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FNS Devastator Lore

The FNS Devastator, formerly, the FNS Justice, was a Farragut Class Battlecruiser commissioned in 3241. The FNS Justice was captained by Admiral Thorus Sloan in 3245, with the help of his command staff, he betrayed the Federation and killed any crew members still loyal. Thorus Sloan was assassinated a year later by the Office of Naval Intelligence but the Farragut' location was unknown. The Justice was spotted in a system with a small pirate outpost and no civilian population in 3304. The Justice was being used as station defence and was in extremely poor condition. The 21st Federal Fleet launched a successful attack, killing all pirates and capturing the lost Farragut.

After capturing the Justice, Naval Command ordered Admiral Curtis Vantor to release the Farragut for the Federal Corps of Engineering to recover and dismantle. With no available modern Farraguts to be given to the 21st Federal Fleet, Admiral Vantor argued that the Farragut would be repaired by the 21st Federal Fleet and would be a vital asset in protecting the borders of the Federation. Admiral of the Fleet, Vincent, and Naval Command reluctantly allowed Admiral Vantor to keep the aging relic but informed him that they wouldn't allocate anymore funding for the project.

The FNS Justice was renames by Admiral Vantor to the FNS Devastator, this is a reflection of Admiral Vantor's military doctrine and thoughts against the Federations enemies. The 21st Federal Fleet would, for over two years, raid numerous pirate outposts in order to pay off the Devastators repairs. Numerous deals would also be set up by frontier colonies in order to payy the 21st Federal Fleet for prioritised protection.

These efforts would yield successful results and the 21st Federal Fleet was able to repair and fit the Devastator with new technologies and upgrades. Due to the Naval Command not allocating anymore resources for the project, Admiral Vantor had to seek less than legal means for outfitting the Devastator. Black market sources would be called in to equip the Devastator with illegal non-military grade weapons, armour and other components. The larger hanger bays would be scalped and replaced with armour, power generation and gravity generators.

The FNS Devastator boasts nearly three times the compliment, being more akin to a battleship now. The Devastators weapons are generally weaker than a modern Farraguts but due to the sheer amount of them, the Devastator has twice the calculable firepower. Appliqué armour was fitted on the Devastator, numerous composite plates were added that extend above the primary hull and are also fitted with Explosive Reactive Armour or ERA. Numerous sections of the ship were entirelt cut out and refitted with modern black market composite armours.