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Articles of Association of Communism Interstellar

Defined Terms

Communism Interstellar [CI]: A collective of Communist Factions comprising in alphabetical order:

  • Communist Interstellar Union [CIU]
  • Communist Party of Drakonia [CPoD]
  • Egovi Union [EU]
  • The Eichwald Kommune [EK]
  • Guardians of Harmony [GoH]
  • ICU Colonial Corps [ICUCC], managed by the Interstellar Communist Union
  • Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard [IPV | PS4]
  • Nagii Union [NU], managed by the Interstellar Communist Union
  • Off World Collective [OWC] managed by the Union of Soviet Communist Factions [USCF]
  • People’s Dictatorships Union [PDU]
  • Workers of Manite Labour Union [WMLU], managed by the Communist Interstellar Union

Comrade: Any pilot who can demonstrate that they have achieved allied status with any Communist faction, wishes to be associated with Communism Interstellar and agrees to abide these articles.

Associate: Any Communist organisation that agrees collectively to abide by the shared Articles of Association listed below and wishes to Associate with CI.

Speaker: A representative of an Associate or other significant division within CI who can speak for, but not make decisions on behalf of their respective constituency.
[See Appendix 1 for current list of Speakers]

Deputy Speaker: A representative of an Associate or other significant division within CI who can speak for, but not make decisions on behalf of their respective constituency, in the event that the current Speaker is unavailable.
[See Appendix 1 for current list of Deputy Speakers]

The Shared Articles of Communism Interstellar

  1. All comrades of CI are equal.
  2. All Communist factions and Associates are equal.
  3. Any changes to these Articles of Association must be made by a unanimous vote of available members and will not be added to the Articles of Association for a period of 28 days, to allow fair opportunity for dissent.
  4. Individual comrades are free to choose their own course of action, however, any actions undertaken outside those defined within these articles cannot be undertaken in the name of CI.
  5. Each party associated with CI is autonomous and takes full responsibility for the day to day governance of all systems under their control and their internal governance.
  6. CI adopts all existing treaties and agreements, signed individually by Associates, in both word and spirit.
  7. We will treat other groups with respect. In the event of a disagreement between our groups, we will first of all seek to resolve these differences by diplomatic methods, using independent arbitration if required. We will not intentionally carry out negative actions against the factions of other active player groups unless a state of war has been formally declared.
  8. Unless there is formal alliance, agreement, or bilateral peace treaty in place, CI claim any system where GoH, NU, PDU, CIU, EK, IPV, CPoD, ICUCC, EU, OWC or WMLU have first control. Similarly, we respect the rights of any incumbent player-supported faction, where it can be shown that they had a prior claim. CI makes no distinction between player-inserted minor factions, and player-adopted minor factions.
  9. CI will not knowingly further revolutions that adversely affect the existing fortification triggers of surrounding powers.
  10. CI adopts a non-aggressive stance towards aliens. However, we will fight to the last comrade if any of our homeworlds are threatened.

Associate-Specific Articles


The CIU reserves the right to remove any non-communist governments within the Greater Manite Volume (GMV) defined as 61LY from Manite, unless exempted by a formal alliance, agreement, or a bilaterally signed peace treaty. Should our GMV factions expand beyond the limits of the GMV, we will not further revolutions in systems with an active player-supported minor faction already in control.

Appendix 1

The role of Speaker is intended to be a rapid communication conduit between CI and a third party. No substantive decisions (i.e.: that would affect the AoA) may be taken without reference to and agreement from the membership of CI. Listed below is the discord contact information for the various Speakers and Deputy Speakers of all associates of Communism Interstellar.

SquadronSpeakerDeputy Speaker
Communist Interstellar UnionTamara Bunke (CI)#3738Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Guardians of Harmony*Hawk*#6871Chalkie#2164
Interstellar Communist UnionPepelatziGravetzappa[ICU]#8907Costa del Moro#2327
Interstellar Proletarian VanguardAdmiral GaypropagandaTOO#2291Admiral MIP-SHELBY#1818
People’s Dictatorships UnionPelliccia#3390Loki / Olfg#7389
Minor FactionSpeakerDeputy Speaker
Citizen Party of ChireniLee Taylor#1697Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Citizen Party of DumnonspAde4488 (CI)#4369Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Citizen Party of GrabilCMDR Slughorror#7237ThyDocco#8477
Communist Interstellar UnionJane Turner (CI)#2453Bramshevik#4405
Eichwald Kommunekitty#3223Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Egovi UnionLoki0311 (CI)#2663Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Guardians of HarmonyXAMshaft [GoH]#9187Vacant Position
ICU Colonial CorpsCosta del Moro#2327PepelatziGravetzappa[ICU]#8907
Interstellar Proletarian VanguardGayPropagandaTOO#2291MIP-Shelby#1818
Labour Union of Ahayanbuff drinklots#6669kitty#3223
Left Party of HIP 96160Red Zephyr#4778kitty#3223
Nagii UnionPepelatziGravetzappa[ICU]#8907Costa del Moro#2327
Off World CollectiveSvyatogor#1717Jane Turner (CI)#2453
People’s Dictatorships UnionPelliccia#3390Vacant Position
Revolutionary HIP 86385 Union PartyRogallo (CI)#9958Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Unionists of EpomanaspAde4488 (CI)#4369
Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Union of Koschethe100thmonkey#7538Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Union of Serda Labour UnionToyTen (CI)#4251Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Union Party of BungkErasmus | Diogenes#8984Jane Turner (CI)#2453
United Fintamkina Left PartyNoOne#7855Jane Turner (CI)#2453
Workers of Manite Labour UnionValentina Tereshkova GCU/Enosis#5840NoOne#7855
Remaining GMV Minor FactionsJane Turner (CI)#2453kitty#3223
CI Combat Contact Tamara Bunke (CI)#3738kitty#3223