Mission details


Mission type
Mission state
New orders
591 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Morpheus Mining Corp.

-The Emergency Mobilisation Act-

System: Garoju
Location: Verrier Orbital
Building: Corporate Representative's Chamber

"On this day, our nation's representatives have spoken, support for our national defense has never been stronger. The Emergency Mobilization Act will allow our current PMC forces to recruit and mobilize a greater number of our citizens for military service; this will undoubtedly aid to humanity's efforts against the genocidal Thargoid threat. At this time, the armed forces within the Kingdom of Garoju will be henceforth organized under the Department of Defense. Now...current business, the votes have been tallied and I am relieved to announce our nation's very first Sky Marshal...Chief Information Officer Gordon Mitchell (DocMav82). Lead us to victory Commander!"

Chief Executive Officer - Pr0j3kt676

Mission details
"The Galactic Menace"

System: Garoju
Location: Verrier Orbital
Building: Corporate Representative's Chamber

"As you all know, Thargoid fleets have been sweeping through human occupied space in a multi-pronged assault against humanity as a whole. Not one system. Not one nation. Not one Empire or Federation. Humanity as a whole has been targeted. Our citizens will eventually face this destructive wave unless provided an adequately supplied and manned expeditionary force to stop the alien threat along the established frontline. I'm proud to report the citizens of Garoju have already contributed goods, medical aid, financial assistance, and housing for as many refugees possible who have been impacted by this galactic war, but we must do more to aid in this battle for the survival of our species. Our private security forces have been able to launch strategic assaults and aid in larger conflict areas within Thargoid controlled systems, however, our efforts have been moderateley successful due to the lack of resources, equipment, vehicles, vessels, and manpower. Now is the time to enact the emergency powers of this nation in order to establish a formal military force; this will allow our forces to conduct full-scale military operations against the alien threat, while simultaneously bolstering national defense and ensuring our own corporate interests. In my hand, I hold the endorsement of multiple Morpheus Mining Corp. Executives and high ranking officials within our government who are requesting the immediate creation and organization of the formal national military within the Kingdom of Garoju, with myself as the first nominee as Sky Marshal. My Federal military experience, medical expertise, and Space Warfare training will lead our troops to victory, but please understand...we are facing the greatest threat humanity has ever encountered...we must do everything in our power to ensure the prosperity of the Corporation and survival of the human race."

Chief Information Officer (Executive) - Gordon Mitchell (DocMav82)