Squadron operations

Op. Mirror Ball

Mission type
Mission state
New orders
322 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Rekall Inc.

Operation Glitter Bomb

This just might be the biggest mission to come across our desk yet, and it's going to truly demand some talent to see it through.
That's why you're here.

Sometimes life just hands you gold right on a golden platter.
This could be one of those moments.

Recent unfoldments have uncovered a possible rumor worth investigating further. To say this is dangerous....well, Commander, you know the risks.
After all, that's why you're here, isn't it? To see the true depths you can go with a decent ship, some fuel, some determination, and a purpose?

Our corporate spies think that they've revealed a secret of some incredible size being hidden within the new Brookes Galactic Tours. If you haven't taken the tours, get to it fast and report back when you're finished. We're not sure if it's the locations, the parties involved, or the pilots themselves, that are hiding it but something just isn't right. It feels like it's just staring us in the face.

Op. Friends Afar

Mission type
Mission state
New orders
Very high
322 days ago

This mission was set by the allied/supported squadron: Rekall Inc.

Operation Friends Afar

A few of the members of the Long-Range Trade wing within Rekall are trying to convince the higher-ups that after all these years they've finally uncovered a lead on this Mysterious Stranger and his Tip-Off mission business, and they're saying it's linked to a secret Trade industry.
But the biggest news of all is that these just might possibly lead to undiscovered missions.
Old news I know. Pipe Dreams and dead ends, I hear you, Ace. But to these guys, they leave no stone unturned and they really seem convinced this time around. We've already lost contact with one member of the wing. The prognosis of their situation isn't looking good.
We're talking systems way, way out there. The problem of course is tonnage and dragging your ass this many light years to see if it's true.

Whatta ya say? Consider it a vacation! You coming?