Mission details

Win the war in Veroandi

Mission type
Mission state
Mission failed
21 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Union of Converian Pilots

Every citizen of the Duchy of Converia is kindly asked to contribute to the war effort in Veroandi. If we band together to work against the enemies of harmony and justice, we can and will succeed!

We highly value contributions from other imperial citizens as well and invite all supporters of the Empire to assist us in our efforts. Thank you for your help!

Mission details
After we spent two weeks preparing the liberation and reconquest of Veroandi, our capital and first official acquisition, it is now time to gather our weapons and to head to the battlefield. We must defeat Veroandi Blue Netcoms Inc, the greedy federal corporation that currently occupies our homeland and exploits our hard-working citizens for profit.

Exact information will be shared on our Discord server. You can track the war progress in the Veroandi system overview.