Name: Trusted Seas
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Edmund Mahon
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
Members: 10

In-game name:
  • PCTrusted Seas [TSED]
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About Trusted Seas

Trusted Seas is a welcoming, transparent community. We're currently the largest community for an online submarine game called "Barotrauma" with a Discord member count of 2,300+ - We recently decided to expand into Elite: Dangerous. We bring forward experienced leadership that's honest and able to take criticism, veteran players that are happy to help show new players the ropes, alongside complete transparency with absolutely no expectation to sacrifice IRL time for video games. You'll find many friends here, and have an awesome time!

We're a PvE/Consensual PvP Squadron that's aligned with Edmund Mahon and work with the Alliance. You may do Fed/Imperial rank missions and powerplay provided it's not actively harming any operations that we're doing for the Alliance. - We do everything from bounty hunting/conflict zones, Thargoid hunting, alongside exploration and trading.

Regardless if you've been playing since 2015, or just picking up the game, we absolutely want you onboard. We're also more than happy to work with other communities to accomplish their goals.

Join our Discord @


Latest squadron members

Ophy AceroRangerPC
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