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21st Fleet Lore

The 21st Federal Fleet was established in 2984 at the new Navy headquarters in Eta Cassiopeiae. The 21st Federal Fleet is quite literally the 21st Fleet to have been established in chronological order. As the borders of the Federation continued to expand, military forces were needed to protect the frontiers of the Federation. The 21st Federal Fleet was created for this specific purpose and has had its home system change throughout the hundreds of years of service. The 21st Federal Fleet is currently stationed in the system of Branglal, using it has a suitable headquarters and launching all operations from there.

Due to the frontier nature of the 21st Federal Fleet, lighter and more nimble craft are the norm. The 21st Federal Fleet is primarily comprised of a single 1st generation Farragut Class Battlecruiser and numerous Corvettes as well as smaller strike craft and dog fighters.

The 21st Federal Fleet being on the fringes of Federation space leaves it poorly funded and equipped. Federal Congress and Naval Command refuse to allocate more resources to the Fleet. That being said, the 21st Federal Fleet makes a majority of it's budget by raiding pirate resources and using these resources for Federal means. The 21st Federal Fleet has also used numerous less than legal means in order to keep it's fleet relevant in modern combat. The prime example of this being the FNS Devastator, a 1st generation Farragut Class Battlecruiser commissioned in 3241, seized by traitors in 3245 and captured by the 21st Federal Fleet in 3304.