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12 Archive: Maeve

Maeve is another low population system that is strategically relevant thanks to its location. It offers one outpost and one planetary base.

PCA partners with Maeve Noblement

The Praetorian Curiate Assembly expanded operations to Maeve yesterday after initial plans were delayed due to an outbreak in Wen Chayuse. Maeve hosts an extraction-focused outpost and one planetary colony, Przhevalsky's Base.

"We have had informal partnerships with Maeve Noblement in the past, but we are here to stay and look forward to incorporating them into our government as new Imperial lords. Maeve is an important location for us, but we are not ready to speak on the future of the system, beyond stating that we will be taking control in due time," commented Baronet Journee Taylor.

Vassalage negotiations in Maeve end as outbreak progresses

While the Praetorian Curiate Assembly's expansion into Maeve earlier this month led Maeve Noblement to consider the future of the system, those elections have not borne fruit for PCA.

"Our partnerships with Duke Alden Rowe in Babal and Wen Chayuse have provided great commercial opportunities to Maeve, but we agreed with Patrician Bishop and Baronet Taylor that entering a vassal agreement would not be appropriate at this time," said Lord Loukios Østergaard, who rules the minor system.

Lord Østergaard has not commented on suggestions that the Assembly's shipping from Wen Chayuse carried disease to his system. Quarantine procedures remain in effect at the Akers Stop outpost and Przhevalsky Base colony.

Maeve Noblement and PCA to open new offices amidst negotiations

Vassalage negotiations between Maeve Noblement and the Praetorian Curiate Assembly are underway again, after a collapse in late June. This round of elections comes without the baggage of an outbreak, and with the background of potential new interests in nearby systems by both parties.

Lord Loukios Østergaard and Duke Alden Rowe's governments have both avoided discussing their expansion projects, but a shared presence in future systems is considered likely. Partnering with independent nobilities has become part and parcel of the Assembly's political system, insulating the major Imperial feudalists from interference by other commander-backed governments in the region.

Baronet Journee Taylor suggested in mid-June that her government had clear designs on Maeve, and Lord Østergaard's comments after collapsed negotiations weeks later suggested a postponement.

While the strategic value of the system noted by Baronet Taylor is not yet clear, Maeve is expected to be Imperial by the end of the week.

Noblement commits to vassalage agreement and future growth

Lord Loukios Østergaard of Maeve Noblement announced this morning that he has recognized Duke Alden Rowe as his liege lord, giving the Praetorian Curiate Assembly control of Maeve and committing the minor independent feudalists to PCA's cause:

"We can reign as kings in our small system or we can move further into the stars to do greater things. I would rather stand amongst Duke Alden Rowe and his curiae in countless systems than alone in Maeve."

Maeve Noblements' anticipated expansion into Pell will solve a number of administrative issues for the Assembly as it presses further claims in the region. A PCA expansion into Ingguromal is expected soon.

PCA expands and consolidates frontier systems

Maeve Noblement's colony at Przhevalsky Base followed Lord Loukios Østergaard and the Akers Stop mining outpost into the Praetorian Curiate Assembly last week as part of a larger consolidation effort that PCA representatives have explained as "building up the Assembly's frontier."

"Our emphasis on building our economy in Wen Chayuse and Maeve will secure those systems and allow for expansions elsewhere. Already we are using Naburimannu Terminal as an administrative hub for our next expansion," said Esquire Taliyah Duffy.

Rowe's feudalists most recently opened an office in Pell, taking control of Huxley Dock in what Duffy described as a "temporary arrangement with Pell Allied Systems."

"As always," noted Duffy, "we cannot comment on where or when we will open new offices."