Name: Let Freedom Ring 1776
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Arizona
Members: 9

In-game name:
  • PCLet Freedom Ring 1776 [2022]
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About Let Freedom Ring 1776

A Mentoring / Adventure Seeking Organization aimed at helping new players get established and facilitate Adventure Seeking in our Enormous Galaxy. We are a Patriotic Squadron that supports our Military, Veterans, the Police, the U.S. Constitution, our Rights, our Constitutional Republic, the Free Market, and celebrate our Freedom. Military, Veterans, and Law Enforcement are encouraged to join. We encourage free thought and provide a safe place for anyone to share their thoughts, beliefs, and opinion without fear of being silenced, judged, or restricted. In fact we encourage you to do so and debate is ALWAYS WELCOME, when topics of discussion come up. Mostly we stay focused on the mission.

Squadron missions

Sol to Colonia to Sag A Exploration Expedition
Priority: Very high
Mission type: Exploration
First Squadron Mission
Priority: Low
Mission type: Misc

Latest squadron members

HimoutoUmaruElite IPC
Captain Hava-TruckDirectionlessPC
Selo DassElitePC
Phoenix AscendingElite IVPC
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