Name: ACME Aerospace Industries
Allegiance: Empire
Power: Aisling Duval
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 13

In-game name:
  • PCACME Aerospace Industries [ACAI]
  • XBACME Aerospace Industries [AERO]
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About ACME Aerospace Industries


Welcome to the home of ACME Aerospace Industries on Inara! If you wish to apply for membership, please join us on discord at In-game, our squadron can be found by searching for the four-letter tag 'AERO' for Xbox and 'ACAI' for PC.

We are a welcoming Imperial squadron of liked minded individuals that for whatever reason, regularly like to play together.

This squadron tends to enjoy doing every activity this game has to offer. We like to think of ourselves as a jack of all trades and a master of none.

Our goal is to have fun and take as many people we can with us for the ride.

Latest squadron members

XGN BlazeShadowElite VPC
Imdjd gamingElite
Weasel CrusaderElitePS
Little Wombat70ElitePC
WearifulSpider0Elite IIPC
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