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History: From Rowe Corporation to PCA

Originally a Private Military Contractor, the Praetorians (then called Rowe Corporation) became stably employed with Denton Patreus' private fleet in 3288. When their obligations towards the Senator's fleet were terminated in 3295, they decided to settle in the SPOCS 900 system and started investing in local companies using their newly acquired capital.

With time, the corporation accumulated considerable power through aggressive aquisitions of real estate and other local companies, dividing territories and assets among its shareholders. Since their capital came almost completely from wages payed to the corporation's fleet by their erstwhile employer and current lord, Senator Patreus, the Dukes that make up the Praetorian leadership (called curii) are fervent supporters of the Senator's policies.

Duke Alden Rowe, the current Praetor, controls the faction by oaths of fealty, sworn by the lower nobles in favor of the higher ones, through a stratified structure called "neo-feudalism".

The governing body of the corporation is the Curiate assembly. Similar to a board of directors, it is composed of the corporation's major shareholders and other honorary members of the local nobility, and is presided by the Praetor. The assembly takes votes on major decisions (with a weighted voting system), but traditionally makes its decision by consensus - which gives the most influential nobles, especially the Praetor, substantial power in determining its policies.

His grace the Duke Alden Rowe