Articles of Association of Communism InterstellarDefined Terms Communism Interstellar : A collective of Communist Factions comprising in alphabetical order: Communist Interstellar Union Communist Party of Drakonia Egovi Union The Eichwald Kommune Guardians of Harmony ICU Colonial Corps , managed by the Interstellar Communist Union Interstellar
IPV Internal Governmental StructureInterstellar Proletarian Vanguard Est. 30 - 01 - 3306 In accordance with Article 5 of the Articles of Association the IPV, as an associate of CI, is autonomous and has its own system of internal governance distinct from CI as a whole. Each rank of the IPV has its own level of responsibility and requirements
IPV RegulationsInterstellar Proletarian Vanguard Est. 30 - 01 - 3306 Русский Mission Statement The Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard (henceforth IPV) is an organisation committed to furthering the objectives of the galactic communist movement. This is to be achieved by increasing the influence of the IPV, and
IPV Ship ID RegistryThe ships of the Interstellar Proletarian Vanguard are prefixed with “IPV”. IPV Naval Vessels - That is, any ship that is specifically fitted for combat, are prefixed “IPVN”. Each commander in the IPV is assigned a unique ID which is used for all of their ships, except for rescue ships which typically
Правилам IPVМежзвездный Пролетарский Авангард Уст. 30 - 01 - 3306 English Миссия Межзвездный Пролетарский Авангард (далее IPV) - это организация, приверженная достижению целей галактического коммунистического движения. Она должна быть достигнута за счет усиления влияния IPV и других ассоциированных коммунистических