Name: Knights of Karma
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 23

Related minor faction: Knights of Karma
Related minor faction: Knights of Colonial Karma

In-game name:
  • PCKnights of Colonial Karma [KOCK]
  • PCKnights of Karma [KRMA]
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About Knights of Karma

The galaxy is dangerous CMDR - and when you’re alone, no one can hear you scream

These were the words spoken to me by a weathered commander at the reception drinks following the 3301 cohort’s inauguration into the esteemed Pilot’s Federation. I’ve never forgotten them, but now more than ever they echo in my mind like whispers off the bulkheads of the bridge.
Hounds are denting our hulls, pirates are taking our painite, high profile VIPs are vanishing and ne’er before seen life forms are being discovered near to inhabited space. This is space….and it is dangerous.

A new force seems to be rising during these troubled times. Seemingly without leadership and direction in the past, this group of disparate pilots have long been dismissed as a nuisance by most CMDRs, but now? Now they seem to have been rounded up and directed down a path, a path that has included a huge investment in both flight training and equipment. This group of so-called “NPCs” have lurched from being a mosquito on the canopy of all but the least experienced CMDR, to a substantial threat in their own right.
This is space and it is dangerous like never before.

An influx of pilot federation allegiances has seen both huge amounts of good, and bad, done by CMDRs with aligned goals. Groups have flung up to attack, to defend, to refuel, to escort and to teach CMDRs.
This is space and it is dangerous, as it always was.

Despite all of this, huge numbers of CMDRs wonder the blackness on their own - telling us tales of woe as they were ambushed by a wing of Vultures, taken down by a lone Elite Anaconda, ambushed by a merciless assassin, obliterated by their own inexperience in this galaxy. And I’m reminded of what that CMDR once said to me – “The galaxy is dangerous CMDR – and when you’re alone, no one can hear you scream”

This is a rallying cry to CMDRs of all creeds. If you, like us, want to help fellow CMDRs to go about their business with the added security of a wingman (or 3) then join with us, the Knights of Karma. By becoming a kok you will be on call to wing with your fellow CMDRs. Whether you excel at pirating, at bounty hunting, at trade or racing there is space for you at the table. We will provide wings to the wingless.

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