Name: Mercenary and Mercantile Group
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Members: 10

In-game name:
  • PCMercenary and Mercantile Group [MMGP]
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About Mercenary and Mercantile Group

We are a group of pilots whose main goal is to provide mutual support in all aspects of the game. We are also dedicated to mentoring newer pilots and lending a helping hand. If you're a new recruit looking for some guidance, we're here to help. If you're an old vet who may be interested in lending your expertise, we'd love to add you to our ranks. We do not enforce any particular style of play. We do not require mandatory minimum play time (we're a family first operation). We do maintain an official membership roster for those who actively participate, but we also invite visitors to fly with us at any time (send a private message to DStan or MarcusHellfire for a Discord invite). Play the game your way and have fun doing it!

We are open to contracts with other squadrons
We are not pirates as an organization (individual members' playstyles do not necessarily represent the group as a whole).
We do not support griefing (but we do recognize proper piracy as a legitimate gameplay style).
We are not here to "power level", nor do we officially support fast cash schemes, though cooperative play benefits may be lucrative. You get out what you put into the game.

Latest squadron members

Saitama OPElitePC
Rein TenebresBrokerPC
MarcusHellfireElite IPC
DStan304Elite VPC
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