TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-1It is with great honor and privilege that I present to you the very first edition of The SCG Journal. This was started as a work of passion by one of our intrepid Commanders, and presented here for your enjoyment. The hope going forward is that future editions will include content written and created,
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-2Expedition Points North is the key feature in this second edition of the Stellar Cartographers Guild Journal. A new section, Real Astronomy, starts with a bang... or a black hole awakening in real time! Everything you want to know about the Sanguineous Rim Project is here if you want to participate.
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-3Expedition Points North is, again, the key feature in this third edition of the Stellar Cartographers Guild Journal. A new section, If I ONLY had one ship..., starts with an invitation for CMDRs to participate. We also look at E.D.I.S.O.N, a tool to help CMDRs find their way in the galaxy that is
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-4Elite: Dangerous - how the galaxy was built, is the key feature for the fourth edition of the Stellar Cartographers Guild Journal. The Points North Expedition continues to surprise us with the photos taken by the participating CMDRs, illustrating the skipper’s diary, FLOORBEAR. We also look at
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-5Elite: Dangerous - how the galaxy was built continues with its second and final part in this edition of the Stellar Cartographers Guild Journal. The Points North Expedition, on its journey back home continues to surprise us with the photos taken by the participating CMDRs, illustrating the skipper’s
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-6November 3310 Powerplay 2.0 has arrived and Elite: Dangerous enters a new phase, with more new players discovering the simulation. For those arriving this edition has two articles they may find interesting. The first checks how passenger missions might work for players looking for guidance and how
TSCG Journal Vol-1 Issue-7Is the moon Triton the path to discover Raxxla? Put your tinfoil hat on and enter the adventure, which is now attracting many Commanders. It may be no more than a reason to discover the Sol system, but it’s a good investment of time if you don’t know what to do in ED. This will give you purpose and