Name: Marauders Shadowcouncil
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 26

Related minor faction: Marauders Shadowcouncil
Supported minor faction: Marauders Vanguard

In-game name:
  • PCMarauders Shadowcouncil [VANS]
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About Marauders Shadowcouncil

Marauders Shadowcouncil (VANS) was originally set up as a BGS platform to allow members of Marauders Vanguard (VANG) to play Elite's Background Simulation within 'the bubble', due to the remoteness and static nature of VANG's own system in the Pleiades region of the galaxy. The Player Minor Faction (PMF) was established in the Guayeb star system and the Squadron was mostly composed of alt accounts..

In late 2023, the decision was taken to split VANS and VANG into two separate entities, thereby permitting each squadron to pursue their own destinies and policies regarding certain aspects of the game, but to continue to allow the free-flow of CMDRs from one community to another.

Despite its Background Simulation heritage, Marauders Shadowcouncil is not purely about 'the BGS'.

We are proud to be a member of one of the largest groups of squadrons and other organisations dedicated to beating back the Thargoid menace in the Second Thargoid War, and this is is hosted on our Discord. Established squadrons and organisations with an interest in battling the Warring Wallflowers are welcome to send representatives to be part of the mix.

We have a huge mix of CMDRs of all ability levels who enjoy exploring, bounty hunting, shooting aliens in the face, cargo hauling, mining, ferrying passengers, mission running, CQC, and the various other in-game career paths.

So if you're new to the game, feel free to stop by and ask questions - the only 'dumb' question is the one you don't ask.

There's no requirement to join the squadron (although we hope you will once you feel ready), and we only stipulate that you enjoy playing the game at your own pace and you have fun within our Discord community.

Latest squadron members

Tiffany NobbsElitePC
AleisterEndElite IPranav Antal
KryonysElitePranav Antal
Thalia GraymantleEntrepreneurPC
Radar1AlxElite VPranav Antal
Holy NothingElite VPC
Salty Devil DogElite VPranav Antal
MatticusLongElite IPC
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