Name: Pilot Federation Flight School
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 7

Supported minor faction: 38 Lyncis Comms Network

In-game name:
  • PCPilot Federation Flight School [PFFS]
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About Pilot Federation Flight School

Started to help Pilots learn everything they can about their ship and what is needed to do various activities in the game. Experienced pilots who join are asked to be willing to help instruct newer pilots as well as utilize information in a way as to not overwhelm and confuse. Gaining ranks within the school is simply to show working knowledge of how to do things within your ship. As ranks progress upward more knowledge is expected to be shown. those who are newer to the school are asked to be patient with their learning and their instructors as we encourage a careful approach in helping those to minimize risk to themselves and their ships.

Any factions who choose to Ally with us and our school will gain the benefits of our training force should you require it

Latest squadron members

XxCPT REDxXEntrepreneurXB
Kryptech KnightMerchantPC
Max VoidElitePC
Kat KatzPathfinderPC
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