Mission details

[AAHC/AN27] "Moonquake Retrospective" Radican 3B (and 3A) Geological Survey

Mission type
Mission state
Mission completed
5 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Cobalt

Independent and supporting pilots are asked to gather geological data on Radican 3B.

The recent moonquake that severely damaged Pomeroy Biological Installation was not predicted nor adequately prepared for. The Corporation takes full responsibility for this lapse in management and will now rectify this situation, since the disaster relief effort has been completed. We deeply thank all those pilots who tirelessly assisted with bringing Medicines and other necessities for the repairs and maintaining smooth operations.

Information from Radican 3A is also helpful, considering the orbital mechanics of this system. Discovered points of interest will be noted/updated in the full mission briefing.

UPDATE (6th Sep):
Southern Polar Vents confirmed. Proceeding with assessment for installation of seismology equipment.

~ Lucio Harris

Mission details
Though we wish to get a thorough understanding of the seismology of the moon, the surface of Radican 3B is generally relatively flat, meaning that there are large sections of featureless terrain to cover. Since the moon is also relatively small, this means that we can cover much more ground while still maintaining other efforts by using larger, fast ships for basic elevated recon and additional safety/SRV usage.

Even areas that warrant closer investigation will usually have a large flat landing area within reasonable distance. Extra supplies of ship fuel will be available at Pomeroy Installation itself, so please feel free to use all resources at your disposal, but, of course, please also make way for others on the landing pads once your business is concluded.

Those who wish to ensure that their data also reaches Universal Cartographics are encouraged to deliver it to Clark City in Cigui or Yegorov Depot in Ambibeb, from which it will be distributed to our various seismic analysts in the Ambibeb System.

Please note that for various reasons, the Surface Map data for the planet that is available from the HUD in some ships may not show the correct illumination level. Please factor this into your decisions when choosing an investigation site.

The hilly areas 250km and 400km roughly west of Pomeroy Biological Installation show no signs of activity when not facing the Radican star. Cobalt Squadron has been assigned to equatorial surveying, other CMDRs are asked to therefore check the polar and subpolar regions first.

Polar region investigation has pinpointed the Southern Polar Ice Geysers. The Corporation offers its heartfelt thanks to the CMDR who verified their exact location, as we now move to assess the area for installation of more precise seismic monitoring equipment. As the CMDR wished to remain unnamed, we hope to continue to receive their support.

The investigation will be continued for 3-4 more days, in case the installation of equipment at the South Pole proves infeasible, but the mission priority is now lowered to 'Normal'.