Mission details

Operation: "Deep cover"

Mission type
Mission state
Mission in progress
2524 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Imperial Privateers

Raise all combat pilots Federation rankings.

Mission details
Greetings Privateers, this is your Patron Natasha Lavigny here.
We have been given this task by the Empress herself to raise all the Imperial Privateers to the rank of Petty Officer in the Federation Navy. This is to enable combat pilots to have the permit for the Sol system.
This is the first step in completing the up coming operation, code named "Burn them all"
Needless to say it is an undercover assignment where the Federation cannot know our true intentions.
LHS 1748 is the closest Federation system to Hruntia and a good place to start.
Good luck out there Privateers.
Strength and honour.
Natasha Lavigny, out.