Mission details

[AN27] "Crimson Buster" Gungkuni/Cigui Specialist Bounty Hunting

Mission type
Mission state
Mission completed
23 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Cobalt

Ace Bounty Hunters, we need your help. Aspiring Aces, see full mission briefing for additional details.

The Corporation understands that this is a lot to ask given the recent focus on Qi Lisu operations, but analysis indicates that our home system Cigui may not be able to recover from the economic downturn without this operation. Bounty hunters that specialize in taking out single, powerful targets, or powerful targets with Vulture escorts, should check for Assassination missions at Clark City in Cigui and otherwise patrol Cigui (for Threat 5 signals) or Gungkuni. Specialists in handling swarms of medium and small targets can receive missions at Clark City and at Sacco Landing in Orom. Interceptors (those who specialize in Interdicting) are asked to consider remaining in Qi Lisu.

This mission is currently of normal priority, but may be raised to high.

Mission details
The Cigui system has experienced difficulty recovering from the economic bust due to the fall in quality of its hospitality experience due to the prior famine. While we have restored the visitor experience to mostly-normal, the uptick in attacks on commercial and passenger ships has continued to depress the economic recovery.

The Gungkuni Crimson Rats are the primary issue, due to that system's large operational area, but Cigui itself is also experiencing serious issues. Highly experienced pilots are asked to keep an eye out for extreme situations. These will be classified as Weapons Fire Threat 5 and Distress Call Level 5 signals. Less experienced pilots who have not encountered such signal classifications before are highly urged to be extremely cautious or avoid these signals. These indicate situations in which enemy ships have been detected to be using engineered weapons (or other modules, but usually weapons) and can be fatal to the unprepared. Similarly, unfortunately, most of the time there is nothing that a less experienced pilot can do in time to save anyone caught up in an attack by these pirates.

A similar warning is issued for missions taken from Clark City. Gungkuni Crimson Rats tend to operate in groups that work very well together, whether that is a leader with their two wingmen, or large groups of relatively coordinated smaller ships. Please ensure you have the appropriate 'specialization' for the mission type being taken.

Pilots who are unsure, who only fly Medium ships normally, can check for missions in Orom, our intention is to 'sort' the missions between Clark and Sacco Landing by 'difficulty'. Those who normally interdict single strong ships can try in Gungkuni, but note that the large operational area means that catching Crimson Rats can be exhausting.

Distress Calls will generally be handled by Internal Security and Cobalt One, but Search and Rescue operatives are welcome to assist with this and Convoy Dispersal 2 signals.