Name: Rogue Merchanteers
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 11

Related minor faction: Rogue Merchanteers

In-game name:
  • PCRogue Merchanteers [RGME]
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About Rogue Merchanteers

This squadron is currently defunct. Please contact Emeraldnickel through discord if you have any queries relating to the squadron or faction associated. Old description follows.

LIVE ON THE EDGE! We are a minor faction at the border of the bubble and the black. We are a band of CMDRs that are involved with everything from exploration to combat. Our HQ is in HIP 85704. Please reach out to us if you need anything. We are very active in BGS. We hope to meet you soon.

Squadron Identifier: RGME

10 MAY 2022


MY SHIP CAME TO A SUDDEN HALT. I felt the rebound of the landing gear and the drone of the engines shutting down. “Now on to business,” I said to my ship as though it were sentient. My task was salvage, of course, and no Rogue Merchanteer ever passes up an opportunity to make some easy credits. Getting on the good side of the local station also opens up the more lucrative contracts.

As I approached what seemed to be the smoldering remains of a Zorgon Hauler, I felt the usual excited anticipation of the find. My excitement was quickly replaced by disappointment as it became apparent that the ship was already picked clean. “Damn,” I said. “Too late.” Turning to back to my gleaming ship, I caught something in the corner of my eye. It was near one of the broken off winglets. I got on my knees and brushed away the desert sand with my glove. To my surprise, it was an occupied escape pod.

Again, in good spirits, I entered supercruise and lined up with the escape vector. I still couldn’t believe what I found. I went back for another look through the pods small viewing window, Was it human? Was it alien? Could it be some hideous experiment? “Whatever it is, it’s going to make me rich,” I exclaimed again to my not sentient ship. I needed to get this to a big station in a populated system. There, I could find the right contacts.

Suddenly, my ship rocked and heaved away from the course. I instinctively dashed back to the cockpit as I anticipated the soon to follow interdiction alert. “Pirate!” I said out loud, as I veered toward the escape vector. The Fer-de-lance always makes for a tough escape. “I’ve been looking for that escape pod. Jettison it and we will let you off,” said the pirate over the radio. This pod is hot property, I thought. “Another day on the edge,” I muttered to myself with a wry smile. The Fer-de-lance put up a good chase, but to no avail. I was rewarded for my troubles with a scowl from the pirate moments before high waking to safety.

I was greeted by a magnificent red dwarf star as I arrived at my destination system. Right on cue, COVAS notified me of an incoming transmission. “Hello, Rogue Merchanteer, do you know who this is?” I knew exactly who it was; Senator Kristopher Fisher, a local rich governor who had a name for being corrupt and out of touch with the common citizen. “We know you have the pod, drop to my location and I’ll discuss an offer you can’t refuse,” continued the senator. I did business with Senator Fisher in the past, and he always came through good. Well, mostly. “Ok,” I replied, and I nav locked his location.

Sitting onboard the senator’s luxurious Imperial Cutter, he offered me a glass of the finest Lavian Brandy. I accepted it out of politeness, but my mind was more occupied on the deal to be discussed. “You are very trusting coming over here unarmed,” the senator remarked. His sturdy-statured security officer wordlessly smirked in agreement. I reclined the chair. “The best weapon is the one unseen,” I retorted in an overdone Imperial accent. The senator burst into laughter. “Of course, of course!” the senator replied. “What, have you booby trapped the pod?” the senator joked with a smile. “Something like that,” I replied with a wink. “So, what’s the deal?”

“A few years back, I bought a station, or should I say, inherited a station,” began the senator. “Someone with your talents could do a lot with an asset like that, I’m sure. We will transfer legal ownership to you, you give me the pod, and we never meet again, deal?” proposed the senator. Me? The owner of a station? That’s worth more than a pod, I thought. My curiosity regarding the contents of the pod was piqued, but I was not about to spoil the deal by asking unnecessary questions. The rest is history, and here we are. Lark’s Rise, an old industrial Ocellus Starport situated on the edge of the bubble. I do try to make the most of it. What Senator Fisher didn’t tell me is that there are mysterious enemies aplenty, and their intentions are seldom peaceful.

As a Rogue Merchanteer I am determined to look for lucrative opportunities, create alliances, fight wars, and of course, live on the edge.

Latest squadron members

ThijnmensElite VPC
RecklessFoolElite VPC
Chris BertilElitePC
EmeraldnickelElite IVPC
CMDR SeeyfRangerPC
Mr SloppyElite IIPC
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