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A Hard Lesson Learned in Deciat

And thus the epic journey began... Call signs S-117, UNSC WARTHOG and D. Krait 1 deployed on a mission to intercept a Thargoid threat. Upon waking in, they proceeded to help a damaged megaship when they were met with the beast head on. Frameshift anomaly detected Here it came, appearing into the same space through a mysterious fog. It was quite large, scary, and also quite beautiful, however the wing knew it had to be destroyed. Hardpoints were deployed and the battle begun. Through amazing teamwork, fighting skills and sheer will the Commanders overcame the Cyclops and ultimately destroyed it! Victory was achieved, but the war has just begun. The pilots flew to the nearest port to repair and rearm before scanning for the next target.

"Frameshift Anomaly Detected"

Here it comes, they saw the portal that it was waking in from. The mysterious fog, a ripple in the very fabric of space itself, it had arrived. This one was a little bit bigger. Energy Surge Detected BOOM, S-117 and D. Krait 1 immediately lost power. The beast flew in close to scan S-117's lifeless Krait MkII. All of a sudden, a volley of AX rounds began to blister its hull and the UNSC WARTHOG flew past taking the full attention of the Basilisk. He boosted and boosted, but to no avail, the Basilisk was too fast! S-117 and D. Krait 1 scrambled to get their ships back online and catch up to their wingmate, boosting as fast as their ships would take them. However... it was too late. The Basilisk had deployed its "CTRL-ALT-DEL" function, and the UNSC WARTHOG was no more than a smoldering pile of metal. The Commanders learned a very powerful lesson that night...
Until your whole team is operational and ready, Keep your booger-hook off the bang switch!!!

Deciat 07 May 3306