, Doctor.

DR Pearson: Do I get to go, now?
