Name: Oceanic Wing
Allegiance: Pirate
Power: Archon Delaine
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 2

Related minor faction: Oceanic Wing
Supported minor faction: Oceanic Wing

In-game name:
  • PCOceanic Wing [WING]
  • XBOceanic Wing [OWNG]
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About Oceanic Wing

Oceanic Wing is a criminal anarchist faction that rejects hierarchical organisations and authority. Its members hold many ideologies but all agree that the galaxy should remain a lawless frontier, free of political and centralised government. Oceanic Wing has no use for 'Crime & Punishment' imposed by governing star systems. Since it is unlikely it will be able to repeal the law, it has set upon a course to simply dispose of governments supporting it, leaving lawless societies in their place.

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