Mission details

Operation: Starazor

Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
422 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Allied Vampirial-NanoTechworkers

Planning underway. Public announcement coming soon. [Update]

This serves as AVNT communal squadron merger proposition propaganda, for all newer or veteran Inara.CZ registered users reading this. I am seriously increasing my playtime in ODYSSEY mode and desire to reach out from our Headquarters here at ARGON's REACH and contract new pilot mission interaction aspects of certain anti piracy wing share trade convoys. Coalition Members or Alliance requests can be initiated here indefinitely. *

Mission details

We need to use INARA appropriately, and share mission data publicly in different ways for this type of Roleplay to succeed and grow moving on from my 10Mil Credits buy for a Squadron ID creation on to INARA inception and surface exploration outreach programs verifying non-pirate, Neo-Hacker investigation networking nano tech skill sets. Hence forth in the gal-net as 'AVNT', or 'ALLIED VAMPIRIAL NANOTECHWORKERS' . . . o7

Check us out in GAME near the '[AVNT] RENTAL HANGAR 1' Fleet Carrier we hired for mobile command center purposes from COSMIC INDEPENDENT AGENCY Coalition Ambassador RESOLUTE3K himself.

(Pending further discussion updates NOV 3309 expansion FLIGHT planning with the 'AOOS' team)

Please visit the 'AOOS' Mahon Power Faction Landing page for central data accurately reflecting our overall style for member involvements.