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01 Archive: Smethells 56

Smethells 56 was our first campaign that inspired written fiction for PCA, beyond the history and power structure we developed when first imagining our faction. Smethells 56 is a high tech system with highly isolated stations, including planetary bases with military and colony economies. We asked how a system split between Federal and independent factions might respond to an Imperial invasion, and we wondered...what might researchers in so isolated a place be doing?

Praetorian Curiate Assembly expands into Smethells 56

The Smethells 56 Exchange experienced considerable disruption Tuesday at the news that the Praetorian Curiate Assembly, formerly the Rowe Corporation, had established offices in Williams Holdings, creating concerns that the Imperial group could be preparing for operations in the system.

The Praetorian Curiate Assembly, or PCA, is responsible for overthrowing Federal control of SPOCS 900, at the time the 108th most populous system in the Federation, and an agriculture powerhouse for our region.

While Central Solutions representatives across the system urged calm, anxious citizens of Moisuc Dock filled station bars and commons with questions government leaders have yet to answer:

"Why are the Praetorians here? Where is the fleet? Where is the Federation? I'm 60,000 credits in debt! I don't want to be a slave!"

While system residents fear for their future, rumors abound that relations between the Independent Defence Party and Democratic Independents have deteriorated.

PCA finds voter victory over Barons of Babal

Local politicos of Central Solutions and the Democrats of Nyoru are watching Duke Rowe's increased involvement in Smethells 56 with interest, as the Praetorian Curiate Assembly starts a second round of elections in the system.

Said Rill Kent of Smethells 56 Central News: "After establishing his first office in the system, Rowe moved to seize Williams Holdings from the backwards feudal Barons of Babal. To my personal surprise, this was done through a peaceful election that would pass muster on Sol itself. Now they are appealing to the people of Carr Orbital and, so far, are ahead in the polls."

Central Solutions released an unsigned communique as polls opened, noting that "PCA has challenged despots in elections, undoubtedly to normalize their system. Let them challenge us as well. Our Federal citizens will not abandon our government so easily."

Defence fails to defend at polls

The commercial outpost Carr Orbital has been transferred to PCA control after the conclusion of a second round of elections favoring the feudal lords from SPOCS 900. In a press conference held in the Carr Orbital showroom, Patrician Kiera Bishop remarked that:

"The people of Carr Orbital and Williams Holdings have offered Duke Alden Rowe their trust. PCA will not break that trust. We thank the people of Smethells 56 for favoring us, and we look forward to continue peaceful growth in the system."

War between Independents and Praetorian Curiate Assembly expected

System Defence Forces were scrambled this morning as a Praetorian Curiate Assembly flotilla enter the system unexpectedly before holding station around Smethells 56 D. Central Solutions representatives, while authorized to speak on security matters, referred questions to PCA representative Baronet Wreyn Kaira.

"The Assembly regrets that an expansion of our fleet activities in Smethells 56 is necessary.

We must, unfortunately, announce that we have thwarted a terrorist attack on Carr Orbital. PCA Security Forces arrested four terrorists attempting to plant explosives in the station showroom. Under interrogation these criminals claim to be working on behalf of the Smethells 56 Independents.

Duke Rowe wishes to thank CMDR Hog for her service, first for apprehending these would-be terrorists, and second for assisting with evacuation efforts while EOD teams secured critical facilities.

We hereby demand full cooperation from the Independents, including extradition of all accused conspirators directly to SPOCS 900. We trust that Central Solutions will show their ability to secure the system by supporting the people of Carr Orbital and Williams Holdings during this dangerous time."

War between Independents and PCA rages

Recent tensions between the Smethells 56 Independents and the Praetorian Curiate Assembly of SPOCS 900 escalated today into outright war.

Independents Councillor Hal Hayden assured the residents of Elder Base and Aldiss Beacon of victory and protection from PCA control, reiterating that "the accusations of collusion between our government and terrorists are patently false."

Sources indicate that Independents advisors have appealed to Central Solutions for assistance.

PCA claims victory of Independents

The conflict between the Praetorian Curiate Assembly of SPOCS 900 and the Smethells 56 Independents ended today in victory for the Assembly, which now holds Aldiss Beacon.

Tensions do not appear to have subsided, with PCA representative Baronet Wreyn Kaira commenting that "a number of personnel we believe are responsible for the thwarted attack on Carr Orbital were moved from Aldiss Beacon to the Independent's Elder Base shortly before our forces seized the facility. We beseech the citizens of Elder Base to prevent further bloodshed by handing over all requested individuals."

Second Independents war begins

Fears of a larger war in Smethells 56 escalated again today as a second PCA fleet entered the system and immediately moved into station above Elder Base.

Interrupting normal broadcasts on system networks, PCA representative Baronet Wreyn Kaira made the following announcement as vessels arrived:

"The assets of the Independents are forfeit. They have failed to account for the crimes of their zealots, and so will be held accountable for those crimes directly. We demand non-interference from all other parties in the system. We are wronged and must make it right."

Central Solutions representatives have declined to comment, but inside sources have indicated that a military build-up from the Federation is likely.


Confirmed reports of a pitched orbital battle between PCA forces and Smethells 56 Independents over Smethells 56 D 3 B are coming in.

Observers point out that this is in extremely close proximity to the Carr Orbital facility the Independents faction recently tried to sabotage.

Despite this, or maybe because, the Imperials appear to be taking the day. With the Corvette Mars and Cutter Athena being particularly lauded, having over 100 confirmed kills between them.


Conflict spread in Smethells 56 today as PCA forces and Smethells 56 Independents forces clashed over the gas giant Smethells 56 D 1.

With this development the conflict has come dangerously close to the important federal facility, Moisuc Dock. Local Vice President of operations for Smethells 56 Central Solutions, Estela Levy, who run Moisuc Dock said earlier,

"While we are sad to see the tragic loss of life because of the conflict between the Independents and our Imperial neighbours this conflict has continually escalated. With it now threatening our citizens and facility, we have no choice but to appeal to the Federal Navy for support. " Local pundits worry this is a sign the situation could result in a Federal /Imperial clash in the region.

Meanwhile footage of Imperial ships such as the Mars and Athena involved in successful combat operations appear to be influencing popularist option, with recent polls suggesting a desire for a swift Imperial victory gaining traction with the public.

Elder Base seized by PCA

Many are breathing a sigh of relief as hostilities between the Praetorian Curiate Assembly and the Smethells 56 Independents appear to be winding down.

PCA forces stormed the Elder Base facilities, capturing five suspects, including the mercenary Theo Suchins.

It is believed that the final instigator, Lacy Hoskins may have escaped to Konscak's Folly or even Moisuc Dock.

Smethells 56 on course for war again?

There was dismay today in Smethells 56 as back-room negotiations between local Central Solutions and the Spocs 900-based Praetorian Curiate Assembly appeared to breakdown, with the Imperial delegation being ejected from Moisuc Dock.

When asked for comment PCA Patrician Kiera Bishop said,

"It appears, despite protestations otherwise, that our Federal nieghbours have no interest in fair and just governance of Smethells 56, particularly for those who favor the Imperial way of life. They continue to block our investigations to apprehend the terrorist Lacy Hoskins, and may be actively aiding her and her cohorts. We will now take unilateral action to resolve this situation as we see fit."

With growing popularity due to favorable economic conditions and, a possibly somewhat insidious, propaganda campaign  many pundits believe that Smethells 56 may be ripe for a switch to PCA rule.

This and recent observations showing a lot of activity in and around Elder Base, possibly a build-up of Imperial military materiel and the presence of Cutter INV Athena, very active in the recent PCA/Independents conflict, lead many to believe war is inevitable.

Central Solutions declares war

Smethells 56 Central Solutions declared war on the Praetorian Curiate Assembly this morning, starting a conflict that analysts have been predicting since the Imperials’ arrival in-system on February 9th.

In an announcement sent to all residents of Moisuc Dock, the governing station of the system and the final remaining major installation not controlled by PCA, Central Solutions instructed residents to remain in their residences and to await deliveries of rations, enacting a complete curfew while issuing the following declaration:

“The day that we long feared has come to pass. The Praetorian Imperial Assembly — dogs of Denton Patreus — have threatened the good Federal governance of this system and must now be ousted.

‘Duke’ Alden Rowe says that his wish is for you to honor the Emperor and her Admiral. We know the truth. Rowe’s only wish for you is that you will become a slave.

Serve us and we will protect you. The Federation is with us. The Hermes is here, and war has begun.”

No sightings of Imperial capital ships have yet been reported in-system.

Federal Aggression will not be tolerated!

Conflict erupted in Smethells 56 today as the anticipated superpower war  between the Imperial Praetorian Curiate Assembly and Federal Smethells 56 Central Solutions blazed into being.

It appears the Federal power attempted a preemptive strike on the Imperial military installation of Elder Base, which began series of moves and countermoves by the two players.

Anticipating the attack, within minutes of the assault on Elder Base a large Imperial Fleet, led by the INV's Athena and Mars, moved into position over the gas giant Smethells 56 D1, threatening the important Federal facility Mousic Dock.

Fighting began in earnest as Federal forces fell back to defend Mousic Dock. However the Feds had a final card to play, with the Imperial Fleet fully committed the capital ships FNS Hermes and Orion entered the fray, much to horror of our Imperial fleet.

All was not lost though, here we have exclusive footage of the Athena and Mars successfully routing the FNS Orion, forcing it to leave the field. A bolstered Imperial fleet then began pushing hard to Moisuc Dock.

Speaking from Elder Base, Patrician Kiera Bishop had this to say,

"Despite duplicitous tactics from our enemies and facing overwhelming firepower our Imperial brothers and sisters in arms have carried the day. Let this be a lesson, Federal aggression will not be tolerated!"

Fighting continues today, however many believe an Imperial victory is all but inevitable.

Smethells 56 war escalates

War between Smethells 56 Central Solutions and the Praetorian Curiate Assembly in Central Solutions’ home system escalated on Friday, as additional capital ships deployed to conflict zones around Moisuc Dock.

Launching a conflict that analysts anticipated for some time, Central Solutions deployed the FNS Hermes. In a tit-for-tat-for-tat, Duke Alden Rowe was able to respond with the INV Emperor’s Justice after a successful first day, only for the Federal Navy to deploy two additional Farragut-Class battlecruisers, the FNS Orion and FNS Stalker.

While PCA forces were able to route the FNS Stalker, Imperial gains have been reversed, with both factions at risk of settling into a stalemate.

Central Solutions communications leaked

Communications reportedly attributed directly to Smethells 56 Central Solutions CEO Markus Howe were published on local bulletin boards across Moisuc Dock and PCA strongholds. Careful review of the veracity of these communications leads us to publish them, unedited, as follows:

Editor’s Note: the original published material was sourced from an unknown location and only partially decrypted.

“...Project at risk. Secondary assets on Williams Holdings, Aldiss Beacon, and Elder Base have been compromised...Moisuc Dock held...yes, there is a risk...project components...//- risk significant. Carr Orbital? Carr was for collection only, there’s no critical...if the Imperials seize Moisuc, they will have all active examp…|[ do not destroy specimens?...”

Victory for PCA in Smethells!

Today Imperial forces announced a significant victory against the Federation with the capture of Moisuc Dock.

After a short but bloody conflict, which saw both sides deploying capital ships, a Praetorian Curiate Assembly fleet broke the Smethells 56 Central Solutions blockade around Moisuc Dock and successfully landed troops in the valuable installation.

The day began with a surprise move by the Federal fleet, pulling all units away from Elder Base and apparently attempting to capture Carr Orbital. Federal forces were held at bay by a valiant rearguard action led by the PKCs Mars and Trisiphone.

Meanwhile, taking advantage of the Federal forces being over extended, PKCs Focalor and Aemilia spearheaded an assault on Moisuc Dock forcing the Federation to retreat and securing the facility.

Patrician Kiera Bishop, speaking from Elder Base, had this to say,

"My thanks go out to our brave Imperial troops who won an important victory for us today. We have shown we will stand up and protect our citizens from all who terrorise them. And those that shield those terrorists. Praise the Emperor, Bask in Her Glory."

Imperial investigators are now scouring Moisuc Dock to find any trace of Lacy Hoskins, however many Federal ships rapidly jumped from the area as the blockade was breaking, leading many to believe she may have evaded justice again.

Meanwhile isolated skirmishes are still taking place between the Imperial and Federal fleets, but it appears Federal forces are in full retreat from the system.

Smethells 56 war ends with Federal power broken

Despite significant support from the Federal Navy, Smethells 56 Central Solutions have been ousted from Moisuc Dock, with all remnant forces dispersed.

With peace restored to Smethells 56, former citizens of the Federation now find themselves Imperial, with the Praetorian Curiate Assembly exercising complete control over all stations, outposts, and ports in the system.

While uncertainty over what an Imperial Smethells 56 will look like remains, conversation in the halls and bars of Moisuc Dock and elsewhere is still focused on the significance of the leaked Howe communique and the whereabouts of Lacy Hoskins.

PCA representative Baronet Wreyn Kaira, speaking to a crowd forming as he exited his ship, the PCA Focalor, was interrupted with questions surrounding Hoskins and Howe:

"We are aware of governments in the sector harboring Lacy Hoskins. While we are still in the process of debriefing CEO Markus Howe, we have uncovered no evidence indicating the 'project' discussed in his communique. We believe that whatever he and the Federation were working on has been destroyed. We will, however, keep the people of Smethells 56 abreast of any new developments."