Mission details

Project Orion

Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
158 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Ghost Legion

Visit all the major stars that make up the constellation of Orion.

Mission details
I completed an expedition to my birth star, the constellation of Cancer some years ago. The idea of doing something similar with a well known constellation such as Orion could be a great idea as it contains some of the brightest and interesting stars. Now this will require some research, the link between real stars and their equivalent within ED is not always clear. Also a decision on which of the stars from the constellation should be included; there are in reality over 30 stars but I would consider the outline of the constellation would be more than enough which equates to 7 major stars plus the nebula that make up Orion's 'Sword' The four outermost stars, Betelguse, Bellatrix, Saiph and Rigel. The 'Belt' stars Ainitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. And finally the nebula that make up the 'Sword'

If you are interested please sign on to the mission and add any information or suggestions. This is no way commits you to taking part in any such expedition. In fact, just how to undertake this is a question in itself. Could it be done as an expedition or done in piecemeal? - a lot depends on distances. Although there are all nicely in a smallish segment of the sky, the are likely to be many light years apart - all part of the research.

If you are a member of the Ghost Legion, you could contribute to the discussions on our Discord channel #project-orion