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IPV Internal Governmental Structure

Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard
Est. 30 - 01 - 3306

In accordance with Article 5 of the Articles of Association the IPV, as an associate of CI, is autonomous and has its own system of internal governance distinct from CI as a whole. Each rank of the IPV has its own level of responsibility and requirements for promotion, which are listed below. Note that the ranks above Comrade are designations within the IPV only, and that within Communism Interstellar, all Comrades are regarded as equal as per Article 1 of the Articles of Association.

Non-Commissioned Officers have:
  • Joined the IPV in-game squadron.

Junior Commissioned Officers have:

Senior Commissioned Officers have:
  • Volunteered to take up the responsibilities expected of a Commissioned Officer.
  • Proven they are allied to the IPV.
  • Adopted IPV ship naming conventions.
  • Applied for an IPV ship ID and been approved.
  • Been assigned to manage IPV interests within a specific star system where available by the Chairperson of the IPV.

The Admirals has:
  • Volunteered to take up the responsibilities expected of an Admiral.
  • Previously served as a Commissar.
  • Been appointed by the Chairperson.
  • Agreed the fulfil the administrative duties of the Fleet Admiral when they are unavailable or not able to be contacted.
  • Been a member for long enough to be trusted with high-level operational security within both the IPV and CI.
  • Agreed to serve as the primary advisor to the Fleet Admiral, and act as a check on their power by holding them accountable to their actions.
  • Accepted the responsibility of serving as Admiral for the IPV and military attache to Communism Interstellar.

The Admiral of the IPVN Fleet (currently Admiral GayPropagandaTOO) has:
  • Accepted responsibility for the administrative functions of the IPV.
  • The ability to distribute communist decals to Comrades of the IPV.
  • The ability to promote and dismiss members of the IPV in accordance with the IPV Regulations.
  • The ability to assign Junior and Senior Officers as well as Admiralty.
  • The ability to assign ship IDs.
  • The obligation to host an election for a new Fleet Admiral should they be unable to fulfil their responsibilities for an extended period of time.
  • Accepted the responsibility of serving as the Speaker for the IPV and military attache to Communism Interstellar.