Mission details

Canyon Racing League

Mission type
Mission state
New orders
1488 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: United Systems Cooperative

Race CMDRs in tight canyons 50m from the ground at high rates of speeds. Things get harry and someone might blow up, but it's a lot of fun.

Mission details
Canyon Racing League

Canyon racing will have four tiers so all CMDRs have a way to participate. The tiers are based on how much engineering is allowed on a ship.
CMDRs are encouraged to buy one of each tier so they can fly with each group. So when you build your G3, don't update the G0, just build another ship.

  • Added to ALL canyon racing ships will be an SRV bay. Some races will combine SRV racing and canyon racing.
  • Grade 5 (G5) racers are encouraged to also carry a flak cannon with drag munitions. Keeps CMDRs honest about keeping way low to avoid boost cutout.

Participating CMDRs will need to build three ships. One for each tier below. CMDRs will also need to connect INARA to their account so the entered ship can be verified. At some point we would like there to be prizes involve and in those cases it is necessary to make sure everyone is following the rules. In the name of the ship please put what G series the ship is built for. (ie. G0 Racer, G3 Racer, G5 Racer).

  • G0 (Grade 0) - Any small ship you like but absolutely no engineering of any kind. You can A-rate and D-rate to your hearts content. G0 Imperial Eagle Build
  • G3 (Grade 3) - Any small ship you like with engineered engines from Felicity Farseer. Felicity has some really nice Enhanced Performance Thrusters for small ships. Combined with the level 3 engineering, these thrusters really move. This tier allows full grade 3 engineering on the thrusters alone. Everything else should be like the G0. G3 Imperial Eagle Build
  • G5 (Grade 5) - Open. Except for the SRV bay you can outfit and engineer this ship however you want. Play with the above G0 and G3 builds on Coriolis to come up with something unique or build a ship from the ground up.
  • G5+ (Grade 5+) Same as G5 but without the SRV bay. These ships are as fast as you can make them, with absolutely no restrictions. Simply not crashing could win you the race.