Name: Omega Mining Security Force
Allegiance: Independent
Members: 1

In-game name:
  • PCOmega Mining Security Force [OMSF]
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About Omega Mining Security Force

Omega Mining Security Force, or OMSF, was established in December 3307 to promote better security for the Omega Mining Corporation. While OMSF is not officially employed by OMC, its members recognize the important role that OMC plays in galactic trade and exploration, and lend our guns to their service and in service to the furtherance of humanity as a whole into the stars.

As of 3310, OMSF has indefinitely suspended all of its security operations. Citing "restless butt syndrome" CMDR Chuck, OMSF's sole member, has emigrated to the Colonia region, where he provides similar anti-piracy services to the systems surrounding Carcosa.

Membership in OMSF remains open to any lawful or "legally grey yet morally right" players who would seek to join it.

Latest squadron members

chuckdmEliteYuri Grom
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