Name: The Terran Federation
Allegiance: Federation
Language: English
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Members: 6

Related minor faction: Terran Liberty Party

In-game name:
  • PCThe Terran Federation [TRNF]
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About The Terran Federation

"Thus far let us lawfully tread, and no further." ~Isaac Gellan

Established 3307, The Terran Federation was created in the image of our forefathers original intent. Over the course of hundreds of years, the interstellar spread of empirical grandeur has grown exponentially, leaving the galaxy in shackles and treading on the very basic freedoms of man. The Terran Federation is an independent military corporation with close ties to the Federation, which aligns its beliefs and objectives with its core values of benevolence, freedom, and violence in the name thereof. The Terran Federation exists, in state of constant expanse, until the individual rights and personal freedoms of the galaxy are tread on no longer.

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