Name: Raxxla Seekers Society
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 3

Supported minor faction: The Dark Wheel
Supported minor faction: Raxxla Research

In-game name:
  • PCRaxxla Seekers Society [RXSS]
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About Raxxla Seekers Society

greetings commander! do you think you have what it takes to help our corporation grow? to perhaps one day own some of our own space?
then apply to become a contractee today! if you do your duties willingly and capably then you may one day qualify for full broker status! start making deals on our behalf instead of just concluding the ones made for you!
all sorts of work available! want go kill someone? yeah, we got that! want to ship some shi... stuff? yeah we got that too! wanna do any of the other 42,000 different tasks available, and contribute to something that will give you dividends back?
on the side, we are also keeping an eye out for raxxla... ive got a theory or two.

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