Name: United Independent Star Squadron
Allegiance: Independent
Power: Arissa Lavigny-Duval
Language: German
Timezone: Vienna
Members: 12

Related minor faction: Last Order

In-game name:
  • PCUnited Independent Star Squadron [UISS]
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About United Independent Star Squadron

We do everything, have no obligations, have the freedom to do whatever we like. Just have fun, be nice. What more is there to say.

"Just look, what i got now! Wait, i'll upload a tiny picture per space message for you:

You got it? Nice! I've always wanted to explore the space. And lucky for me, an old friend of mine lent me his sidewinder.
It all started with a sidewinder - a little, tiny sidewinder -"

Origin: unidentified scan archives.

Latest squadron members

iLystrixElite VPC
DiplexVariableElite VPC
Midnight BagelElite IIPC
FX7R UltimaEntrepreneurPC
CooladinhoElite VPC
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