Mission details
Izanami Survey
Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
653 days ago
This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: The Stellar Cartographers Guild
Join Will Magpie of the TSCG to perform a long-term survey project in the Izanami region.
Check out our discord for more information.
The Witch of Dun Scaith [H8W-73Z] has taken station as an outpost for prolonged survey support. Anyone in or passing through the region is welcome to stop in for service.
Mission details
The fleet carrier Witch of Dun Scaith [H8W-73Z] will be conducting a long term survey/expedition in the Izanami region.
This expedition has three purposes:
1: To find interesting things in a seemingly uninteresting area of space.
2: To do some exploring near the SCG Bubble.
3: To visit the last resting place of the SCG James Connolly, the fleet carrier belonging to the vanished CMDR UTLR, one of the founding members of TSCG.
The Witch will depart from Shapsugabus and head directly to Ploi Aub CQ-A b5, the site of the Connolly. It will then jump to the Cheethe sector, to survey systems in that area. This ongoing survey project will aid in the long-term exploration of this area and allow explorers a stable base of operations in the region.
This expedition has three purposes:
1: To find interesting things in a seemingly uninteresting area of space.
2: To do some exploring near the SCG Bubble.
3: To visit the last resting place of the SCG James Connolly, the fleet carrier belonging to the vanished CMDR UTLR, one of the founding members of TSCG.
The Witch will depart from Shapsugabus and head directly to Ploi Aub CQ-A b5, the site of the Connolly. It will then jump to the Cheethe sector, to survey systems in that area. This ongoing survey project will aid in the long-term exploration of this area and allow explorers a stable base of operations in the region.