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Public - Fast Unlock Guide

This is the published by the Wandering Reapers Shadow Corp. President and CEO Shier Plains.  It has been created specifically to benefit those of you interested in learning how to unlock engineering and is a very fast way to complete it.  That being said, if you are a new/experienced player, and are interested in joining a group that can help you with this stuff - join us on Discord or shoot us an application on Inara.  We're mostly an Xbox Group, but we're open to all different types of players.

Getting Started - you are going to need the following items:

- A high-LY jump ship (at least 30ly will make this bearable - suggest Diamondback Explorer or ASP Explorer)
- At least 24 tons (ideally 50) tons of cargo
- A ship outfitted with a collector limpet controller (suggest at least a 3A - 5A if possible)
- A week of dedication to unlocking what you need.

Don't have the prerequisites?  See below:

Okay, so you need stuff, which is why you clicked here.

Is it money?

This is where joining our Squadron comes in handy...

Not sure what to buy to get started?  See the "WRS Starter Build" here

Q:    How much do I need to buy everything in the build?
A:    $30 Million Credits  (if you want to be super safe $40 Million)

Q:   $30 Million?!?! How do I get that?
A:   See above - nice to have friends that can help out...

Okay - so you have the money, what about purchasing everything you need?

Follow these steps:

Step 1:  Fly to a station what sells everything.  High Tech or Military systems are usually best.

Step 2:  Purchase the items in the "WRS Starter Build" here

If you didn't open the link above, here's a breakdown of what you need
- ASP Explorer  (6,135,660 cr)

Core Internals:
- 5A Frame Shift Drive (5,103,950 cr)
- 4A Power Distributor (443,330 cr)
- 5A Power Plant (5,103,950 cr)
- 5A Thrusters (5,103,950 cr)
- 4D Life Support (28,370 cr)
- 5D Sensors  (79,440 cr)
- 5C Fuel Tank (97,750 cr)

Optional Internals:
- 5E Cargo Rack (111,570 cr)
- 5A Shield Generator (5,103,950 cr)
- 3A Fuel Scoop (902,950 cr)
- 1I Detailed Surface Scanner (250,000 cr)
- 1E Advanced Docking Computer (13,509 cr)
- 1E Supercruise Assist (9,121 cr)
- (optional) 3A Collector Limpet Controller

Utility Mounts
- 0B Frame Shift Wake Scanner (365,700 cr)

So everyone already knows that you need engineering materials, we'll discuss that later.  The first thing you need to do is worry about unlocking the engineers.  The materials will come later.  As part of doing this Smarter not Harder, we suggest unlocking engineers in this specific order.

We'll be unlocking the following Engineers, plus a couple more along the way:

1. Felicity Farseer for Frame Shift Drive
2. Hera Tani for Power Plant
3. The Dweller for Power Distribution
4. Todd "The Blaster" McQuinn for weapons
5. Professor Palin for Thrusters
6. Lei Cheung for Shield Generators
7. Didi Vaterman for Shield Boosters

WRS Corp. Guide to Unlocking Engineers


Engineer 1:  Felicity Farseer

Grade 5 Frame Shift Drive

1. Achieve Scout Rank in Exploration (i.e. Sell 270,000 cr worth of exploration data)
2. Deliver 1 Meta Alloy to Felicity

Unlocking Felicity increases how far you can jump


What you need for this:

1. Detailed Surface Scanner (purchased)
2. Discover Scanner (default ship module)

Oh shit, I don't know how to do fire groups!
  • Don't worry - watch this video on how to assign firegroups

Oh shit, I don't know how to use FSS!
  • Chillax - watch this video
  • note that on Xbox - engaging FSS is done by pressing Y+RB while in supercruise throttled down

Okay, now I'm starting to feel like an idiot because I don't know how to use the Detailed Surface Scanner either
  • It's cool dude - watch this video
Earth-like planets pay out the most, so go to your map settings and under economy, search for only "Agricultural" economies.  These systems often have an earth-like planet that you can scan. Each time you make a jump into a new system, use your Discovery Scanner to honk the system.  You can go into FSS mode and scan all the planets in the system if you want just to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.  Use the detailed surface scanner on the earth-like planets and you should make  enough on 4-5 planets  doing this.

(Note:  our squadron has an internal document of "earth-like" planets that are all within our system to make this even faster - just another shameless plug on why you should consider joining)

Anyway - the purpose here is to scan all the systems you can, use the detailed surface scanner on the earth-like planets, and then go and turn the exploration data into the cartographics contact at a station. Once you make at least 270,000 CR, you should get a message from Felicity Farseer that she can help you.

If you were part of the squadron, this is another part that we could help with as our fleet commonly carriers the Meta Alloy that you need for Felicity to just quickly hand in.  BUT, because you're visiting and I don't want you to leave empty-handed, you should do one of the following:

1.  Find the Fleet Carrier "[IPG] The Reaper's Den" - I sell Meta Alloys at a price
2.  If you don't want to buy one - go to Haydes  Sector AQ-Y D8 1 - Planet C 2.  You'll need to use your Detailed Surface Scanner and an SRV to locate the Thargoid Barnacle sites.  #3 is a good one.  Land there, shoot the barnacles, collect  your Meta Alloy, and turn it into Felicity Farseer

What Upgrade Should I do?:

ALWAYS go for Increased Range Blueprint - in fact, you should probably pin this blueprint while you are there.  You're going to use it on every ship.

Experimental Choices:

When to use MASS MANAGER:
- Large ships, medium ships, or ships that you will be using to haul cargo.  Basically anything that you expect will be laden.  This is the most common and probably most useful experimental that you can't really go wrong with.

When to use STRIPPED DOWN:
- Any small ship or exploration ship.  Decreasing the weight of the ship will allow for higher jump ranges.  Exploration ships (small or medium) benefit from this experimental the most

What Materials Do I need:

Here is a list of the materials that you need for INCREASED RANGE Blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials
10  Phosphorus
10  Manganese
10  Arsenic

Manufactured Materials
20  Chemical Processors
10  Chemical Distillery
10 Chemical Manipulators

Encoded Materials
20  Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes
10  Strange Wake Solutions
10  Eccentric Hyperspace Trajectories
10  Datamined Wake Exceptions

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 2:  The Dweller

Grade 5 Power Distribution

1. Deal with at least 5 black markets
2. Pay 500,000 cr

Power Distribution allows you to run SYS, ENG, and WEP with less power drain.


What you need for this:

1. A Delivery Mission with minimum of 5 goods - which can be found at any station

This one is super easy.  You'll probably get a few fines, but it's not a big deal - you should have enough money to pay them off.  The ultimate goal is to unlock the engineer.  All you need to do for this is the following:

1. Accept a delivery mission - ideally 1 that requires you to deliver a low amount of cargo (minimum 5 pieces though)
2. Fly to a station that has a black market in it and land
3. Go to your transactions page, select the mission and abandon it
4. The cargo is now considered stolen - so go to Contacts --> Black Market and sell 1 item
5. Launch and go to the next station. Go to Contact --> Black Market, sell 1 item
6. Rinse and repeat until you have sold 5 items

Note:  Stations that you are allied with have a less chance of scanning you, so you can land and sell black market items without getting a fine.

What Upgrade Should I do?:

The best one here is CHARGED ENHANCED

The balance between increased power capacity without losing recharge speed is pretty crucial.  It is considered the meta.  This is another blueprint you will want to pin as you will use it on every ship.

There is something else to be considered though.  If you are going for a straight combat build, you might want to look at Weapons Focused.  Granted, you are probably just unlocking engineers at this point, and working on getting an upgraded ship.  So my suggestion is to go with Charged Enhanced for the time being, test it out, and come back when you have a better understanding.  You can also view our combat guide for a list of ships and pre-made builds that will let you know what engineering you should be doing for your ship.

Experimental Choices:

1. Why use Super Conduits
Super Conduits will allow for faster recharge rate.  This is a great option if you want faster  SYS, ENG, and WEP recharge rates.
5  Phosphorus
3  Heat Resistant Ceramics
1  Cadmium

2. Why use Cluster Capacitors
Allows for higher capacity.  I (personally) prefer this as it offsets the capacity that is lost from completing the blueprint so you really do not have any negative effect and end up with only the benefit of increased charge and capacity.
5  Phosphorus
3  Heat Resistant Ceramics
1  Security Firmware Patch

What Materials Do I need:

Here is a list of the materials that you need for CHARGED ENCHANCED Blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials

Manufactured Materials
10  Chemical Processors
10  Chemical Distillery
20 Chemical Manipulators
10  Grid Resistors
10  Hybrid Capacitors
10  Exquisite Focus Crystals

Encoded Materials
20  Specialized Legacy Firmware
10  Modified Consumer Firmware
20 Cracked Industrial Firmware

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 3:  Hera Tani

Grade 5 Power Plant

1. Unlock Grade 4 from Liz Ryder
1. Gain Outside Rank or Higher with the Empire
2. Provide 50 units of Kamitra Cigars

Increased power generation allows you to run better modules without going over your wattage limit.


What you need for this:

So bear with me here.  This one is a little tougher because you have to unlock Liz Ryder first AND gain rank with her.  So let's start there.

Unlocking Liz Ryder

What you're going to need:
1. At least 4-5 million cr in bounties; OR
2. At least 2 million cr in Discovery Data

So you could have already been doing combat missions with us, but you will have at least been honking EVERY system you've gone into.  So you should have enough already to move to the next steps.  So do the following:

1.  Put a Seeker Missile Rack (or two) on your ship.
2.  Hopefully you have like 4-5 million cr in bounties.  If NOT - hit us up and we can probably help.
3.  Fly to Eurybia - land at any station where EURYBIA BLUE MAFIA is the controlling faction (Chris & Silva's Paradise Hideout usually is).
4.  Go to the Station Services --> Contacts --> Redemption Office (universal cartographics if doing discovery data)
5.  Sell ALL of your bounties
6.  You should get a message from Liz Ryder (if not - deliver more bounties!)
7.  Go buy 200 landmines (look in Inara on where to get them)
8.  Fly to Liz Ryder's base, deliver the landmines
9.  Start upgrading your missile racks, armour, hull reinforcement - whatever you can, until you reach grade 4
10. You should get the message from Hera Tani at this point.  All Done!  Save Liz for later.

For engineering materials for Liz, I suggest making sure you have the following amounts:

30  Mechanical Scraps
20  Vanadium
10  Niobium
20  Carbon

If you have the above list - you should be able to upgrade those missile racks and armour enough to unlock grade 4 with Liz.

Okay, we got through Liz - now we need to work on Hera Tani

1. Gaining Outsider Rank or Higher with Empire:

This isn't too hard - but basically go to any Empire system, run missions for the faction aligned with the Empire until you get a notification to complete an Imperial Navy Contract.  Take that mission, complete it, and you should be set.

2. Provide 50 units of Kimatra Cigars

This part kind of sucks because Rare commodities can only be picked up in 8-15 ton increments.  Unless the economy is in a boom state.  Either way, make sure you have your cargo rack empty and complete the following steps:

1. Fly to Kamitra system, buy the maximum number of cigars you can
2. Fly to Hera Tani at Jet's  Hole in Kuwemaki system.
3. Rinse and repeat until you have delivered all 50 tons.

CONGRATS!  You've unlocked another engineer (2 in fact)!

What Upgrade Should I do?:

This is essentially another meta blueprint. Go with OVERCHARGED, and make sure you pin this blueprint.

Experimental Choices:

1. Just go with MONSTERED
Monstered increased power generation - it's a solid bet for any build.

5  Grid Resistors
3  Vanadium
1  Polymer Capacitor

What Materials Do I need:

Here is a list of the materials that you need to get OVERCHARGED blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials
10  Sulphur
10  Selenium
10  Cadmium
10 Tellurium

Manufactured Materials
20  Heat Conductive Wiring
30  Conductive Components
10  Heat Dispersion Plate
20  Conductive Ceramics
10 Chemical Manipulators

Encoded Materials

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 4:  Todd "The Blaster" McQuinn

Grade 5 Multi-cannons and Rail Guns

1. Earn more than 15 bounty vouchers
2. Provide 100,000 cr with of bounty vouchers

Weapons for killing stuff


What you need for this:

Just a disclaimer, I'm not going to go full bore into details here.  I'll provide a basic set-up, but ultimately, weapon choices are something you need to figure out for yourself.  It requires experimenting.  Personally, for bounty hunting and conflict zones, I run full multi-cannons with 1 beam laser.  So Todd is a huge asset for me.  Look at our builds page for more information.

1.  You should have done bounty hunting with us already - just go turn in 100,000 cr to Todd in WOLF 397 system.  

All Done!

What Upgrade Should I do?:

Again, not really going to go into too much details here, but here is just a quick run down of what I think the best combinations are:

Huge Hardpoints  Multi-Cannons (Size 4):  OVERCHARGED with AUTO-LOADER experimental

Large Hardpoints Multi-Cannons (Size 3):   OVERCHARGED or HIGH-CAP (preference) with CORROSIVE experimental

Medium Hardpoints Multi-Cannons (Size 2):  HIGH-CAP with CORROSIVE then EMISSIVE expperimental - many ships have multiple size 2 hardpoints, so 2 guns, 2 different experimentals, but both High-Cap

Small Hardpoints Multi-Cannons (size 1):  HIGH-CAP with THERMAL SHOCK then INCINDIARY experimental

(Keep in mind that experimental effects don't stack, so there is not point on adding Corrosive on more than 1 weapon, just put it on the biggest one possible based on the list above)

What Materials Do I need:

This one is too hard, because there are too many options, so we're not going to list this one out for you.

View Todd's Tinder Profile here to see what you need.

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 5:  Professor Palin

Grade 5 Thrusters

1. Gain rank  3-4 with Marco Qwent
2. Travel at least 5,000 light years from your starting system
3. Provide 25 Sensor Fragments

Thrusters make your ship feel brand new.  Helps maneuver in combat, on planets, and you're going to love them.


Well shit.  We've gotten to another engineer where you have to unlock not just ONE, but TWO engineers first.  Elvira Martuuk and Marco Qwent.

Lucky for you, this should be pretty easy.
Unlocking Elivra Martuuk

1. Travel at least 300 light years from your career start location
2. provide 3 Soontill Relics

Unlocking Marco Qwent

1. Gain invitation from Siruis Corporation
2. Provide 25 units of Modular Terminals

Okay - I'm going to wrap both of these together, so that way you can essentially complete this the fastest.  You've already unlocked Felcity and have a Grade 5 FSD, so this takes a little work, but you'll get there.

...You are going to need a fuel scoop for this...

1.   Open your Galaxy Map
2.   Look for Nebula that is like 7,000 light years away (I chose horse head)
3.   Start jumping....
4.   Honk EVERY system with you discovery scanner, maybe fully map a few of them with the FSS
4.   Every so often, go into your right-side panel, go to:  Home Tab --> Codex --> Exploration  and look at the item that says "distance from start"
5.   Once that says 5,000 light years - turn your ass around and come back
6.   Yell in the discord that you need Soontill Relics and Modular Terminals - one of the carriers will have them available for purchase
7.   Once you pick up your  3 Soontill Relics and 25 Modular Terminals - fly to Elvira Martuuk in KHUN system.

(assuming you haven't decided to join us yet, you can get Soontil Relics and Modular Terminals from the  list below:

1.  Soontil Relics - Go to the Ngurii system and land at Cheranovsky City.  You can buy them for about 20,000 cr
2.  Modular Terminals - Mission Rewards - you'll have to search for them, or look for a carrier selling them.

Elvira Martukk portion

Once at Elvira, giver her the 3 Soontil Relics - you need to gain grade 4 access from her, so just engineer the following items:
1. Shield Generator
 - 30 Phosphorus
 - 20 Conductive Components
 - 10 Mechanical Components

2. Thrusters
 - 20 Specialized Legacy Firmware
 - 10 Mechanical Equipment

Marco Qwent portion

You completed Elvira, now you need to go to Marco Qwent...

1.   Go to a system controlled by Sirius Corporation (Almagest usually works)
2.   Land at a station that in CONTROLLED BY SIRIUS CORP.
3.   Sell all of that sweet sweet discovery data you just gained...

You should get  a message that you received your Sirius Permit - sweet.  Now fly to Sirius system and visit Qwent Research Base


- Fly to a station and just buy a cheap power plan or power distributor.  Like D grade or something.  Outfit your ship with it.  You want to do this because you probably already upgraded your current one from the other engineers that we just unlocked. You don't want to override it.

With your NEW power plant or power distributor you need to gain grade 4 access from Marco to unlock Palin, so engineer the following items:

1. Power Plant
 - 10 Sulphur
 - 20 Head Conductive Wiring
 - 20 Conductive Components
 - 10 Selenium

- OR -

2. Power Distributor
 - 20 Specialized Legacy Firmware
 - 10 Chemical Processors
 - 10 Grid Resistors
 - 10 Modified Consumer Firmware
 - 10 Chemical Distillary


Okay - NOW we can go to Professor Palin

Now that you are done with those guys, this is where I would direct you to message the discords that you need 25 Sensor Fragments.  We'll help you get them.  All of that hard work that you completed by jumping 5,000 light years, you unlocked Professor Palin.  Now you just need to deliver Sensor Fragments to him in ARQUE system.

However, here we are - so to get Sensor Fragments you should do the following:

1.  Go to HIP 17403 system - Planet A4A
2.  Use your Detailed Surface Scanner to find the Crashed Thargoid Ship
3.  Land there and destroy the Thargoid Sensors and pick up the leftover Sensor Fragments

You can do the log/re-logging trick here to keep spawning new ones until you get 25 of them. Here's a video if you want to see more.

What Upgrade Should I do?:

Two things to consider:

1.  Do you want to go fast like Ricky Bobby?  Get DIRTY Thrusters
2.  Do you want run cool like Johhny Tsunami?  Get CLEAN Thrusters

Experimental Choices:

1. Just go with DRAG DRIVES
Drag Drives are the only thing worth getting because they make a SIGNIFICANT difference in the feel of your ship.

5  Iron
3  Hybrid Capacitors
1  Security Firmware Patch

What Materials Do I need:

Here is a list of the materials that you need for DIRTY Blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials
10  Chromium
10  Selenium
10  Cadmium

Manufactured Materials
10  Mechanical Equipment
10  Mechanical Components
10  Configurable Components
10  Pharmaceutical Isolators

Encoded Materials
30  Specialized Legacy Firmware
10  Modified Consumer Firmware
10  Cracked Industrial Firmware

Here is a list of the materials that you need for CLEAN Blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials
10  Sulphur
10  Tin

Manufactured Materials
20  Conductive Components
10  Conductive Ceramics

Encoded Materials
30  Specialized Legacy Firmware
10  Unexpected Emission Data
10  Modified Consumer Firmware
10  Decoded Emission Data
10  Abnormal Compact Emissions Data

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 6:  Lei Cheung

Grade 5 Shield Generator

1. Unlock Grade 4 from the Dweller (completed)
2. Trade in 50 markets
3. Provide 200  units of Gold (completed)

Shields increase survivability.


What you need for this:

1.  A cargo ship
2.  Patience


This engineer is pretty straight forward.  You just need to trade in 50 markets.  There is a trick though - you have to at least make a PROFIT from 50 markets.  So essentially, be prepared to do a lot of hopping, landing, buying and selling.

I found the best way to do this is literally just hop to stations, look at the commodities market, and see where you can sell certain goods.  If you want to go a step further, use Inara to sell goods.  If you want to do this the easiest way, grab 50 items of a single commodity, go to this page - select the commodity, look under "exports" and sort by distance, and hit the first 50 markets.

You can keep track of your progress by looking in the right panel HOME --> Codex --> Trading to see how many markets you have to get through.  This just takes time.  Keep in mind that carrier also count as a market.

Once you've completed the 50 markets, go to a station that has Gold, purchase 200 tons, and deliver it to Lei Cheung in LAKSAK system.  You can begin his engineering.

What Upgrade Should I do?:

Okay, this one is a little deep seeded, so let me try to break it down.  There are three different types of shields: (1) Regular; (2) Bi-Weave; (3) Prismatics.

Each type has a different combination of the experimental that you should go for as explained below.   Basic rule of thumb for shields, you want to get at least 35% - 50% resistance in each Thermal, Kinetic, and Explosive.  You can see your shield strength by going into your Right Panel Ship --> Stats.  Keep in mind that you will most likely need to use Shield Boosters to make up the difference in resistances (which we will get to when we unlock Didi Vaterman).

Pretty much every single build will use the REINFORCED Blueprint - so just pin this blueprint

1. Regular Shields
 -  REINFORCED Blueprint with HIGH-CAP experimental

You want this because you are trying to make stronger shields, with overall better resistance.

- 5  Worn Shield Emitters
- 3  Flawed Focus Crystals
- 1  Conductive Polymer

2. Bi-Weaves
 -  REINFORCED Blueprint with FAST CHARGE experimental

You want this combination because with Bi-Weaves, your main focus is to get your shields up and running against faster, which Bi-Weaves are naturally good at

 - 5  Worn Shield Emitters
 - 3  Flawed Focus Crystals
 - 1  Compound Shielding

3. Prismatic Shields
 -  REINFORCED Blueprint with MULTI-WEAVE experimental

Prismatics are the strongest shield in the game, at the cost of having horrible recharge time - so the goal here is to create super strong resistance shields that won't break easily.

 - 5  Worn Shield Emitters
 - 3  Flawed Focus Crystals
 - 1  Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis

What Materials Do I need:

Here is a list of the materials that you need for REINFORCED Blueprint (keep in mind these are estimates, roll values are based on chance):

Raw Materials
30  Phosphorus
10  Manganese
10  Arsenic

Manufactured Materials
20  Conductive Components
10  Mechanical Components
10  Conductive Ceramics
10  Configurable Components
10  Conductive Polymers
10  Improvised Components

Encoded Materials

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


Engineer 7:  Didi Vaterman

Grade 5 Shield Boosters

1.  Grade 4 from Selene Jean
2.  Achieve Merchant Rank or Higher (3,700,000 profit from trading)
3.  Deliver 50 Lavian Brandy

Shield Boosters to help your shields.


What you need for this:

Another engineer that requires you to unlock a different one FIRST!

Selene Jean Run

This one kind of sucks.  But here is the jist:

1.  Unlock grade 4 from Todd "The Blaster" McQuinn (completed)
2.  Mine at  least 500 tons of ore
3.  Provide 10 units of Painite

Okay - so Todd is already done, that's easy.  The other portion though.  You need to visit our mining guide for a simple set-up.

After you have a mining ship outfitted, just go ahead and hop into a ring and be like Danny DeVito and START BLASTING.  You'll need to refine 500 tons of ANYTHING you get from asteroids, so expect to be there mining, making money, and just relaxing.  We have a carrier that is specialized in mining, so it might be a good idea to outfit and drop in there and do your mining over the next few days.

Once you've completed your mining requirements, just go to a system that sells Painite, buy 10 units, and deliver them to Selene Jean in KUK system.

To maximize you time here, make sure you have the following items:

1. 1-2 Hull Reinforcements equipped on your ship.
2. The following materials to engineer them:
         - 30  Carbon
         - 20  Shield Emitters
         - 10  High Density Composites
         - 10  Vanadium
         - 10  Shielding Sensors
         - 10  Proprietary Composites

Engineer until you reach grade 4 with her, and you should unlock Didi Vaterman.



Okay - done with Selene, now time for Didi Vatermann
So you should already have Merchant Rank from all the trading you did earlier.  If not, let us know in the discord, we can provide you the rank through trading and selling on one of the carriers.  So all that is left to do is Deliver Lavian Brandy!

Here are the steps:

1.  Fly to LAVE system - go to the station, buy Lavian Brandy
2.  Fly to LEESTI - deliver Brandy to Didi
3.  Rinse and Repeat until you have delivered everything.


What Upgrade Should I do?:

Okay - this is another one of those items that I don't have a good answer for.  As mentioned previously though, you need to upgrade your shield resistances to at least 35% - 50% in Kinetic, Thermal, and Explosive - so just look at what you are missing in your ship  stats and upgrade the shield boosters as necessary to achieve those levels.  Once that is completed, you can just use HEAVY DUTY with SUPER CAPACITORS to up the shield strength further.

Visit Didi Vaterman's E-Harmony page for more details

What Materials Do I need:

Again, this is dependent on what you need, so look in the details section for a link to the engineer's page to see that information.

Looking for a specific material?  View the guide.


-Significant amounts of engineering materials. These can be readily farmed at Dav’s Hope (Hyades Sector DR-V C2-23, Planet A 5, Coordinates 44.818, -31.389), and the Crashed Anaconda (Orrere, Planet 2 B, Coordinates 43.8122, -173.9722).