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星河丝路已向Duplain Pharmaceuticals(杜普雷制药,下称DP)正式宣战。目前HIP 65216、HIP 65921与HIP 65268已确认有军事行动;目击报告表明,天际线特遣舰队(SMTF)、信鸽船运(PSLS)与巫女圣圆桌(RTMD)的航母都已到场。

HIP 65216是天际线有限公司(Skyline Monopoly)的固有领土。DP于2月20日与天际线就领土问题签订了“互相于对方已控制星系保持第二位以下且影响力不超过20%”的条约;然而不到22日DP即越过了20%的警戒线,且于3月7日左右与天际线爆发冲突并夺下星系。
不仅如此,DP于同期贪得无厌地侵入HIP 65268,有故技重施之嫌。
天际线秉持和平合作的原则,并未对HIP 65216事件中DP的无耻违约进行追究,于HIP 65921更是继续保持高度克制、遵行约定,并未超过20%的警戒线。但DP对HIP 65268的持续侵犯远远超出了可容忍的界限,天际线决定不再对DP的违约与侵略行为坐视不管。




本台记者:射命丸 文
22 March 3307

First Anti-Invasion War Declared by Silk Road Interstellar

Silk Road Interstellar has officially declared a state of war against Duplain Pharmaceuticals(Hereafter DP). Military operations have been confirmed for HIP 65216, HIP 65921 and HIP 65268. Witness reports indicate the presences of several fleet carriers from Skyline Monopoly Task Fleet(SMTF), Pigeon Shipping Lanes(PSLS) and Round Table of Miko’s Divinity(RTMD).

HIP 65216 has long been the solid territory of Skyline Monopoly. On February 20th, A mutual treaty calling for “maintaining under 2nd place of control and keeping influence under 20%” was signed between Skyline and DP. Yet before 22nd DP crossed the 20% threshold and later on March 7th engaged in conflict with Skyline after which the system was taken.
Furthermore, DP intruded HIP 65268 at the same period in a suspected repeat of the same old trick.
Skyline, in belief in principles of peaceful cooperations, did not pursue the shameless violations of the treaty in HIP 65216 and kept its presence in HIP 65921 within the threshold of 20% in firm restraint and respect to the former agreements. However, the continuous invasion of HIP 65268 was beyond tolerance, which leads Skyline’s silence towards the treaty breach and invasion to an end.
With Skyline as a member state of the alliance, Silk Road Interstellar shares its interests and frontline. After days of preparations, the first anti-invasion war of Silk Road Interstellar, also the defensive war of Skyline has marked its first shot. Considering the unique location of DP, this will be an all-out war and must end only with a total withdrawal of our enemy.

The Miko points a positive attitude towards the incident:
“The deception and breach of contract of our enemy have justified our strikes. This is a patriotic war for Skyline and a righteous war for the alliance. In face of betrayal and aggression, we must and will take firm stances and fight back with teeth and nails. Even a single inch of our land is out of the question.”

According to related news, the Regiment has put its fleet carriers into operations, with HMS Queen Remilia and Nothing Personal at the front while Nyancat and Griffin & Kruger at the rear.

This is Raven Satellite.
Keep Calm and Carry On.

Reported by Syameimaru Aya
Raven Satellite
22 March 3307