Name: Free Systems Council
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 3

In-game name:
  • PCFree Systems Council [FSYC]
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About Free Systems Council

The Free Systems Council was founded on 21/10/3308, as another faction faced pressure when its leadership retired. Leaving a feeling of aimlessness at an unprecedented time in history as incoming UIA's approach the human space with unknown intent.

FSyC aims to be diverse by proudly holding high reputations in the Federation and Empire with good working relationships with all major influences.

We are officially Independent but hold special ties to Alliance democratic politics and logical proposals to problems.

As one of the galaxy's newest squadrons, we are still looking for a home system and faction.
Currently we help some chosen factions increase their influence using every skill set available to provide strong support to our allies.

Our Institution
How do you fit in?
Free Systems Council is made to suit all CMDR styles.
Find the department that needs you below.

FSyC Rangers
A multiskilled combat wing, able to deploy in space or on the surface.
They operate under strict rules of engagement and focus on legal conflicts and the galaxy's wider Community Goals.

FSyC Ai (Academic Institute)
Scientific wing that carry out our official research expeditions, galactic mapping and field reports on major events.
Also able to give expert mentoring in all fields to any CMDR looking to upgrade their skill set.

FSyC Shadow Wing
This elite wing undertakes the actions deemed illegal but necessary and sanctioned only at the highest level.

They look after our allies systems Influence and own a personal fleet able to complete any task given to them.

"All final actions are at the discretion of the CMDR that accepts the mission. That CMDR has the final say on what is right in that situation.

FSyC S&R (Search & Rescue)
First responders, specialise in damaged star port extraction, Settlement power ups. Some links to slave trade disruption.

FSyC Private Sector
-Mining and Trade
Many independent contractors pick up mining, logistic and salvage work through various partnered corporate entities.

Our system needs culture!
Graphic artists, journalists, radio presenters, tight beam broadcasters.
All content creators are more than welcome to use any of our assets to enhance the world building experience.

-Spartan Tourism
Spartan Tourism carries its passengers in battle ready ships to any system.
Go far, go fast but most importantly go strong!

How to Join

HR queries can be sent to CMDR Carsie

Use your ship's right side panel to access “Squadrons” and search for Free Systems Council or use the tag FSYC.

Latest squadron members

CarsieElite VPC
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