Mission details


[AAHC/AN27] Cigui Shipping Lane Sweep: Desynced

Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
23 hours ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Cobalt

Another Boom in the Cigui economy has again brought Security Forces into conflict with outlaw members of the various splinter and subgroups within Amarishvaru Advanced Holdings Corporation. These rogue elements have resumed their piratical activities against Traders importing metals and other supplies from the surrounding systems, with a resurgence in their combat readiness.

Since these pirates are reasonably organized into groups and well equipped, combined with the fact that they generally only target neutral or other-affiliated Traders, AAHC must request the assistance of skilled combat pilots to deal with the Convoy Dispersal Threat 2/Weapons Fire Threat 4 Signals in the Cigui System's main shipping lane. Pilots are requested to accept any and all requests for assistance from other factions in the system at these signals, and to obliterate all Wanted attackers from our own faction that they encounter, to stamp out this corruption and uphold the eternal will of the Emperor.

Mission details
In order to ensure that these criminals face the full reckoning of Imperial Justice, pilots are encouraged to equip Kill Warrant Scanners to help our Security Forces track their other activities. Those who have the time are asked to specifically deliver the news of their kills (i.e. claim bounties) in the Xuane, Wuthawchu, and Hermoduroua systems (for larger vessels). Pilots who intend to assist with reassuring Traders should deliver their news to Orom, Ambibeb, and Amarishvaru as per usual at their convenience.

These groups often consist of 1 Anaconda, 1 Python, 1 Anaconda/Python, and a single small ship such as a Diamondback Scout. Any Convoy Dispersal Threat 2 signals which show any similar configuration will be marked in your HUD as "Bounty Hunting" with the appropriate Icon, to assist with distinguishing from standard convoys which are just replotting course or who have stopped in normal space for some other reason.

Our Security Forces will attempt to deploy to assist, but as the nature of the Cigui system does not allow for high security options and the enemy forces can be somewhat formidable to non-Ace pilots, pilots are encouraged not to rely on them overly and instead prepare for relatively heavy enemy firepower.

Updates to the status of this mission and the state of confidence observed in our traders from our surrounding systems will be available here until the official completion of this mission.

Traders hoping to take advantage of the current boom themselves should reference details for the sister mission "Cigui Boom Cobalt Patriotism".

UPDATE 1 - 23 APR 3309
Due to rapid response, the number of pirates has been reduced, allowing for the resuming of our usual Passenger Liner operations. As these are also likely to be classified as 'Convoy Dispersal Pattern Threat 2' when they stop in normal space, they will be distinguished from more dangerous signals in the usual way. The targets of this mission will be marked as both 'Bounty Hunting' and 'Piracy' in the HUD to clarify which ones are expecting actual piracy attempts (note that Passenger Liners can still be assisted as they are often attacked by small groups of opportunists).

Changes in Macroeconomic factors and shifts in perception have reduced economic activity in the Cigui System to the point where logistics has chosen to reclassify the status. Cigui is no longer experiencing an Economic Boom by most standards, and we expect the security situation in the system to return to one that can be handled by local System Authorities and Cobalt Squadron. We offer our sincerest gratitude to all pilots who contributed to the safety of our home.

Maintenance of high morale and determination in Cigui resulted in a return to a 'Boom' economic status classification. At this time, the demand for Cobalt is also now related to its potential uses for Neutralizer production, and Platinum is also being traded at high prices. As a result, we once again request skilled pilots to help us overwhelm these troublemakers.

Despite efforts to handle this internally due to being able to predict it due to the usual holiday shifts, the independent pilots who were assisting in this matter were called away for other matters and were unable to maintain the level of Security that allowed AAHC to declare a state of Civil Liberty in the system. Therefore once again we call upon other passing pilots to support Traders in the region. Though the usual 'trading mission' has not been officially reopened, Traders can note that the usual higher prices and demand for Cobalt and Platinum are in effect, for as long as the Boom classification of the economic status is upheld.

In addition to the usual conflicts sparked by the Boom status, the lower numbers of security personnel in our sector due to the new year's training and requirements of other systems means that pirate activity is higher than usual in Cigui and the surrounding systems. There is higher activity at the system's Navigation Beacon, which is known to be compromised, and those who assist us in these situations should be more careful than usual when attempting to use the beacon to speed up their hunting in Cigui, until those forces are pushed back.

After recent recovery from the Economic bust in the system, this period of higher activity has become desynchronized from our normal operational timing. We are taking this opportunity to train new security personnel. Pilots willing to provide recordings of their encounters with the outlaws for training purposes are asked to do so at Clark City.