Mission details
Work in the Shadows
Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
2643 days ago
This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Fatal Shadows
Join up with the Fatal Shadows.
Mission details
Do you feel a yearning to belong?
Have you got what it takes to avoid runnning into things (asteroids, stations, other ships, Thargoids, that sort of thing)?
Can you pilot a fast ship through the canyons of Narbago 2 at speeds most people refer to as "reckless"?
If you can Tick two out of three in the above then Fatal Shadows could be just the Squad/Minor Faction that you're looking for, even though you may not have realised you were looking.
We get involved in much while continuing to grow our own area of space and tie together the trading platforms that will make our independent faction prosperous and, well, independent. We actively fly together, fighting, mining, exploring and sight seeing as our universe expands.
We also stick to Open, because we like meeting other space faring people. Anyone of those people could go on to be shield against the Thargoids
Have you got what it takes to avoid runnning into things (asteroids, stations, other ships, Thargoids, that sort of thing)?
Can you pilot a fast ship through the canyons of Narbago 2 at speeds most people refer to as "reckless"?
If you can Tick two out of three in the above then Fatal Shadows could be just the Squad/Minor Faction that you're looking for, even though you may not have realised you were looking.
We get involved in much while continuing to grow our own area of space and tie together the trading platforms that will make our independent faction prosperous and, well, independent. We actively fly together, fighting, mining, exploring and sight seeing as our universe expands.
We also stick to Open, because we like meeting other space faring people. Anyone of those people could go on to be shield against the Thargoids