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Defeat of the Coalition of Bumbo

The operations of the Voice of the Forgotten were recently thwarted in the Bumbo system by the forces of the BD+77 84 Independent Consulate. Squadron members had succeeded in raising the control of the Coalition of Bumbo to match that of the Consulate, at which point, war broke out over control of the system. Despite initial gains driven by the stellar work of CMDR Delaiwen, the Coalition lost ground to the Consulate, and was forced to concede the contest. Squadron Command blames the Consulate's rally on the presence of a large number of mercenaries attracted to fight for the highest bidder in the system-wide war.

In response to this unfortunate turn of events, Squadron Command suggests the following courses of action for member approval:

1. Due to the attention the system of Bumbo received from mercenaries during the war, Command suggests that no further attempts be made to influence system politics for now. Instead, the squadron will maintain the current level of influence of the Coalition of Bumbo, while waiting for a more fortuitous time to stir support once again.

2. While waiting for the correct time to return in force to Bumbo, Command suggests that squadron members choose one of the following minor factions to support in its home system, with the intention of reaching a state similar to that of the coalition of Bumbo.

a. BD+77 84 Independent Consulate (Home)
b. Future of Sukuruaco (Home)
c. Mongira Prison Colony (Home)
d. Igaledonii Limited (Home)
e. Bot Network (Home)

Signed, CMDR Fatcat__25