Mission details

[AN27]Bolster Qi Lisu Community Safety

Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress (80%)
1 day ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Cobalt

Though the Corporation requested no outside assistance during the war with the Raven's Scouts in the Qi Lisu System, since explicit control of the system is not required by most of AAHC supporters there, there are two complications.

The first is the reopening of the Black Market by the Raven's Scouts, which goes expressly against all expectations and acceptable terms. The second is the odd observed situation during the Conflict itself (see expanded mission briefing).

For now, we ask any supporters to keep an eye out for smugglers and any related increased illegal activity in the system that might subject our citizens to peril. While it is not necessary to push to retake the system, we would like to put pressure on them to close the Black Market in accordance with Her Imperial Majesty's stance on potential corruption.

Mission details
The composition of enemy forces during the war for control of Qi Lisu has caused some minor suspicion among certain parts of the populace. Generally, the wide variety in ship types has been simply explained as normal to be expected from an Independent faction attempting to gain tactical advantages, but there's still some concern that this operation was orchestrated or partially funded by someone else altogether.

Overall, this is only troublesome if the 'someone else' is in some way tied to dangerous criminal elements, which is why 'retaking the system' is not priority. If this was a natural shift in sentiment, then any pushback will meet the same result, while not being necessary overall. Therefore our concern and focus is entirely on the safety of the community and the issues presented by what we hope to be a temporary opening of the Black Market.

We have also observed some changes in the behaviour of the Qi Lisu Jet Boys, with much of their M.O. shifting to smuggling, often to distant star systems. There has not yet been enough time for investigation into this behaviour 'change', so there is no way to know if it is related, nor whether it is an adaptation to their new situation, or just a random fluctuation.

Above all else, the Corporation simply asks for vigilance in ensuring the safety and security of our citizens while negotations relative to the Black Market are undertaken, and for support in helping them to adapt to the situation if the Black Market is not closed soon.